Tuesday, July 01, 2008


And no, this is not a made-up day. Click here if you would like to read the history.
I know I've posted this before...but it's too funny...Canadians generally are not this 'in-your-face' about their national pride, but it cracks me up how obnoxious he becomes and then how he has to wrap it up Canada style with a polite and quiet, "Thank you" at the end. Classic. Enjoy.

(disclaimer: I am not intending to advertise or promote the consumption of alcohol by posting this video to my blog...i only intend to promote hilarity.)
Happy Canada Day to my friends, no matter where you're from. I intend on partying hard on July 4th in celebration of a nation that houses many people I love, so America, feel free to do the same today!

1 comment:

The Secret of Happiness said...

As much as that commercial makes me laugh, it usually makes me weepy!


I miss my home!