Our trip to Newfoundland was incredible. The best visit ever. We had great times with amazing family and friends. I was pretty bummed yesterday when I had to leave but now that we're in our own house it's good to be back.
My thoughts are kind of swirling around my head now...I'm homesick but I am glad to be 'home' here in Florida. I'm learning that it's possible to be perfectly content in two completely different places and this makes decision making very difficult.
I just wish I could teleport whenever I wanted, but this has not been invented yet.
Travelling yesterday was crazy. I didn't sleep at all Tuesday night and we left our hotel in St. John's at 3:30am yesterday morning, getting into our house in Crawfordville at 8:00pm last night. I wanted to watch the Stanley Cup Finals and upload my photos to facebook/myspace so I stayed up until midnight doing that.
Detroit won the cup, The first Newfoundlander to ever win the cup was on the winning team, I posted all 400 of my pics to facebook and myspace, and then I went to bed. Before going to bed i checked my email and I had a message from the owner of the boutique where I freelance, asking me to come in today. I love working there and want to be as available as I can be whenever they call me, so I decided to not take a day to relax and unpack.
This morning we left the house at 9. Caden went to school where every child in his class ran and greeted him at the door with hugs. He was missed apparantly.
After working at the boutique, getting Caden from school and going back into town for worship team practice, we just got home at 9:30pm. I'm so wiped. I need a vacation from being on vacation :)
1 comment:
P.s. I'm back to the land of Blogging -- I'm kind of sick of facebook(if that's possible!!!!!!!)
I need some blog love!
KATHYRN AKA Mommy Girl Squad!
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