Tuesday, April 28, 2009


So far I am in the lead! I have 44 votes and the next woman has 12...but the voting continues til Friday at midnight so I need everyone who hasn't voted yet (or people with multiple email addresses who can vote more than once) to Please, PLEASE vote for my video.
You'll have to sign up for the site but when you do, choose to not receive email updates and you'll never hear from the site again. If you're Canadian, just make up a zipcode. use 90210 if you like! or 28210, 32327, 32310...these are all legit.
I'm so thankful to have taken a sweet lead so early, but there's still time for others to catch up to me so if you haven't voted, please take a few minutes and cast your vote for my video. Click HERE
Thanks again to people who have already voted! I'm overwhelmed by my awesome friends.

If I win, I will receive:

-4 Tickets to Cirque De Soleil

Gift certificates for the following:
-Dinner for 4 at Harry's Restaurant (nice place downtown)
-Limo ride
-Appetizers and drinks for 4 (i hope diet pepsi counts) at a local club
-Overnight stay in a two bedroom condo downtown (valued at 220.00)
-A day at the spa which includes a hair appointment
-One free maid cleaning service
-One free night of babysitting from a babysitting company

So, as you can imagine, I want to win! It will be an awesome break from the Circus of Life.

Thanks to Micah V for finding the contest and forcing me to enter and thanks again to everyone who has already voted. I'll let you know what happens!

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