Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wanted: Prayer

We had a great couple come and look at our house today. They seem like the perfect fit and loved everything about the house...including the paint in Caden's room which I thought for sure would make anyone without a little boy cringe...but I said we would repaint it and they said, "No, we like it!"
I had 40 minutes to get the house ready to show, and with Jay working and Caden under my feet, it was a difficult task! But we pulled it off and they actually loved the fact that Caden was there, pulling them by the hands to come play with him the back yard. Caden, the realtor.
They are a sweet, young couple, originally from the country who are looking to start a family and really love our home and property. It makes me happy to think someone like them could make a life here. It's the perfect scenerio.
Pray that everything will work out, that they'll make an offer, everything will run smoothly and that God will be at the center of this sale.
If this pans out, it is TRULY a testiment to the power of this market and the current economy, to sell our home in less than 3 weeks without a realtor would be nothing short of the power and faithfulness of God. We put this in his hands from the start and are blessed to see prayer and faith coming to fruition.
Pray for us! I'll keep you posted..


sarah jewett clarke said...

praying hard....

Kathy said...

thanks love