Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Le Cirque!

We had a super fun evening with our friends Micah and Abby at Harry's Restaurant and Cirque du Soleil. Harry's was FREE due to the video contest winnings (thanks again for voting!) so I totally ordered the most expensive thing on the menu. Yummy filet mignon.
After dinner we headed to le Cirque and it was amazing...I felt crazy out of shape watching these insanely fit people shimmy up poles and ropes like it was nothing and flipping from trapeze's 40 feet in the air. It was almost unbelievable.
All in all, an incredible evening. I am going to write my contact at the local newspaper and ask if she would like me to write an article highlighting the event (since the contest I won was technically through the paper) and I figure it's worth a shot!
Had a great time. A super great time.


The Secret of Happiness said...

I'm glad you had a wonderful evening!
Great idea about contacting the newspaper - might be a foot in the door for a column????

Kathy said...

I'd LOVE to be a never know!

Anonymous said...

Anything you'd write for the Democrat would definitely improve the paper!

At least it would be worth reading over most of the stuff they presently print!