Wednesday, August 01, 2007


6:00am - Woke up and realizing that I actually slept all through the night, rolled over and went back to sleep.

7:30am - Caden woke up, so I did too. Luckily he woke up humming 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star' instead of screaming 'Bloody Murder'.

7:40am - Had breakfast. Bowl of Branflakes for me, waffle and 1/2 banana for Caden.

7:50am - Got in the shower and got ready while Caden finished his breakfast and watched 'Playhouse Disney'

8:30am - Washed the syrup off of Caden and got him and his diaper bag ready for the day.

9:00am - Piled Caden, his gear, a lasagna, some brownies,a frozen garlic bread and a baby outfit into the car and headed into town.

9:40am - Dropped off dinner and a baby outfit for a family who just had a baby girl...she is absolutly beautiful by the way. Congratulations Boucher Family!

10:20am - Arrived at the GC annex to do some volunteer painting.

11:30am - Left the annex after discovering we didn't have the right supplies for the job...I shall return tomorrow.

12:15pm - Ate turkey sandwiches while watching, 'Handy Manny' and 'The Doodle Bops'.

1:00pm - Caden went down for a nap. I talked to my mom, I pulled weeds in the flower bed, recorded the meter reading online, read a little, talked to Amy and Angela on the phone, browsed around the internet and cleaned up the house.

3:00pm - Caden woke up, had a snack and we headed out to the Goodwill. On the way we blew a tire, flagged down a car occupied by two very sweet gentlemen who replaced the tire with the fake tire from the trunk.

3:30pm - We continued to the Goodwill where Caden threw a fit because he wanted to play with a red, 10 pound bowling ball...I distracted him with animal crackers and we found an adorable little night stand for $2.99, perfect for the spare bedroom! YAY GOODWILL!

4:00pm - We headed home, but made an unscheduled visit to the playground for some swing time.

4:45pm - We headed home for real

5:00pm - We ate left over lasagna, cleaned up, played ball, Caden threw a couple of fits because Dakota wouldn't fetch the ball when he threw it and watched 'Stuart Little'

6:15pm - Britt came over to pick us up and we headed to the park for a walk.

7:00pm - Britt brought us home after a good walk and some fun talk..heehee that rhymes.

7:15pm - Gave Caden a bath and dressed him for bed.

7:40pm - Caden and I shared a banana and listened to, 'Do your ears hang low' (sung by his musical dog) over and over and over.

7:55pm - Gave Caden his medicine and read him two thrilling books, 'Curious George' and 'The Duck Book'.

8:00pm - Tucked Caden in, said prayers and turned out the lights.

8:01pm - Warmed up a brownie in the microwave and watched some mindless tv.

8:30pm - Talked to Julie on the phone.

9:00pm - Sat down at the computer to waste time.

9:27pm - The time it is right now. From this moment on I will probably do some more internet surfing, watch 'The Cosby Show', get ready for bed, miss my husband, say my prayers and dose off to sleep.

Now I have answered the question that was on EVERYBODIES mind..."What was Kathy's schedule like today?"


Anonymous said...

If I had to write down everything I did yesterday the list wouldn't be that long.


Paula said...

Wow, you are one busy lady. I love seeing the pics of you guys. It really makes me miss you all. Caden is getting so big. I know you are excited because Jay will be home today. Yay!!!