Monday, August 13, 2007

Count Down!

My mother will be here in one hour. I should probably be on my way to the airport, but I hate being super early...My husband is not a fan of my poor time management but I truly belive in my heart that I will arrive on time.
In this case, I know I will be on time because I am going to give myself 40 minutes to arrive somewhere that is 20 minutes away. Look at me planning ahead!
I probably will not be blogging much this week so try and survive 6 days without my powerful insight. I know it will be hard not knowing what food I ate or what Disney channel shows I watched, but you're strong and you'll push through till Saturday when I am able to blog once more.
In future news, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME ON THURSDAY! Also, Happy Birthday to Kristy on Thursday...we share the same birthday but not the same age...I'm feeling old this week, so Kristy must be feeling ANCIENT! Kidding...I love you and I hope your trip to NL went well.
Peace out homies. I'm off to get the grandmama.

1 comment:

The Secret of Happiness said...

Happy Birthday Kathy. It will be wonderful to have your mom with you! Have a great time together.