Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Do Not Have a Kidney Infection

That's the only thing I know for sure at this point.
Thank you Urgent Care for informing me of this, making me wait 3 hours and charging me $115.00.
Let me back up....
I've been having some issues with my innards for a few months. Discomfort, bathroom problems, random pains, gas like a 18 wheeler...sorry, I have to be honest...and since I don't have health insurance, I did not seek medical assistance and hoped it would go away.
Today, I have a constant, aching pain under my right shoulder blade and some tummy issues that are commonly related to gall bladder problems. I've quizzed a lot of my gall bladder-less friends (the majority of which had their gall bladders removed when their child was 3...go figure) and although every one's symptoms are slightly different, mine sound awfully similar to all of them and so I decided it was time to get it checked.
Saturday I was pretty uncomfortable so since both Jay and Amber were home, I figured it was as good a time as any to go the Dr. I chose an urgent care since they would bill me later and wouldn't cost as much as the emergency room. Jay brought me in while Amber held down the fort and 3 hours later I was told (after only a urine test) that I did not have a UTI or kidney infection (which I didn't think I had anyway) that my pain was probably caused by nothing and in his brilliant opinion, "I can get you a Cat Scan but it won't show anything and it'll cost you $5000.00."
Thanks Dr. Helpful.
I came home ANGRY and still hurting. He did ask me if I wanted anything for pain but I turned him down. I hate medicated myself. Pain is an indicator that something is wrong and if something is wrong I want to know about it.
I called my primary care Dr. yesterday and explained everything that's been happening since March and she told me to come in. She took a great deal of time with me, told me she thought it was my gall bladder but insisted that the only way we could know for sure would be to have an ultrasound. She found out that the cost would be $175.00 which I could make payments on. I can live with that.
She also discounted my office visit and I ended up paying less for my uninsured office visit than I would have for my insurance co-pay. I love good people.
The ultrasound is scheduled for next Thursday. They offered to get me in this week but I gave myself some time to find out insurance options. If it is my gall bladder, the ultrasound will prove my pain to be a 'pre-existing condition' and any surgery or treatment I need later (whether I get insurance or not) would not be covered. I'm hoping I can get a cheap, temp policy between now and next week. We'll see...
So there is my saga. If she rules out the gall bladder I'm going to assume that my pain is caused from my back/rib that keeps popping out of place and the muscles associated with it and I will never see another dr. besides my precious Chiropractor ever again. *Hmph*
In better news, TONIGHT IS CIRQUE DE SOLEIL! So excited about yummy dinner at a fancy pants restaurant, being front and centre for an amazing show and the new dress I bought for $9.99. I'm going to swing by Country Dollar and grab some jewelery for $2.00 then I'll be all set!

Dress: $9.99
Accessories: $2.00
Dinner for four and Cirque De Soleil: FREE
Awesome night out with great friends: Priceless

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pay attention to what foods you eat: high fat, fried and spicy foods tend to cause gall bladder attacks (pain). Pain usually follows these food groups.

I will pray for you in the meantime.