Friday, February 06, 2009


Thanks friends who commented, called or emailed after reading my post yesterday. I have some seriously awesome friends. I apologize for missing every single one of your calls though :( phone is on it's way out (switches to silent on it's own, drops every call) and I'm in the process of getting another one.
I have a fantastic life and I hope I didn't come across as whiny or ungrateful. I think I'm just worn down from two weeks of nothing but illness and the seclusion of my house in the middle of nowhere. I still don't feel 100% healthy, so that is a large contributor as well. Luckily, we are all getting better quickly. Health and happiness have a tendency to go hand in hand sometimes. Next week we will make a point to get out of the house daily and feel the sunshine (or frost bite!) on our skin...even if we just end up pulling weeds in the backyard.
Bottom line is I'd rather have a touch of loneliness while spending more time with Caden then to socialize all day without him being around. Life is sweeter now than it has been because I feel good about how I'm spending my time...I'd take lonliness over guilt any day of the week. Caden makes me smile, big time.
And so do you. Thanks Amigos!

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