Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I'm Cold

Brrrr....the A/C is giving me goosebumps.
Last night we had the first official meeting of the 'My wife/girlfriend is out of town and I need a hot meal' club. Dave, Jerad and Kyle joined Jason, Caden and myself for an evening of lasagna, brownies and side splitting laughter. I'm blessed with great friends.
Caden has been an amazing sleeper lately. He's been sleeping 12-13 hours a night and taking a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon. This morning we went to the goodwill and found 5 very cool shirts for $6. We went to the playground but the scorching sun was too unbearable so we came home, coloured for a while, played the drum and watched 'Handy Manny.'
Don't be intimidated by the excitement of my life.
My mother will be here soon. 4 full days till 'Nan' arrives. I'm so excited.
Hopefully Jason will have his Best Buy gift card by this weekend. I'm sure I blogged about this before, but he won a contest at work and the prize is a $1500.00 gift card to Best Buy...which he was supose to received the first week in July but has yet to be seen. I've almost convinced him to get a Macbook :)
We definilty need to get a new DVD player because I accidently left the Wiggles playing for a week straight and broke with a toddler and no ability to play dvds is not good.
I never knew how much I needed the Wiggles until they were gone.

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