Friday, February 20, 2009

Moving On

This week will be spent packing up the house. I've moved through the stages of denial, anger, depression and I'm getting excited.
Our goal is to move into Tallahassee by March 1. I have to say, it's bitter sweet. I was hoping that when we moved away we would be completely cut from the ties of this house but I believe that with the house vacant, when the price is right, it will sell quickly.
For months we had been forcasting this time in our lives, hoping the house would sell prior to it, but since it hasn't we are making lemonade out of lemons and shipping out. We found a great place in the middle of Tallahassee, close to everything. The thought of having a 10 minute commute to anywhere is unfathomable now. I truly believe we will be healthier in every area of our lives once we are situated in the city. Financially, we will recover and begin thriving again. Emotionally, we won't feel the sting of seclusion and lonliness anymore. Physically, we will not be exhausted from the constant commuting and eating on the fly. As a family we will be able to take back all of the time we spend in the car and just be together, enjoying eachother's company. Caden won't have to suffer through anymore 1.5 hour treks into town and back again. Oh my gosh, it will be fantastic.
The miracle I am praying for is that someone chooses to purchase the house in March, but we are at peace with whatever happens.
"They can't eat us." - Jason Stock
Moving out is a step of faith...well, I'm not sure if it's fair to call it a step of faith when it feels like we have no other choice, but we certainly rely on our faith to keep the stress at bay.
I look forward to the move. If anyone has boxes, send them our way. We've found a great place but we're waiting to hear back as to whether they will accept pets.
When/if we move into our new place, we're going to have the biggest party ever. Consider yourself invited.


Dana said...

And I hope I'm on your list of people to call to help you move. Helped move you in...must help move you out! ;-)

The Secret of Happiness said...

Remember the show The Littlest Hobo? I started singing the theme song when I read the title of your posting..."maybe tomorrow I'll want to settle down, until tomorrow I'll just keep movin' on."

Thinking about you guys!