Thursday, February 12, 2009

From Lonely to Crazy

A week ago I was feeling pretty lonely...this week, I'm craving some alone time! I guess you need to be careful what you pray for ;)
I have been freelancing and helping out at a spa in Tallahassee during the times Caden is in school/with Amber. On Tuesday evening I had an audition at a restaurant for a pianist position.
I walk in to meet the hostess who says, "Are you Kathy?"
I say, "Yes."
She says, "O great! He's going to love you! He loves brunettes!"
At this point I got nervous...I'm not much for womanizers and was picturing a dirty, old, single man with bad intentions to interview me. Turns out, he's an adorable, little Greek man named George who runs a friendly, easy going, family business. We spoke for a few minutes, he asked what he should pay me, I gave him a number and he gave me a higher one. I didn't complain.
I played the piano for a few minutes and he said, "You're hired!"
Wednesday I found some equipment to sing with and Wednesday night I went in for my first full gig. It was a bit slow, but I made 30 bucks in tips and am hoping to make a lot more on Friday and Saturday night. My regular schedule after this week will be Thursday-Saturday from 6-9.
With the spa work in the day and the piano gig at night, one family car and a three year old, it's been a crazy week! Not an ounce of loneliness to be found!
Next week, things will normal out a little.
I also should be receiving the book contract any day in the mail. I check daily with anticipation.
I'm so excited, blessed and humbled to finally be in positions that fit my interests and skill set. I prayed that God would place this square peg in a square hole, and He answered...big time.
After a lot of prayer and a gut feeling, we decided to not pursue the real estate deal we had been looking at. Instead, we were introduced to a fantastic realtor who is aggressive and enthusiastic about selling our home quickly. We are excited to see what happens.


sarah jewett clarke said...

kathy, i am so thrilled for you! God is good.

jny said...

You're so cool. I wanna be Canadian when I grow up.