These are the billboards that our church (genesischurch.tv) currently has up all over town. Pastor Hunter is doing a messge series about having sex God's way. As in, keeping it in marriage between a man and a woman. Over the next 4 weeks he is going to be teaching us about what the Word says about sex and how to live God's way in a world that says the opposite. He is going to speak about homosexuality, pornography, pre-marital sex, adultery and everything else you can think of that normal people struggle with and have no idea how to cope with in a biblical manner. It is a brilliant message series that absolutly needs to be spoken candidly, tastefully and honestly...and he is doing just that.
I knew it was a gutsy move for Pastor Hunter to do this message series and to advertise it like this...but I also knew that it would get people's attention, and that we probably wouldn't be able to fit all of the people into the auditorium on Sunday morning...but I didn't expect what a stir these bill boards and this series would have in our city. If you go to the link www.bestsexever.org, it brings you to our church's website and explains the message series. It's meant to look entriguing to the unbeliever...it's meant to look like something an average Joe would want to check out...what they get is anything but pornography....they get an invitation to church. Pretty awesome right?
Well alot of people in our city don't seem to think so. Especially the other churches. Pastor Hunter read an email out loud in the service on Sunday that he received from a fellow 'brother in Christ'. It said that we were to be ashamed of ourselves...that our church was a sign of the end times and that the only reason anyone would come to our church would be if they were looking for an orgy....another woman wrote and was appauled that her 8 year old had to see these images on billboards....as if that child isn't bombarded with disgusting sexual images everyday just by using a computer and watching television commercials.
I say to anyone who has a problem with this to get a life. I think this message series is not only appropriate but necessary. I think it is going to have an impact on the rate of teen pregnancy, abortion, STD's, AIDS, divorce, sexual abuse and adultery in the city of Tallahassee and who knows where else. For once a homosexual person who is alone and confused can come to church and learn how to face this cross they have upon their shoulders..they can learn that God wants something better for them...not that they are hated and disgusting. I think church is exactly where our kids need to be learning about sex...better there then on the playground..cause as sad as it is, 8 year olds know way too much about the wrong kind of sex and it's our job to teach them a better way....and if people come to our church looking for an orgy and they get Jesus instead..I say AMEN to that!
So if you wanna hear a great message about the best sex ever, the sex that God created and how to live with purity in a dirty world, check out www.bestsexever.org
I think the billboards are brilliant
Preach it, sister!
I don't know about Jesus and all that, but damn, www.bestsexever.org is a well made webpage.
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