Thursday, February 15, 2007

Random funny things about my kid

- Two nights in a row I put my son in the bathtub with his socks's that for distracted?
- The other day Caden was saying 'Dada' and I tried to get him to say 'Mama'. He said 'Dada' again so I tried saying, "Mmmmmm Mama," to which he replied, "Mmmmmm Dada."
- He says the word, 'dog' when he sees Dakota or any dog at all really, and waves when someone says, "Bye, Bye." He is also finished with formula and drinks whole milk like a big boy. Where did the time go?
-After months and months of constant spitting up, his acid reflux is considerably better and neither one of us smell like sour milk least not usually.
- Caden has two bottom teeth that are up and fully visible and two top teeth that are just breaking through.
- I am yet to find a food that my Son will not eat.
- I don't think the boy has any concept of the word 'stranger' and charms the pants off of people, everywhere we go.
- He may look like Jay, but the poor bugger's got my hair. He is one big ball of static electricity.
- He is very close to walking and has taken several unassisted steps.
- He is still petrified of the vacuum cleaner.
- For Valentines Day, Caden pooped about 10 times. He is very thoughtful like that.
- On March 4th Caden will turn the big one, on March 3rd we will be having a party at Tom Brown Park and you're all invited!


The Secret of Happiness said...

I wish I could go to the party!

Honeydew said...

Your not the only one, Kristy!

Stephanie said...

Wow! So much has happened in one year! And he's walking now!?!