Sunday, August 10, 2008

the main thing

Although church started this morning at 6am, it was one of the most refreshing church experiences I've had in a long time. Since Leon High School decided to kick us out of the auditorium, we were forced to pull together in the wee hours of the morning and set up church in the gym. This meant cutting back on some of the things we normally do. Instead of an elaborate band and set up, we had an acoustic set with just three of us. 2 guitars and harmonies. I thrive in that setting.
Because of the setting and time/help restrictions, we had to have the congregation sit on the gym bleachers, which I'm sure was not comfortable for them, but it caused us all to be in close proximity to each other which I LOVE. I love being able to hear congregational singing and see the joy on the faces of people worshipping. It was great. Normally we are so far away from everyone I never even know who comes to our church. I think (despite the discomfort of the seating) people responded really well to the setting too. The lights came and went a few times, but I noticed that no one even flinched. With hands held high, they kept singing and worshiping and praying because this week we truly were focused on the main thing and it was awesome.I'm not a high maintenance person so I'm not bothered when things aren't perfect, although I understand and appreciate our church's commitment to creating an atmosphere conducive for worship....but today it was really nice to just sit back, not take ourselves so seriously and just enjoy being together without (as the saying goes) all the 'bells and whistles'. As awkward and uncomfortable as it may have been, I really felt like I went to church today. I really felt like we made the main thing, the main thing.
On Friday I started to feel really sick again and I began praying and asking God to forgive me for complaining about my hectic schedule. I don't participate in church or play music because I'm forced to. I don't do it for recognition or for status. I do it because I love doing it and it draws me close to God while He works through me in a way I could never accomplish on my own. I'm so thankful for the gift of music and song and I never want to take it for granted. I got to rest a bit on Friday and was able to get to the wedding rehearsal where I felt a lot better. Today (since it's been a strenuous day at the end of a very ill week) was difficult, but the fatigue and tummy issues paled in comparison to the joy I found in worshipping Christ with my friends today.
Sometimes it takes a slap in the face to remember how great things are...or in my case, a stomach bug.
Now in less than a week I will be on a plane bound for Canada to see my mother, sister, brother-in-law and brand new nephew, Evan. This year has been filled with travel, all thanks to parental airmiles. This will be the 3rd time I get to see my mom since March and the second time I see my sister since April...which is usually 3 or 4 years worth of visiting in a 5 month span.
'Thanks Mom for flying me around the world because you love me and want to see me...thanks for making it possible for me to take this trip when I know how many strings you have to pull with work and Nan just to get away yourself. When Caden becomes a famous drummer I'll pay you back :)'

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