Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Results Are In:

I have a lot of 'sludge' in my gall bladder.
Good news: It doesn't need to come out this second, and I got the diagnoses while insured so hopefully it won't be consider a pre-existing condition if it needs to come out down the road.
We'll know in the next couple of months whether it will need to come out. I've been told to avoid fatty foods altogether and that regardless my pain may get worse...not a fan of this diagnoses considering I'm going home in two weeks and I was planning on eating french fries with gravy, chocolate cake and mom's famous honey garlic ribs until my pants don't button...but I guess I'll have to enjoy all of those things in moderation.
Thanks for the prayers. I'll keep you posted.
In the mean time, my mother has given me the name, "Sludgy Guts"


Dana said...

yikes! Sorry to hear that. I can go eat that food in your place since I don't have my gallbladder anymore. No, no, I would do that for you! Seriously! Before I knew that my gall bladder was "bad" I remember eating a bag of chips and it not bothering me and then eating a bowl of rice rispies and having a major attack. Weird. And I'm only "allowing" you to leave because you missed Christmas ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh dear!

You are in good company - the same was said about my "former gall bladder".

Life will return back to normal after it's gone. You will be able to eat your favorite foods once again but in moderation.

When you go home tell Mom that you want bona fide "rain check" coupons of your favorite foods in writing - so that you can collect on your favorite foods later! :)