I wish I was a napper. I'm not though. I'm a sleeper. If I'm going to fall asleep, then I want to stay asleep..for many hours. Napping to me is like a tease. If I nap I am done for the rest of the day. Cranky, lazy, blah. It takes me so long to actually fall asleep that I would need about 2 hours to get a 45 minute nap so it just doesn't work. I'm writing all of this because Caden is napping and I am bored and tired. This would probably be a great time for me to nap as well, but as stated above, that's not going to happen.
I have to mail out his b-day party invitations today. It's a little close to crunch time, but people should get them by Monday. Life has been horendously busy lately...so busy that I don't really no what to do with myself during this little piece of down time. I choose to blog.
I've been a little under the weather lately. Lost my voice on Thursday but it has since made it's return. It's hard to parent effectively with no voice. I wonder how the mute do it.
I just cleaned out the trunk of my car. A huge accomplishment to those of you who have ever seen it. Monday morning I am bringing the car into a detailer to get it cleaned out. Ol' Betsy needs a good scrubbing. Then it's off to the airport to get the parental unit. YAY!
We're also getting Caden a big boy car seat on Monday. I think he's pretty much sick of the old one, but we've been waiting on Nan and Pop to get here because it's their Christmas gift to him. I think the car rides will be much more enjoyable once he is front facing.
Well as boring as this entry has been, I would still appreciate some comments. I haven't gotten any comment love in a while and my self esteem is taking the hit.
Peace in the middle east.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
Snow, Snow Go Away

Here is the scene in Newfoundland right now. I miss alot of things about home. This is not one of them. The first snow fall is some what magical. The first snow storm is somewhat fun...the navigating through hip-deep snow from January till April is not as entertaining. It is so hard to get around in St. John's under these conditions....which is what worries me.
My parents are scheduled to fly out Monday morning, but ontop of all the snow in the pictures above there is another massive snow storm tomorrow.
Not cool.
I'm scared that their flights will be delayed and that we're going to miss out on precious time together. The good thing about Newfoundland is that it is equipped to take care of massive amounts of snow. They have crazy ploughs that shoot snow into dump trucks and then the dump trucks dump it in the ocean. They say there are just as many snow ploughs in NL as there are people. Who knows.
Either way I am praying against Mother Nature's wrath. Aside from the snow, my parents could not have planned a better time to come visit. I feel like I have been hanging off a fast train lately. This week began with no sleep and lots to do...luckily things have slowed down and Caden has somewhat resumed his normal pattern of sleeping through the night. It's definitly hard raising a baby 2000 miles away from family. I know it's equally hard on them to be so far away but we make it work. I love that they don't make us feel guilty for our decision to settle where we've settled. I can't wait for everyone to get what they need in the coming week....for me it's a little break from the munchkin and the company of the 'rents. For them it's a break from the cold and a whole lot of grandbaby huggin. Sounds like a good deal to me.
So I'm praying...
Snow, snow go away!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Yup, That's my Boy

Can you believe that is itty, bitty baby Caden? About 355 days ago, my little man was born into the world. How did the world function properly prior to that? I have no idea. He is such an incredible little human. He looks like me in this picture. Dark eyes, dark hair and a puffy face....overnight he turned into a clone of Jay...no fair. Here's the evidence that he did for a moment resemble his mama.
Caden turns one on March 4th.
This year has been incredible....I've learned alot. Being a stay-at-home is one of the hardest and most rewarding jobs ever. He's amazing...life is amazing. I love my job....and yes, it is definitly a job! Fulltime, no money, no vacation, not even any personal bathroom breaks. I covet the moments that I get to pee alone. Perhaps that was too much information. Sleeping when the baby sleeps and eatting bon bons all day is definitly NOT what my life looks like.
What are bon bons anyway?
What are bon bons anyway?
Whenever I crave some temporary solitude I just remember the night of March 4th. Caden was born at 10am and by the evening Jay had left for the night and I had baby Caden all to myself and I was just staring at him, praising Jesus that he was finally here. I was invisioning our future. Not the sleepless months (7 to be exact!) the crying, the diapers, the acid reflux...none of that stuff. I was invisioning our love, our discoveries, our laughter, our cuddling. I spent alot of my pregnancy alone. Jay worked alot in order to keep us afloat and I wasn't legal to work because I didn't have my greencard. We only had one vehicle so when he would go to work I was trapped at home most days. I read alot, I painted, I rearranged furniture (which I should not have done while I was pregnant, I know!) I ate alot of fishsticks, I cried alot, I learned to bake, I had alot of great Jesus moments but all in all, I was pretty darn lonely. Caden's arrival renewed my spirit...it gave me a sense of purpose again...it gave me a love I had never felt before. It gave me a new set of eyes.
So when my little baby becomes the big 1 next week, I'm not sure how I'll do. I'm sure it won't hit me until I am alone in the quiet and God whispers in my ear, "You're welcome." Then I will overflow with thankfulness for my awesome little man.
Friday, February 16, 2007
GC.TV is thinking about doing a more traditional-style church service in addition to it's very contemporary regular style of service. After doing the 'Best Sex Ever' series, it appears as though Tallahassee is a very traditional town and since our purpose is to know Christ and make Him known, having a more traditional service might reach more people in this particular city than being cutting edge.
At first I was for it. I thought, "I've been a member of VERY traditional churches that refused to sacrifice their traditions for the sake of the younger generation...I guess we could do the same in reverse and sacrifice our want to be unique and modern for people who feel more comfortable in a more 'church-like' church."
I don't know that I feel that way anymore. Actually, I'm not sure how I feel about it.
The truth is that GC.TV is the first church I've ever been apart of that did church to reach people, not to keep people. We've never done anything to cater to people's needs for comfort....to keep the precious few happy. Because of that fact we've lost some, but we've gained tremdously more and I believe such a mentality develops a mature body of believers who don't get their feelings hurt as easily as most church people do.
I remember when the church I grew up in changed their evening service from 7pm to 6:30pm and people got so upset by the 'change' that they stopped coming! I can only imagine what the billboard campaigne would have done there. I also remember when our Officers (Pastors) taught us a song in Sunday school that went like this,
"I won't play on Sunday, on Sunday, on Sunday. I won't play on Sunday because it is a sin."
No joke.
Tradition may bring in people who are already acustomed to church...and they may feel more comfortable in the services, but I don't know if that accomplishes our mission. All of the traditionalitsts who wrote angry, mean and hateful emails to our Pastor were from other churches and our mission is not to take them from their church but to bring in people who would otherwise not enter church at all...into a realm that looks a little bit more familiar, like the world they live in. Plus, there is a church on every corner in this town. Honestly, I have never seen a city with so many churches and my assumption is that the majority of them are traditional, catering to the needs of the people who go there. We've never been that church, and yet we've grown consistantly over the past 4 years and are just now starting to level off, which in the midst of all the trouble we've had to endure it's amazing our people haven't scattered to places that are more 'comfortable'.
But on the other end, if this is of God we can't argue with that. We do live in a very traditional, southern, Christian town and perhaps even the unchurched would feel more enclined to come to a more 'churchy' church service.
Have I made up my mind about it..not really. All I know if that I am called to serve here. I trust our Pastor wholeheartedly to lead us God's way and GC.TV is shaping me and teaching me in a way that I praise God for.
At first I was for it. I thought, "I've been a member of VERY traditional churches that refused to sacrifice their traditions for the sake of the younger generation...I guess we could do the same in reverse and sacrifice our want to be unique and modern for people who feel more comfortable in a more 'church-like' church."
I don't know that I feel that way anymore. Actually, I'm not sure how I feel about it.
The truth is that GC.TV is the first church I've ever been apart of that did church to reach people, not to keep people. We've never done anything to cater to people's needs for comfort....to keep the precious few happy. Because of that fact we've lost some, but we've gained tremdously more and I believe such a mentality develops a mature body of believers who don't get their feelings hurt as easily as most church people do.
I remember when the church I grew up in changed their evening service from 7pm to 6:30pm and people got so upset by the 'change' that they stopped coming! I can only imagine what the billboard campaigne would have done there. I also remember when our Officers (Pastors) taught us a song in Sunday school that went like this,
"I won't play on Sunday, on Sunday, on Sunday. I won't play on Sunday because it is a sin."
No joke.
Tradition may bring in people who are already acustomed to church...and they may feel more comfortable in the services, but I don't know if that accomplishes our mission. All of the traditionalitsts who wrote angry, mean and hateful emails to our Pastor were from other churches and our mission is not to take them from their church but to bring in people who would otherwise not enter church at all...into a realm that looks a little bit more familiar, like the world they live in. Plus, there is a church on every corner in this town. Honestly, I have never seen a city with so many churches and my assumption is that the majority of them are traditional, catering to the needs of the people who go there. We've never been that church, and yet we've grown consistantly over the past 4 years and are just now starting to level off, which in the midst of all the trouble we've had to endure it's amazing our people haven't scattered to places that are more 'comfortable'.
But on the other end, if this is of God we can't argue with that. We do live in a very traditional, southern, Christian town and perhaps even the unchurched would feel more enclined to come to a more 'churchy' church service.
Have I made up my mind about it..not really. All I know if that I am called to serve here. I trust our Pastor wholeheartedly to lead us God's way and GC.TV is shaping me and teaching me in a way that I praise God for.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Random funny things about my kid
- Two nights in a row I put my son in the bathtub with his socks on...how's that for distracted?
- The other day Caden was saying 'Dada' and I tried to get him to say 'Mama'. He said 'Dada' again so I tried saying, "Mmmmmm Mama," to which he replied, "Mmmmmm Dada."
- He says the word, 'dog' when he sees Dakota or any dog at all really, and waves when someone says, "Bye, Bye." He is also finished with formula and drinks whole milk like a big boy. Where did the time go?
-After months and months of constant spitting up, his acid reflux is considerably better and neither one of us smell like sour milk anymore...at least not usually.
- Caden has two bottom teeth that are up and fully visible and two top teeth that are just breaking through.
- I am yet to find a food that my Son will not eat.
- I don't think the boy has any concept of the word 'stranger' and charms the pants off of people, everywhere we go.
- He may look like Jay, but the poor bugger's got my hair. He is one big ball of static electricity.
- He is very close to walking and has taken several unassisted steps.
- He is still petrified of the vacuum cleaner.
- For Valentines Day, Caden pooped about 10 times. He is very thoughtful like that.
- On March 4th Caden will turn the big one, on March 3rd we will be having a party at Tom Brown Park and you're all invited!
- The other day Caden was saying 'Dada' and I tried to get him to say 'Mama'. He said 'Dada' again so I tried saying, "Mmmmmm Mama," to which he replied, "Mmmmmm Dada."
- He says the word, 'dog' when he sees Dakota or any dog at all really, and waves when someone says, "Bye, Bye." He is also finished with formula and drinks whole milk like a big boy. Where did the time go?
-After months and months of constant spitting up, his acid reflux is considerably better and neither one of us smell like sour milk anymore...at least not usually.
- Caden has two bottom teeth that are up and fully visible and two top teeth that are just breaking through.
- I am yet to find a food that my Son will not eat.
- I don't think the boy has any concept of the word 'stranger' and charms the pants off of people, everywhere we go.
- He may look like Jay, but the poor bugger's got my hair. He is one big ball of static electricity.
- He is very close to walking and has taken several unassisted steps.
- He is still petrified of the vacuum cleaner.
- For Valentines Day, Caden pooped about 10 times. He is very thoughtful like that.
- On March 4th Caden will turn the big one, on March 3rd we will be having a party at Tom Brown Park and you're all invited!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
V Day
Valentines day is upon us again. I don't particularly like Valentines Day. When I was single I dreaded it. It was like a slap in the face...a reminder of the fact that I was alone, alone, alone.
My first Valentines Day with Jay was also very lonely....because I was in St. John's, Newfoundland and he was in Charlotte, North Carolina. He sent me a package with a robotic squirrel inside that sang, "I think I love you" when you pressed it's foot. The squirrel now resides on our bedroom dresser next to the many other robotic, singing animal impulse buys Jay has fallen victim to.
Jay and I spent about a year apart in the begining of our relationship so even now, 4 years later, everyday is precious and filled with thankfulness that we were able to come together from two seperate worlds.
This is why I don't like Valentines Day.
I don't think that it should take a commercial holiday to get us to focus on the one we love. Why is it that because Hallmark and Godiva have deemed Feburary14th some special day of love, we feel obligated to buy flowers and candy for someone when we don't make that same effort on the other 364 days of the year? I think that if people were showered with affection by the one they love everyday, then Valentines Day wouldn't be such a big deal and single women wouldn't take this 'special day' to binge eat and sob.
Don't get wrong, i'm not bitter about V-Day....I bought my husband a card and I'm sure that by the end of the day he'll buy me something :) but what matters is that loving eachother is a constant for us and we put alot of effort into making eachother feel loved everday...not just in February.
Happy Valentines Day everybody.
My first Valentines Day with Jay was also very lonely....because I was in St. John's, Newfoundland and he was in Charlotte, North Carolina. He sent me a package with a robotic squirrel inside that sang, "I think I love you" when you pressed it's foot. The squirrel now resides on our bedroom dresser next to the many other robotic, singing animal impulse buys Jay has fallen victim to.
Jay and I spent about a year apart in the begining of our relationship so even now, 4 years later, everyday is precious and filled with thankfulness that we were able to come together from two seperate worlds.
This is why I don't like Valentines Day.
I don't think that it should take a commercial holiday to get us to focus on the one we love. Why is it that because Hallmark and Godiva have deemed Feburary14th some special day of love, we feel obligated to buy flowers and candy for someone when we don't make that same effort on the other 364 days of the year? I think that if people were showered with affection by the one they love everyday, then Valentines Day wouldn't be such a big deal and single women wouldn't take this 'special day' to binge eat and sob.
Don't get wrong, i'm not bitter about V-Day....I bought my husband a card and I'm sure that by the end of the day he'll buy me something :) but what matters is that loving eachother is a constant for us and we put alot of effort into making eachother feel loved everday...not just in February.
Happy Valentines Day everybody.
Monday, February 12, 2007
I'm gaining weight
This makes me sad...I have doctors orders not to exercise until my back adjustments hold longer than only two days. Normally having this excuse would thrill me...but I really would like to start working out. And since eating right and exercising go hand in hand in my mind, I am choosing to pig out during this sedentary time in my life.
My parents are coming to Tallahassee in 2 weeks. This is very exciting. They will be here for a week and in that week the party of the century will be happening. Caden Robert Stock will be turning the big 1. That blows my mind.
All that crazy labor and delivery stuff happened a year ago? How is it that it still so vividly haunts my dreams? Just kidding. August 16th, 1983 was the day I was born. March 4th, 2006 was the day I found out why. At least at this point and time in my life, my purpose is to raise a man of God and that freaks me out.
I remember when I could just lay him on a chair and go make dinner, knowing that there was no way he could physically maneuver himself from that spot. This past Thursday he took his first steps. Crazy how time flies.
As Caden grows, so does my uncertainity in myself as a parent. I am however learning that this is normal and that every good parent feels like they are making it up as they go along.
Yesterday Jason and I tied a hellium 'Little Mermaid' balloon from Chloe's birthday party to the harness of our dog. She's been walking around with it hovering above her ever since and it's stinkin hilarious.
My parents are coming to Tallahassee in 2 weeks. This is very exciting. They will be here for a week and in that week the party of the century will be happening. Caden Robert Stock will be turning the big 1. That blows my mind.
All that crazy labor and delivery stuff happened a year ago? How is it that it still so vividly haunts my dreams? Just kidding. August 16th, 1983 was the day I was born. March 4th, 2006 was the day I found out why. At least at this point and time in my life, my purpose is to raise a man of God and that freaks me out.
I remember when I could just lay him on a chair and go make dinner, knowing that there was no way he could physically maneuver himself from that spot. This past Thursday he took his first steps. Crazy how time flies.
As Caden grows, so does my uncertainity in myself as a parent. I am however learning that this is normal and that every good parent feels like they are making it up as they go along.
Yesterday Jason and I tied a hellium 'Little Mermaid' balloon from Chloe's birthday party to the harness of our dog. She's been walking around with it hovering above her ever since and it's stinkin hilarious.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Caden's Auntie Kissy Boots is about to become a Mommy Kissy Boots herself! ( i don't think this will make sense to anyone but us)
Congrats Kathryn on you're little bundle of fetus.
I'm SO happy for you.
Here's a flash back to Caden...the early, EARLY years

Saturday, February 10, 2007
I Miss You
To everyone I love who is nowhere near me....I miss you.
I think I will always feel like a foreigner here. Don't get me wrong, I love me life. I don't mind being in the USA...in fact, the south feels like home to Jay and I cause it's all we've ever known together but there are moments, like this moment, when I feel very far away from the people and things that define me.
I love my life and wouldn't change it...not even a fraction of it. I preface what I am about to say with this because I am not in anyway about to wish that my life was different but sometimes I wonder what would have happened 'if'.
What would have happened if I didn't move to St. John's at 18? What would have happened if I wasn't in Blind Beggars? Man, those were good times. The gigs, the road trips, the all-nighters, the SNL parties at our apartment on Crosbie Road. So many great relationships....so many people I miss. What if I hadn't heard about a Camp in North Carolina that hired Canadians? I wouldn't of met my husband...I wouldn't have my Son. I would probably still be in NL. Crazy to think that the tiniest decisions can completely manipulate where you end up. When I was at Camp my friend Damien told me to come with him to Nashville to try and make it big. I didnt go. He's incredibly successful now and I wonder what would have happened if I had went. I'm so proud of him. Especially the first night I was watching Tv and saw him on the red carpet with Loretta Lynn. Funny combo if you know Damien but a great moment just the same.
What would have happened if I listened to all the people who told me that getting married was a mistake? What would have happened if I had listened to all the people who told me that moving back to Tallahassee just for a church was irresponsible? There are many decisions I am glad that I made. Jay is exactly who God has for me and Caden's timing could not have been more perfect even if we had planned him ourselves! Tallahassee is about as far from home as I can be but even when it's hard, I know we're suppose to be here. I know we're suppose to be at GC even though the transition has been incredibly rough on eveyone, more so my husband than myself.
I miss my college friends and living in St. John's...sometimes I feel like the oldest 23 year old on the planet....but I was born to be a mom even though I usually fit in better as one of the boys than into a mom's club. It's funny when people I haven't seen in years find out that I was not only married a month after I turned 20 but that I am also a mom. I was always flying solo...pretty independent and verbalized quite frequently that I intended to remain that way for a long time. I planned on marrying at 30 and having children much later, if at all. Crazy how my plan was totally wrong for me. Caden's life has taught me so much about my strengths.
Thank you Lord for my life....past, present and future.
Aquaintances and superficial friendships are common...but friends are rare gems. To all my friends that are far away...I love you and miss you. To all my friends in Tallahassee, I love you and am so thankful for you.
I think I will always feel like a foreigner here. Don't get me wrong, I love me life. I don't mind being in the USA...in fact, the south feels like home to Jay and I cause it's all we've ever known together but there are moments, like this moment, when I feel very far away from the people and things that define me.
I love my life and wouldn't change it...not even a fraction of it. I preface what I am about to say with this because I am not in anyway about to wish that my life was different but sometimes I wonder what would have happened 'if'.
What would have happened if I didn't move to St. John's at 18? What would have happened if I wasn't in Blind Beggars? Man, those were good times. The gigs, the road trips, the all-nighters, the SNL parties at our apartment on Crosbie Road. So many great relationships....so many people I miss. What if I hadn't heard about a Camp in North Carolina that hired Canadians? I wouldn't of met my husband...I wouldn't have my Son. I would probably still be in NL. Crazy to think that the tiniest decisions can completely manipulate where you end up. When I was at Camp my friend Damien told me to come with him to Nashville to try and make it big. I didnt go. He's incredibly successful now and I wonder what would have happened if I had went. I'm so proud of him. Especially the first night I was watching Tv and saw him on the red carpet with Loretta Lynn. Funny combo if you know Damien but a great moment just the same.
What would have happened if I listened to all the people who told me that getting married was a mistake? What would have happened if I had listened to all the people who told me that moving back to Tallahassee just for a church was irresponsible? There are many decisions I am glad that I made. Jay is exactly who God has for me and Caden's timing could not have been more perfect even if we had planned him ourselves! Tallahassee is about as far from home as I can be but even when it's hard, I know we're suppose to be here. I know we're suppose to be at GC even though the transition has been incredibly rough on eveyone, more so my husband than myself.
I miss my college friends and living in St. John's...sometimes I feel like the oldest 23 year old on the planet....but I was born to be a mom even though I usually fit in better as one of the boys than into a mom's club. It's funny when people I haven't seen in years find out that I was not only married a month after I turned 20 but that I am also a mom. I was always flying solo...pretty independent and verbalized quite frequently that I intended to remain that way for a long time. I planned on marrying at 30 and having children much later, if at all. Crazy how my plan was totally wrong for me. Caden's life has taught me so much about my strengths.
Thank you Lord for my life....past, present and future.
Aquaintances and superficial friendships are common...but friends are rare gems. To all my friends that are far away...I love you and miss you. To all my friends in Tallahassee, I love you and am so thankful for you.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Best Sex Ever Reactions
This is an email Pastor Hunter received about the Best Sex Ever billboards (refer to earlier entry to see the billboard)
"I think your billboard advertising is stupid and pathetic. I am sick of seeing that ridiculous billboard and I cant believe the City of Tallahassee would allow that. What about curious children who have innocent minds. Why do they have to be forewarned about the evils of sex at their age? I enjoy sex more than anybody and I am a good man and a fine Christian, but that type of billboard ad just plain sucks. Go stick your head where the sun don't shine. Your head deserves to be there. "
It seems as though the people who are most outraged by us talking about sex in church are other Christians. I'm boggled by it. My mind is completely boggled as to how people can think that a message about saving sex for marriage is disgusting and inappropriate. It floors me that people can be so ignorant about the world that children have to grow up in....I guess I've become so passionate about this because I am now the mother of a boy...a boy who at 11 months old is ALREADY blasted with sexual images everytime I turn on the tv and there's a commercial for shampoo or even board games....sex is EVERYWHERE with the wrong message and the wrong images effecting children, MY child, in the wrong way and it makes me sick to my stomach.
I'm going to be incredibly candid. My mother told me about sex at a VERY early age. So early that I really don't even remember the conversation. I knew what sex was, what it was meant for (marriage) and what the bible said about it when I was in primary school and because of that I avoided alot of heartbreak, alot of bad decisions and alot of pain. I also was able to ignore the playground education I heard from other kids and avoided alot of confusion. Respecting myself, saving myself for marriage and keeping myself pure were lessons that were drilled into my head, lovingly, my entire childhood and I am a better person because of it. My marriage is healthier because of it. My child was born into a home where his parents are married and inlove with one another...where there will be no divorce or abuse...there are no half brothers and sisters all over planet earth...he wasn't born with HIV or any other complications due to STD's....all because someone took the time to talk to me about sex God's way when I was a little child...tastefully, honestly and biblically. I absolutly credit the positive upbringing I received. I wish the church had been mature enough to raise me in the same way that my parents did. I think alot of other children would have benefited from it.
These billboards are an EXCELLENT conversation starter for Christian parents to take advantage of when their kids say, "What's that?"
The innocence of children should be maintained by giving them a spiritual education on what sex is suppose to be. Honestly, would'nt you rather that your kids learn about sex in church or from you then on the playground or MTV? Unless your child doesn't watch tv, doesn't go outside, doesn't listen to the radio, doesn't surf the internet and doesn't interact with other people, they are GOING to be blasted with sexual slang, images, and lies from all the wrong places. We can't close our eyes and pretend this issue doesn't exist....we've done that for too long and look at our world because of it?
I for one am not going to "stick my head where the sun don't shine" because I'd much rather be in the light.
"I think your billboard advertising is stupid and pathetic. I am sick of seeing that ridiculous billboard and I cant believe the City of Tallahassee would allow that. What about curious children who have innocent minds. Why do they have to be forewarned about the evils of sex at their age? I enjoy sex more than anybody and I am a good man and a fine Christian, but that type of billboard ad just plain sucks. Go stick your head where the sun don't shine. Your head deserves to be there. "
It seems as though the people who are most outraged by us talking about sex in church are other Christians. I'm boggled by it. My mind is completely boggled as to how people can think that a message about saving sex for marriage is disgusting and inappropriate. It floors me that people can be so ignorant about the world that children have to grow up in....I guess I've become so passionate about this because I am now the mother of a boy...a boy who at 11 months old is ALREADY blasted with sexual images everytime I turn on the tv and there's a commercial for shampoo or even board games....sex is EVERYWHERE with the wrong message and the wrong images effecting children, MY child, in the wrong way and it makes me sick to my stomach.
I'm going to be incredibly candid. My mother told me about sex at a VERY early age. So early that I really don't even remember the conversation. I knew what sex was, what it was meant for (marriage) and what the bible said about it when I was in primary school and because of that I avoided alot of heartbreak, alot of bad decisions and alot of pain. I also was able to ignore the playground education I heard from other kids and avoided alot of confusion. Respecting myself, saving myself for marriage and keeping myself pure were lessons that were drilled into my head, lovingly, my entire childhood and I am a better person because of it. My marriage is healthier because of it. My child was born into a home where his parents are married and inlove with one another...where there will be no divorce or abuse...there are no half brothers and sisters all over planet earth...he wasn't born with HIV or any other complications due to STD's....all because someone took the time to talk to me about sex God's way when I was a little child...tastefully, honestly and biblically. I absolutly credit the positive upbringing I received. I wish the church had been mature enough to raise me in the same way that my parents did. I think alot of other children would have benefited from it.
These billboards are an EXCELLENT conversation starter for Christian parents to take advantage of when their kids say, "What's that?"
The innocence of children should be maintained by giving them a spiritual education on what sex is suppose to be. Honestly, would'nt you rather that your kids learn about sex in church or from you then on the playground or MTV? Unless your child doesn't watch tv, doesn't go outside, doesn't listen to the radio, doesn't surf the internet and doesn't interact with other people, they are GOING to be blasted with sexual slang, images, and lies from all the wrong places. We can't close our eyes and pretend this issue doesn't exist....we've done that for too long and look at our world because of it?
I for one am not going to "stick my head where the sun don't shine" because I'd much rather be in the light.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
We made it on the news!
The local news came out Sunday to check out the start of genesischurch.tv's new message series "Best Sex Ever." You can see the 2 minute video at the link below...if you don't blink, you'll see me!
Monday, February 05, 2007
Shame on you!

These are the billboards that our church (genesischurch.tv) currently has up all over town. Pastor Hunter is doing a messge series about having sex God's way. As in, keeping it in marriage between a man and a woman. Over the next 4 weeks he is going to be teaching us about what the Word says about sex and how to live God's way in a world that says the opposite. He is going to speak about homosexuality, pornography, pre-marital sex, adultery and everything else you can think of that normal people struggle with and have no idea how to cope with in a biblical manner. It is a brilliant message series that absolutly needs to be spoken candidly, tastefully and honestly...and he is doing just that.
I knew it was a gutsy move for Pastor Hunter to do this message series and to advertise it like this...but I also knew that it would get people's attention, and that we probably wouldn't be able to fit all of the people into the auditorium on Sunday morning...but I didn't expect what a stir these bill boards and this series would have in our city. If you go to the link www.bestsexever.org, it brings you to our church's website and explains the message series. It's meant to look entriguing to the unbeliever...it's meant to look like something an average Joe would want to check out...what they get is anything but pornography....they get an invitation to church. Pretty awesome right?
Well alot of people in our city don't seem to think so. Especially the other churches. Pastor Hunter read an email out loud in the service on Sunday that he received from a fellow 'brother in Christ'. It said that we were to be ashamed of ourselves...that our church was a sign of the end times and that the only reason anyone would come to our church would be if they were looking for an orgy....another woman wrote and was appauled that her 8 year old had to see these images on billboards....as if that child isn't bombarded with disgusting sexual images everyday just by using a computer and watching television commercials.
I say to anyone who has a problem with this to get a life. I think this message series is not only appropriate but necessary. I think it is going to have an impact on the rate of teen pregnancy, abortion, STD's, AIDS, divorce, sexual abuse and adultery in the city of Tallahassee and who knows where else. For once a homosexual person who is alone and confused can come to church and learn how to face this cross they have upon their shoulders..they can learn that God wants something better for them...not that they are hated and disgusting. I think church is exactly where our kids need to be learning about sex...better there then on the playground..cause as sad as it is, 8 year olds know way too much about the wrong kind of sex and it's our job to teach them a better way....and if people come to our church looking for an orgy and they get Jesus instead..I say AMEN to that!
So if you wanna hear a great message about the best sex ever, the sex that God created and how to live with purity in a dirty world, check out www.bestsexever.org
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Friday, February 02, 2007
Ok Ladies, I need your help.
As I last posted, I'm just getting my Mary Kay business off the ground, and am going to need the help of anyone who is in need of facial care!
I know I don't live anywhere near the majority of you, so here's what I am asking.
I need to make as many sales as I can by February 9th (a week from today) in order to receive some much needed product for free. The free inventory is going to help me greatly with my business so I'm really hoping I can do well over the next 8 days.
If anyone is in need of make up, face wash, lip gloss, or ANYTHING! Please go to www.marykay.com/kathylynnstock and take a look around. It's my online store. You can do virtual makeovers, browse specials, and find whatever you need for skin care. If there are any guys out there who are in need of a Valentines gift for their woman, shoot me an email at kathylynnstock@marykay.com and you can purchase a gift certificate that your lady can redeem at the website or in person (depending on how close you are in proximity to me.
So just check it out. I only signed up for this because the products are awesome and inexpensive and I would'nt associate myself with something that wasn't any good. Plus, it's always fun to shop in the privacy of your own home or office. If you order more than $30.00 worth, I will throw in the shipping charges myself. Hopefully I'll hit my goal by Feburary 9th.
Thanks friends!
I know I don't live anywhere near the majority of you, so here's what I am asking.
I need to make as many sales as I can by February 9th (a week from today) in order to receive some much needed product for free. The free inventory is going to help me greatly with my business so I'm really hoping I can do well over the next 8 days.
If anyone is in need of make up, face wash, lip gloss, or ANYTHING! Please go to www.marykay.com/kathylynnstock and take a look around. It's my online store. You can do virtual makeovers, browse specials, and find whatever you need for skin care. If there are any guys out there who are in need of a Valentines gift for their woman, shoot me an email at kathylynnstock@marykay.com and you can purchase a gift certificate that your lady can redeem at the website or in person (depending on how close you are in proximity to me.
So just check it out. I only signed up for this because the products are awesome and inexpensive and I would'nt associate myself with something that wasn't any good. Plus, it's always fun to shop in the privacy of your own home or office. If you order more than $30.00 worth, I will throw in the shipping charges myself. Hopefully I'll hit my goal by Feburary 9th.
Thanks friends!
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