Saturday, August 02, 2008


I am cleaning up my house, throwing out trash, donating things to goodwill like crazy, selling whatever valuables we don't use and organizing everything in hopes of moving sometime soon.
Selling the house in this market for what we need to sell it for is seeming to be an impossible task...but I've been reading alot in God's word about hope lately and am no longer afraid to do so for fear of being let down.
My new perspective: The house will sell at the perfect time in the perfect scenerio whether that is today, tomorrow or in 2037...(although I may be a little deflated by that time) because we've given it to God and His will is perfect.
God's timing is perfect and he sees the whole picture. Our potential buyers from last month confirmed yesterday that they are going with another house to avoid the commute...but I am not discouraged...when we trust God with our problems and compare them to His vastness and greatness, they pale in comparison and we can all breathe a little bit easier.
I think I've got a better grasp on my insane schedule. I unfortunatly do not have as much time to take and upload videos and photos like before...but I am going to try and post something for those of you jonesin for Caden pics by the end of the night.
Until then, I must take advantage of what's left of nap time to shower and continue the purge.

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