Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Sorry for my temporary absence. Sickness has descended upon my home and I haven't had time to do anything but administer medicines, wipes noses and drive back and forth to the doctor. Just this week we have spent $178.00 on doctors visits and prescriptions. Not a fun way to spend cash you don't have.
Another $157.00 was spent at the vet because yes, even the dog is sick.
Diagnoses? Double ear infections for Caden and Dakota. Caden's eyes also became infected so he needed eye drops as well as anti-biotics. The anti-biotics gave him small hives so we had to discontinue using that $40.00 bottle after only 2 doses. Argh.
The medicine drawer in the kitchen is bursting at the seams. Vitamins, decongestants and eye drops for Caden, ear wash an ear drops for Dakota and anti-biotics, nasal spray and eye drops for me.
In addition to the corneal infection in my right eye (which I believe is pretty much done...I can't wait to get my contact lenses back!) I have developed a sinus infection that is causing me to feel like I have a piece of glass wedged in my throat. Convenient time to be uninsured (sarcasm).
Jay, so far, has dodged the bullet. So have the cats...who never seem to cause much trouble aside from random hairballs.
There has been a lot of napping and television watching in the Stock house. Luckily, I don't need to worry about asking my boss for time off in the midst of all these infections. With more lay offs occurring at my former place of business, I believe my job would have been terminated whether I volunteered for it to happen or not. Everything happens for a reason and I know God has big plans for everyone who finds themselves unsure in these scary economic times.
So far today, Caden and I are still in our pajamas, we put on woolen socks and skated on the kitchen floor, we coloured, did laundry together, watched cartoons, had a snack and are really enjoying all of this new found time with one another. I can't believe I was missing out on this for so long. It is so much more exhausting but so much more rewarding. Working was a nice mental break but at times, the silence was deafening and I found myself longing for the sounds of my son's voice, whether it was whiny or not. It's weird because in the quiet of my cubicle I felt chaotic and out of control in my spirit. Now, I have peace and am less high strung even though I'm in the midst of crazy, toddler chaos 24/7.
I love being home with my boy, even on the snotty nose days.


Anonymous said...

I had 16 years of looking after 2 beautiful daughters and i am sure there were days i would rather shoot myself in the foot but looking back they are all a blur and i only remember the laughter,chocolate cookies,tents under the dining room table and( jobs)our favorite games. Good times please cherish them.

Dana said...

bless your hearts! I hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Need us to help you with anything?

I would PAY for a picture of you and Caden skating on the kitchen floor in your socks - LOL!

Steve and I will pray for you guys!

Anonymous said...


LONG TIME NO SEE, OR SPEAK!!! (I really don't use facebook!) Megan just showed me your Blog... WOW YOU BLOG A LOT!!! Is "Blogaholic" a word?

How is everything? Drop me a line sometime! You can get my info from

Talk later!

Marc Cooper