Tuesday, July 08, 2008

the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

Caden may not look like me but lately I am starting to see some serious personality similarities between me and my little man.
His musical ability is pretty amazing...he has crazy mad skillz on the drums and lately has shown big time interest in the guitar. On Sunday he was watching us practice while strumming his sippy cup. He amazes me...but then again, I'm a bit biased.
I was telling friends on July 4th that it's silly because he's only 2, but I am already so proud of him. He tests my patience like nothing ever has, but for the most part he is a good boy who LOVES people and had never met a stranger. He is warm and friendly, hilarious and talented...and I also see a depth in him that I know God is going to use to draw him close to Himself.
I sing a song in church frequently called, "Hosanna" and one of the lines says, "I see a generation rising up to take their place with selfless faith." I always picture my boy leading people to Christ when I sing that and I don't think I've ever gotten through it without being covered in goosebumps...or tingles :) inside joke.
I have days where I feel like a complete failure as a parent, and I have days that I wish I could live over and over again..I have days that are exhilarating because of his energy and some days that are exhausting because of the same reason...but I am incredibly blessed to be this boys mother and I hope that I do him justice by raising him right.
Right now he is sitting by the tv stand, playing with tiny plastic animals...sound familiar, Mom?
I use to sit in the corner of the living room, playing with a tiny cup of glass animals for hours at a time..it's funny to see my child doing the exact same thing...except he sits there for about 2 minutes until he gets bored and needs a change of scenery.
That part he gets from his Dad. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tingles, it's always tingles and never goosebumps. Goosebumps is a word people made up because they were ashamed to say tingles. Not me though, I only want people to have tingles. ;)