Right now I am leading the pack with 54 votes. Second place has 16 votes...I'm overwhelmingly happy by all of you who took a few minutes out of your day to vote for my video. You're the best!
There's still time to get your vote in. The competition is creeping up slowly so I want ensure my victory with as many votes as possible. If you haven't voted yet and you have 3 minutes to spare between now and tomorrow night at midnight, please click HERE.
This will bring you to my video page. Scroll to the bottom and you will see a comment box. Above it, there will be an option to 'join' or 'login'. You need to click 'join'.
Then you will need to choose a username and password. If you're Canadian, use the zipcode 32327 when prompted. IF YOU UNSELECT THE BOX ABOUT RECEIVING EMAIL UPDATES, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE EMAIL UPDATES. This site is legit and will not bombard your inbox with spam. You have to use a real email address for this to work properly.
Once that's done, an email will be sent to you with a link in it. Click that link and it will bring you right back to my video page where you can now cast your vote by commenting in the 'Post Reply' box and hitting 'Submit'.
Thanks in advance!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Lovely Distraction
Jay is officially finished with the radio station. They were incredibly understanding about his new position and couldn't have been more accommodating. This week he has been working a 5pm-11:30pm schedule at the gym and it's been so awesome having him home with us during the day.
The only problem is that when Jay's home, all I want to do is hang out with him...therefore, laundry is piling up, the sink is over flowing, I haven't had a good phone chat all week and I'm basically falling behind on all my regular things...but I must say, it's a lovely distraction.
Next week he'll begin his 1-9 routine so during Caden's nap time I'll resume my cleaning and organizing schedule, but for this week, I'm greatly enjoying the company. He's like Splenda...he makes life sweeter.
The only problem is that when Jay's home, all I want to do is hang out with him...therefore, laundry is piling up, the sink is over flowing, I haven't had a good phone chat all week and I'm basically falling behind on all my regular things...but I must say, it's a lovely distraction.
Next week he'll begin his 1-9 routine so during Caden's nap time I'll resume my cleaning and organizing schedule, but for this week, I'm greatly enjoying the company. He's like Splenda...he makes life sweeter.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Hungry Hungry Hippo
I certainly don't like referring to myself as a large mammal...but these days, I am super hungry! No, I'm not pregnant, but I do feel like a kid again. When I was a kid, I swam and rode my bike all summer long. Not concerned with poundage or looks in the good ol' days, I failed to notice the crazy tan and weight loss I would see happening to my body over the summer months. My memories of summer are filled with outdoor activities. Swimming, biking, hiking, fires on the beach, walking everywhere, playing spotlight in the evenings...lots of fun and lots of moving around in the fresh air.
I'm trying to re-capture that part of my youth and it feels really good. Now that we live in the city, I've started walking from place to place like I use to when I was in University. I love being a pedestrian again...although this town is not super pedestrian friendly and I am aware that summer is coming and the 89 degree days will soon be 110, but for now, I'm enjoying my jaunts. Over the past 6 years I have rarely walked from place to place, depending on my car as my primary mode of transport, but lately I am putting my God-given feet to work and it feels great!
I'm also swimming laps, everyday. I love to swim. It's so intense but it doesn't feel like a work out. By the end, my heart is beating out of my chest, I'm refreshed and I'm starving all day! Metabolism city.
I'm also getting a pretty nice starter tan, something I haven't had in quite sometime. When you have a baby, it's hard to plan all day activities outside. Now that I have a potty trained big kid, we find ourselves on the go whenever and wherever the wind may take us. It's awesome. I'm loving Caden's age right now.
The truth is, I've come to the conclusion that I hate intentional exercise. I hate working out. Hate it. Loathe it. Probably not good things for the wife of a gym manager to say, but I gotta be honest ;)
I'm happy to have found enjoyable, practical, everyday ways to get moving, feel healthy and enjoy life. The only problem is, I want to eat ALL the time! I feel like a growing teen again and I was 5'9 in the 7th grade so that's saying something! If anyone ever wants to join Caden and I for a walk or a dip in the apartment community pool, drop us a line!

I'm trying to re-capture that part of my youth and it feels really good. Now that we live in the city, I've started walking from place to place like I use to when I was in University. I love being a pedestrian again...although this town is not super pedestrian friendly and I am aware that summer is coming and the 89 degree days will soon be 110, but for now, I'm enjoying my jaunts. Over the past 6 years I have rarely walked from place to place, depending on my car as my primary mode of transport, but lately I am putting my God-given feet to work and it feels great!
I'm also swimming laps, everyday. I love to swim. It's so intense but it doesn't feel like a work out. By the end, my heart is beating out of my chest, I'm refreshed and I'm starving all day! Metabolism city.
I'm also getting a pretty nice starter tan, something I haven't had in quite sometime. When you have a baby, it's hard to plan all day activities outside. Now that I have a potty trained big kid, we find ourselves on the go whenever and wherever the wind may take us. It's awesome. I'm loving Caden's age right now.
The truth is, I've come to the conclusion that I hate intentional exercise. I hate working out. Hate it. Loathe it. Probably not good things for the wife of a gym manager to say, but I gotta be honest ;)
I'm happy to have found enjoyable, practical, everyday ways to get moving, feel healthy and enjoy life. The only problem is, I want to eat ALL the time! I feel like a growing teen again and I was 5'9 in the 7th grade so that's saying something! If anyone ever wants to join Caden and I for a walk or a dip in the apartment community pool, drop us a line!
So far I am in the lead! I have 44 votes and the next woman has 12...but the voting continues til Friday at midnight so I need everyone who hasn't voted yet (or people with multiple email addresses who can vote more than once) to Please, PLEASE vote for my video.
You'll have to sign up for the site but when you do, choose to not receive email updates and you'll never hear from the site again. If you're Canadian, just make up a zipcode. use 90210 if you like! or 28210, 32327, 32310...these are all legit.
I'm so thankful to have taken a sweet lead so early, but there's still time for others to catch up to me so if you haven't voted, please take a few minutes and cast your vote for my video. Click HERE
Thanks again to people who have already voted! I'm overwhelmed by my awesome friends.
If I win, I will receive:
-4 Tickets to Cirque De Soleil
Gift certificates for the following:
-Dinner for 4 at Harry's Restaurant (nice place downtown)
-Limo ride
-Appetizers and drinks for 4 (i hope diet pepsi counts) at a local club
-Overnight stay in a two bedroom condo downtown (valued at 220.00)
-A day at the spa which includes a hair appointment
-One free maid cleaning service
-One free night of babysitting from a babysitting company
So, as you can imagine, I want to win! It will be an awesome break from the Circus of Life.
Thanks to Micah V for finding the contest and forcing me to enter and thanks again to everyone who has already voted. I'll let you know what happens!
You'll have to sign up for the site but when you do, choose to not receive email updates and you'll never hear from the site again. If you're Canadian, just make up a zipcode. use 90210 if you like! or 28210, 32327, 32310...these are all legit.
I'm so thankful to have taken a sweet lead so early, but there's still time for others to catch up to me so if you haven't voted, please take a few minutes and cast your vote for my video. Click HERE
Thanks again to people who have already voted! I'm overwhelmed by my awesome friends.
If I win, I will receive:
-4 Tickets to Cirque De Soleil
Gift certificates for the following:
-Dinner for 4 at Harry's Restaurant (nice place downtown)
-Limo ride
-Appetizers and drinks for 4 (i hope diet pepsi counts) at a local club
-Overnight stay in a two bedroom condo downtown (valued at 220.00)
-A day at the spa which includes a hair appointment
-One free maid cleaning service
-One free night of babysitting from a babysitting company
So, as you can imagine, I want to win! It will be an awesome break from the Circus of Life.
Thanks to Micah V for finding the contest and forcing me to enter and thanks again to everyone who has already voted. I'll let you know what happens!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Video Voting Begins Today!!
To vote click here
You will have to sign up and have a username on this mommy site but you won't be bombarded with emails or anything...once you vote, you don't have to look back.
At the bottom of the page, there is a comment box. You'll need to click the word JOIN just above the comment box so that you can get a user name. Once you're signed up, leave a comment below my video: #5 kathylynnstock's life as a circus, saying that you vote for me!
THANKS FRIENDS! Voting lasts from now until Friday at midnight. The winner will be announced on Saturday at the North Florida Fairgrounds.
I really, really appreciate you helping me out with this. You're the best!
You will have to sign up and have a username on this mommy site but you won't be bombarded with emails or anything...once you vote, you don't have to look back.
At the bottom of the page, there is a comment box. You'll need to click the word JOIN just above the comment box so that you can get a user name. Once you're signed up, leave a comment below my video: #5 kathylynnstock's life as a circus, saying that you vote for me!
THANKS FRIENDS! Voting lasts from now until Friday at midnight. The winner will be announced on Saturday at the North Florida Fairgrounds.
I really, really appreciate you helping me out with this. You're the best!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
VOTE for ME! PLEASE! (Revised Voting Instructions)
I entered a video contest called, "My Life is a Circus" where I made this video, depicting my life as a...you guessed it...a circus.
Keep in mind...I don't own a video camera, so I had to do what I could with my little digital camera.
The prizes are awesome and I'm super psyched about possibly winning, because there are only 7 people in the contest, including myself.
Voting begins today at 8am and ends Friday night at Midnight. DO NOT VOTE AT THE YOUTUBE WEBSITE.
To vote click here
You will have to sign up and have a username on this mommy site but you won't be bombarded with emails or anything...once you vote, you don't have to look back.
At the bottom of the page, there is a comment box. You'll need to click the word JOIN just above the comment box so that you can get a user name. Once you're signed up, leave a comment below my video: #5 kathylynnstock's life as a circus, saying that you vote for me!
THANKS FRIENDS! Voting lasts from now until Friday at midnight. The winner will be announced on Saturday at the North Florida Fairgrounds.
can't thank you all enough in advance for voting!!!
The winner gets 4 tickets to Cirque De Soleil, a limo ride, free dinner at a fancy place, a day at the spa, and a bunch of other awesomeness. Between you and me, I could really use it!
Every vote will make a difference. My video may not be the greatest, but my life truly is a circus!
I'll let you know what happens this Saturday when they announce the winner. You can only vote once, but tell you friends! Email the link to people and tell them to vote for Kathy Stock...(that's me)
Thanks Friends! And thanks to Micah V for pointing me in the direction of the contest.
Keep in mind...I don't own a video camera, so I had to do what I could with my little digital camera.
The prizes are awesome and I'm super psyched about possibly winning, because there are only 7 people in the contest, including myself.
Voting begins today at 8am and ends Friday night at Midnight. DO NOT VOTE AT THE YOUTUBE WEBSITE.
To vote click here
You will have to sign up and have a username on this mommy site but you won't be bombarded with emails or anything...once you vote, you don't have to look back.
At the bottom of the page, there is a comment box. You'll need to click the word JOIN just above the comment box so that you can get a user name. Once you're signed up, leave a comment below my video: #5 kathylynnstock's life as a circus, saying that you vote for me!
THANKS FRIENDS! Voting lasts from now until Friday at midnight. The winner will be announced on Saturday at the North Florida Fairgrounds.
can't thank you all enough in advance for voting!!!
The winner gets 4 tickets to Cirque De Soleil, a limo ride, free dinner at a fancy place, a day at the spa, and a bunch of other awesomeness. Between you and me, I could really use it!
Every vote will make a difference. My video may not be the greatest, but my life truly is a circus!
I'll let you know what happens this Saturday when they announce the winner. You can only vote once, but tell you friends! Email the link to people and tell them to vote for Kathy Stock...(that's me)
Thanks Friends! And thanks to Micah V for pointing me in the direction of the contest.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
A Glimse of Heaven
That's what leading worship feels like. My favourite part of standing in front of people and leading them in praise songs is hearing the voices...standing in front of hundreds of voices singing praises to the Almighty is incredible and although I am humbled that God uses me to lead others in glorifying His name through song, I am overwhelmingly thankful for it. Yesterday we sang 'Wonderful Cross' and one line said, "All who gather hear by faith draw near to bless Your name."
In that moment, I was struck by the beauty of the Church. Not the denomination or organization....but the faith filled people...the people who wouldn't care if we had to meet at the bus stop or a public park as long as we were sharpening each other as iron sharpens iron and glorifying God together.
The power of corporate faith is undeniable. The truth is that there are strength in numbers and I can't help but feel most affirmed in my faith and relationship with Christ when I'm in relationship with other people of faith.
My problem lies in capturing that passion and taking it with me when I leave...when I'm alone or going through the motions of life, I want to feel the presence of God as strongly as I do when I am surrounded by those Heavenly voices on Sunday. With the craziness of life, it's often hard to hear the still, small whisper of God. Thank God for music. That's all I can say...I can't wait to sing without ceasing with the angels in Heaven. The band there must be incredible ;)
In that moment, I was struck by the beauty of the Church. Not the denomination or organization....but the faith filled people...the people who wouldn't care if we had to meet at the bus stop or a public park as long as we were sharpening each other as iron sharpens iron and glorifying God together.
The power of corporate faith is undeniable. The truth is that there are strength in numbers and I can't help but feel most affirmed in my faith and relationship with Christ when I'm in relationship with other people of faith.
My problem lies in capturing that passion and taking it with me when I leave...when I'm alone or going through the motions of life, I want to feel the presence of God as strongly as I do when I am surrounded by those Heavenly voices on Sunday. With the craziness of life, it's often hard to hear the still, small whisper of God. Thank God for music. That's all I can say...I can't wait to sing without ceasing with the angels in Heaven. The band there must be incredible ;)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Overdue Videos
This song (stolen from the odd children's show 'Yo Gabba Gabba') has been VERY helpful in getting Caden to eat ANYTHING on his plate. Veggies, whole wheat noodles..just tell him it's going to the 'party in his tummy' and he gladly takes a bite. Lucky for him, he's eating Easter cookies in this video.
Caden's version of ABC's
Caden, reenacting an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse during a torrential rain storm.
Here he is, playing 'jingle bells' on his fake harmonica and drum set...while waiting for our Easter cookies to bake. This boy loves his holidays.
Caden's version of ABC's
Caden, reenacting an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse during a torrential rain storm.
Here he is, playing 'jingle bells' on his fake harmonica and drum set...while waiting for our Easter cookies to bake. This boy loves his holidays.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I've been wanting to write about this subject for a while, but in an effort to not isolate anyone or on the other hand, write too cryptically, I have refrained from doing so. I think I've come to a place where I can articulate things well enough to write something worth reading...who knows...
I'm continuously learning a lot about how people tick as I get older and meet new individuals. Like my Father, I am quite interested in the workings of the human brain and am fascinated mostly by the effect a person's relationship with his/her parent has on who they become and how they then impact the planet. It fascinates and equally freaks me out because I have one of those little adults to raise...
I am by far not a perfect parent and this mommy thing has been a challenge for me since I never pictured myself as one, but luckily, the love I have for Caden makes being his Mom a privilege, not to be taken lightly.
Something I want to instill in Caden is the ability to be self-less. I want him to be a good friend. I want him to think of others before himself. I know that if he remains an only child, this may be difficult for him to grasp. I pray about it because if he has no siblings, I want him to have deep, real, family-like friendships with people he trusts and who can trust him.
Jay and I also want very much to break the mentality of entitlement that has saturated the current generation of children and teens, so that Caden doesn't have that type of attitude.
Already, we are teaching him that he lives in 'our' house, rides in 'our' car, watches 'our' TV and works for his money. That may sound cruel to say to a 3 year old, but we do so in a loving tone and feel it's necessary, particularly when he walks around like he owns the place. Caden does chores like helping me with laundry and dinner, making his bed and cleaning his room and he earns penny's for them (which he thinks are like $20.00 bills) if he does them with a good attitude and listens the first time he's asked.
We find a great deal of love and purpose in consistent discipline and I had no clue how difficult the idea of consistency would be, but I can say honestly that if there is one person on this planet more stubborn than Caden, it's Caden's mom. He doesn't win when he acts like a brat and he wins big time when he earns it through good behavior, hard work and self discipline.
It's hard in this culture to raise a child with self discipline. The western world has become very passive-aggressive when it comes to parenting and it scares me that in spite of my efforts, Caden may still become like some of his spoiled peers. I often think of how wonderful it would be to raise him in a tiny village in Africa doing missionary work, far from this culture...not worrying about the damaging effects of idolizing celebrities and possessions, the constant barrage of sexual ads on TV for hamburgers and video games, and crazy peers who are confused, overly emotional, unstable and dangerous to themselves and others because they are the product of 'new age' parenting styles, that teach kids to be anti-authority, anti-discipline and anti-structure.....it's happening. Look around....
But then I think about how many critters there are in the villages of Africa and the pros of hot water, A/C and a comfy, critter-less bed ring loudly in my ears ;).
Instead, I find myself recognizing that Caden is God's, not mine (thank goodness!) and that what we teach him at home will make some difference. At least, when he's a man and he makes his own choices, he can be held accountable for them, knowing the difference between right and wrong.
I know that every parent screws up their kids to some degree and I will be no exception...I just hope that when my job is done and I can stop being teacher, disciplinarian, guardian and protector that I can just be 'friend', and that he will be a good man, who loves Christ, works hard, loves his family and thanks me for doing an OK job.
I'm continuously learning a lot about how people tick as I get older and meet new individuals. Like my Father, I am quite interested in the workings of the human brain and am fascinated mostly by the effect a person's relationship with his/her parent has on who they become and how they then impact the planet. It fascinates and equally freaks me out because I have one of those little adults to raise...
I am by far not a perfect parent and this mommy thing has been a challenge for me since I never pictured myself as one, but luckily, the love I have for Caden makes being his Mom a privilege, not to be taken lightly.
Something I want to instill in Caden is the ability to be self-less. I want him to be a good friend. I want him to think of others before himself. I know that if he remains an only child, this may be difficult for him to grasp. I pray about it because if he has no siblings, I want him to have deep, real, family-like friendships with people he trusts and who can trust him.
Jay and I also want very much to break the mentality of entitlement that has saturated the current generation of children and teens, so that Caden doesn't have that type of attitude.
Already, we are teaching him that he lives in 'our' house, rides in 'our' car, watches 'our' TV and works for his money. That may sound cruel to say to a 3 year old, but we do so in a loving tone and feel it's necessary, particularly when he walks around like he owns the place. Caden does chores like helping me with laundry and dinner, making his bed and cleaning his room and he earns penny's for them (which he thinks are like $20.00 bills) if he does them with a good attitude and listens the first time he's asked.
We find a great deal of love and purpose in consistent discipline and I had no clue how difficult the idea of consistency would be, but I can say honestly that if there is one person on this planet more stubborn than Caden, it's Caden's mom. He doesn't win when he acts like a brat and he wins big time when he earns it through good behavior, hard work and self discipline.
It's hard in this culture to raise a child with self discipline. The western world has become very passive-aggressive when it comes to parenting and it scares me that in spite of my efforts, Caden may still become like some of his spoiled peers. I often think of how wonderful it would be to raise him in a tiny village in Africa doing missionary work, far from this culture...not worrying about the damaging effects of idolizing celebrities and possessions, the constant barrage of sexual ads on TV for hamburgers and video games, and crazy peers who are confused, overly emotional, unstable and dangerous to themselves and others because they are the product of 'new age' parenting styles, that teach kids to be anti-authority, anti-discipline and anti-structure.....it's happening. Look around....
But then I think about how many critters there are in the villages of Africa and the pros of hot water, A/C and a comfy, critter-less bed ring loudly in my ears ;).
Instead, I find myself recognizing that Caden is God's, not mine (thank goodness!) and that what we teach him at home will make some difference. At least, when he's a man and he makes his own choices, he can be held accountable for them, knowing the difference between right and wrong.
I know that every parent screws up their kids to some degree and I will be no exception...I just hope that when my job is done and I can stop being teacher, disciplinarian, guardian and protector that I can just be 'friend', and that he will be a good man, who loves Christ, works hard, loves his family and thanks me for doing an OK job.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Worthy
Easter Sunday began with an intense church marathon followed by an Easter egg hunt, Easter basket opening, fun get together at a friend's house and the 2 hour long Tallahassee episode of Extreme Home Make Over.
If anyone missed that show last night, I recommend finding it online somewhere and watching it. Not just because it has familiar scenes from the city I live in but because of the amazing story.
This couple, who live just 15 minutes across town, had one biological son and when he was 8 they decided to adopt a child from China. They not only felt the call to adopt, but they chose to adopt an older, special needs child because those were the kids who were least likely to find families. Over the years they have adopted a total of 6 children from Chinese orphanages, all with special needs. Three were born with cleft pallets, one is deaf, one is blind and one was born with missing bones in his hands. Sadly, the father of this amazing family was diagnosed with a brain tumour and was given 6 months to live. His anxiety about having his wife and children living in their delapatated house was a huge stress to him. The people at ABC heard the need and came to town last month to build then an AMAZING home, built specifically for their many needs. He was hospitalized just before production began and he passed away three days after the home was revealed to his wife and chidlren. It was as though he held on just long enough to know they would be OK and then he was able to rest in peace.
This story on ABC was etched with Christ-likeness, love, sacrifice and courage...and although I spent 6.5 hours in church yesterday morning, that 2 hour episode of Extreme Home Makeover was the perfect way to reflect on the true meaning of Easter.
I've been mulling over for a long time now what the church is vs. what it is suppose to be. Not that I am a scholar who knows anything about anything and I admit, I probably become far too negative on the subject and get frustrated with how often the 'point' is missed. What I have learned is that there is no perfect (or close to perfect) church because there are no perfect people. None the less, I've still had this twisting and turning in my spirit, almost a conviction but I've lacked the words to pray it through...until yesterday.
Yesterday (as previously mentioned) was church marathon day which started at 7am with sound check and ended at 1:30pm when I collapsed on my couch after singing my face off. In an effort to have great calves, I wore heels to church, which is a decision I came to regret shortly after the first of three services began.
We began singing a song which we had already practiced several times, but suddenly I felt as though I was hearing it for the first time.
"Let now Your church shine as the bride that You saw in Your heart as You offered up Your life."
That's it! That's the prayer I have been wanting to pray! That's the urgency within my heart and the conviction within my soul...to be the church Christ died for, the one He envisioned while suffocating on a cross, the one he called to action after rising from the dead. Man, I wish I could write music like that...
I believe that being a relevant and relatable church isn't about competing with or trying to blend in with pop culture. Neither is it about clinging desperately to man made tradition or the roots of it's denominational founders.
It's about BEING the Church. We don't have to re-invent the wheel. Everything we need to know about being God's people and spreading His message is written in His word and anything outside of it is up for questioning and can probably, honestly, be done away with. If we started being and doing, acting in faith rather than using silly gimmicks and shiny stuff to lure people in the doors, we would start to see masses of people not only coming to know the name of Christ, but sticking with it, because it would be real from the get go.
Salvation is birth but discipleship is sustaining life.
Easter is about not just remembering what Jesus did but living as though we truly believed it happened and giving of ourselves to ensure that He didn't die needlessly.
Trust me, I'm talking to myself before anybody else.
So that's my prayer now when I don't know what else to say.
"Let now Your church shine as the bride that You saw in Your heart as You offered up Your life."
If anyone missed that show last night, I recommend finding it online somewhere and watching it. Not just because it has familiar scenes from the city I live in but because of the amazing story.
This couple, who live just 15 minutes across town, had one biological son and when he was 8 they decided to adopt a child from China. They not only felt the call to adopt, but they chose to adopt an older, special needs child because those were the kids who were least likely to find families. Over the years they have adopted a total of 6 children from Chinese orphanages, all with special needs. Three were born with cleft pallets, one is deaf, one is blind and one was born with missing bones in his hands. Sadly, the father of this amazing family was diagnosed with a brain tumour and was given 6 months to live. His anxiety about having his wife and children living in their delapatated house was a huge stress to him. The people at ABC heard the need and came to town last month to build then an AMAZING home, built specifically for their many needs. He was hospitalized just before production began and he passed away three days after the home was revealed to his wife and chidlren. It was as though he held on just long enough to know they would be OK and then he was able to rest in peace.
This story on ABC was etched with Christ-likeness, love, sacrifice and courage...and although I spent 6.5 hours in church yesterday morning, that 2 hour episode of Extreme Home Makeover was the perfect way to reflect on the true meaning of Easter.
I've been mulling over for a long time now what the church is vs. what it is suppose to be. Not that I am a scholar who knows anything about anything and I admit, I probably become far too negative on the subject and get frustrated with how often the 'point' is missed. What I have learned is that there is no perfect (or close to perfect) church because there are no perfect people. None the less, I've still had this twisting and turning in my spirit, almost a conviction but I've lacked the words to pray it through...until yesterday.
Yesterday (as previously mentioned) was church marathon day which started at 7am with sound check and ended at 1:30pm when I collapsed on my couch after singing my face off. In an effort to have great calves, I wore heels to church, which is a decision I came to regret shortly after the first of three services began.
We began singing a song which we had already practiced several times, but suddenly I felt as though I was hearing it for the first time.
"Let now Your church shine as the bride that You saw in Your heart as You offered up Your life."
That's it! That's the prayer I have been wanting to pray! That's the urgency within my heart and the conviction within my soul...to be the church Christ died for, the one He envisioned while suffocating on a cross, the one he called to action after rising from the dead. Man, I wish I could write music like that...
I believe that being a relevant and relatable church isn't about competing with or trying to blend in with pop culture. Neither is it about clinging desperately to man made tradition or the roots of it's denominational founders.
It's about BEING the Church. We don't have to re-invent the wheel. Everything we need to know about being God's people and spreading His message is written in His word and anything outside of it is up for questioning and can probably, honestly, be done away with. If we started being and doing, acting in faith rather than using silly gimmicks and shiny stuff to lure people in the doors, we would start to see masses of people not only coming to know the name of Christ, but sticking with it, because it would be real from the get go.
Salvation is birth but discipleship is sustaining life.
Easter is about not just remembering what Jesus did but living as though we truly believed it happened and giving of ourselves to ensure that He didn't die needlessly.
Trust me, I'm talking to myself before anybody else.
So that's my prayer now when I don't know what else to say.
"Let now Your church shine as the bride that You saw in Your heart as You offered up Your life."
Friday, April 10, 2009
Good Friday
I understand why this day is referred to as 'good' but I've always felt saddened by the anniversary of Jesus' Crucifixion. I remember crying in my room when I was a little girl after watching an Easter play at my church. I understood the sacrifice and was thankful for it, but I still didn't (and don't) like that it had to happen.
To be honest, it puts me in a foul mood ...which I know isn't 'Christ-like', but it's hard to shake the sadness that comes from the anniversary of the death of someone you love.
Thankfully, we know what happens 3 days later...and that's something not only worth smiling about, but living for.
To be honest, it puts me in a foul mood ...which I know isn't 'Christ-like', but it's hard to shake the sadness that comes from the anniversary of the death of someone you love.
Thankfully, we know what happens 3 days later...and that's something not only worth smiling about, but living for.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Times, They are a Changing...
My husband will be taking a new job at a local gym within the next couple of weeks. We have been incredibly blessed by his position at the Christian radio station where he's been working for the last 5 months. With things becoming worse and worse at the fitness store where Jay worked for 2 years (which was primarily commission based), the job in radio sales was a welcomed relief and a much needed stepping stone for our entire family. Luckily, the job provided enough security for us to make the transition back into Tallahassee and Jay has been blessed to work with some fantastic people that he will always feel lucky to know.
The position, as convenient and secure as it has been, has not been the right fit for Jay and he found himself feeling like a fish out of water. After spending the last decade in the fitness industry, he was missing the realm he knows so well and excels in. He met with the owner of a local gym and after a few conversations, the management team decided they wanted Jay and all of the experience and success he will bring to the table. He's been working there part time, two evenings a week, and already he is excited about being a round peg in a round hole again. He will be managing the sales and marketing team at Legends Fitness here in Tallahassee, which is about a 10 minute walk away from where we live! His schedule will be a bit different, but we think it will work really well for our family.
He'll be going in mid-afternoon and staying til 9-ish so we'll have every morning together as a family and Caden will see him much more than he even does now. He will also have every Friday and Sunday off. My favourite part (selfishly) is that I get a free gym membership at a gym that has tanning, group exercise classes and childcare. WOO-HOO!
I'm so proud of my husband. He amazes me. I trust him to always ensure that his family is well taken care of, wanting for nothing, and I love that he's not afraid to make changes or tough choices for the betterment of everyone involved. He's a go getter and I want to be more like him.
I will start watching a little girl (who is about 6 months old) in the near future, a few hours a day for a few days a week. Monday-Wednesday from 9-12 I'll have some baby time and Thursday-Saturday from 6-10 I'll have some grown up time playing piano at Georgio's. I had considered, reluctantly, about taking Caden out of school to save money but I know he would miss it a lot. Watching another child for a few hours will shake up the routine, give us a play mate, and provide enough 'extra' to keep him in school. Funny how things always work out...;)
In house news, WE HAVE AN OFFER ON THE HOUSE! It's low and has to be approved by the bank who may reject it, but it's an offer, and the only one we've gotten since we started selling in June of last year so we're stoked. This process of negotiations may take months, but I'll keep you posted. In the mean time, pray with us! We're hopeful and excited about not having to look back anymore.
And, last but not least, Caden is amazing.

A picture is worth a thousand words.
The position, as convenient and secure as it has been, has not been the right fit for Jay and he found himself feeling like a fish out of water. After spending the last decade in the fitness industry, he was missing the realm he knows so well and excels in. He met with the owner of a local gym and after a few conversations, the management team decided they wanted Jay and all of the experience and success he will bring to the table. He's been working there part time, two evenings a week, and already he is excited about being a round peg in a round hole again. He will be managing the sales and marketing team at Legends Fitness here in Tallahassee, which is about a 10 minute walk away from where we live! His schedule will be a bit different, but we think it will work really well for our family.
He'll be going in mid-afternoon and staying til 9-ish so we'll have every morning together as a family and Caden will see him much more than he even does now. He will also have every Friday and Sunday off. My favourite part (selfishly) is that I get a free gym membership at a gym that has tanning, group exercise classes and childcare. WOO-HOO!
I'm so proud of my husband. He amazes me. I trust him to always ensure that his family is well taken care of, wanting for nothing, and I love that he's not afraid to make changes or tough choices for the betterment of everyone involved. He's a go getter and I want to be more like him.
I will start watching a little girl (who is about 6 months old) in the near future, a few hours a day for a few days a week. Monday-Wednesday from 9-12 I'll have some baby time and Thursday-Saturday from 6-10 I'll have some grown up time playing piano at Georgio's. I had considered, reluctantly, about taking Caden out of school to save money but I know he would miss it a lot. Watching another child for a few hours will shake up the routine, give us a play mate, and provide enough 'extra' to keep him in school. Funny how things always work out...;)
In house news, WE HAVE AN OFFER ON THE HOUSE! It's low and has to be approved by the bank who may reject it, but it's an offer, and the only one we've gotten since we started selling in June of last year so we're stoked. This process of negotiations may take months, but I'll keep you posted. In the mean time, pray with us! We're hopeful and excited about not having to look back anymore.
And, last but not least, Caden is amazing.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Monday, April 06, 2009
Jay had to work on Saturday so Amber and I decided to take advantage of the sunshine and bring Caden to the park for a picnic. He's been begging to go on a picnic all week, but it's been raining everyday. Saturday was beautiful and sunny, the perfect day for a picnic in the park.
We packed up our picnic basket and blanket, put Caden's bike in the car and headed for Tom Brown Park. When we got there, we saw many signs all around the park pointing towards a 'GaP Picnic'.
"It's Gay and Proud day at the park today." I said.
Simultaneously we realized that as two women with a child we probably looked like we were there for the event. It was pretty funny.
We enjoyed our picnic and bike ride just the same...and I'm sure passers by thought that we were a beautiful little family :)
Thursday, April 02, 2009
I haven't really written anything of substance on this thing in quite a while. Writer's block? Maybe...but I think it's more of a personal censorship. I've become cautious to write when I feel any type of strong emotion. I don't like talking about my feelings so I'm reluctant to type about them...typing leads to questions and I prefer this one sided communication when it comes to the inner workings of my brain and heart.
I'm increasingly more careful about what I say with regards to myself because on more than one occasion my writings have been brought up for discussion outside of this one-sided world of blogging I have come to love, and I don't know how to deal with that. I like telling my thoughts to a computer. It's easy to forget that there are humans on the other side tuning in.
As previously stated, I don't like talking about my feelings...as funny as that sounds, seeing as how I have been an open book on this web page...but that's the thing. I like 'typing' about my feelings or opinions. What I don't like is 'talking' about them. I'm a deeply emotional being, but I am cautiously guarded too. It's a tricky combination.
So here's a window into me:
If I blog about something, it's usually because I don't want to 'talk' about it...silly as that may be. Some people may publically share their opinions as a way of digging for attention or getting their point across to specific individuals passive aggressively, but that's not me. Once I've written it, I don't want to talk about it again. That may not be fair, but that's how I feel.
I love to write. It's therapeutic for me. Talking about my feelings however is not therapeutic for me. It makes me feel stupid, embarrassed and irritated so I shut down and regret ever writing the post that prompted the uncomfortable conversation.
There is so much I have been learning about life lately...but it's hard to blog about them for the fear of having someone ask, "what's going on?!?!?!?!" or "Were you talking about me?"
DISCLAIMER: I have NEVER used my blog as a way of passive aggressively addressing another individual. Rest in knowing, if I have an issue with you, I'll call you about it or I'll get over it but blogging will not be my means of communicating it to you.
We live in an Internet networking saturated world where people air their dirty laundry through their face book status or pass hurtful gossip from wall to wall. In an effot to avoid confrontation, we have our important conversations via text message and email where tone is lost and nothing good can come from it. In an effort to separate myself from that, I issue the following statement:
When I write, it is about me and how I perceive life, God, marriage, motherhood, friendship, and the world around me. Sometimes, I get facts wrong, sometimes I write and after reading it, I don't agree with myself anymore! This website is not unbiased, research based material. It's TOTALLY biased and I don't know how not to be. It is after all the Life and Times of Kathy! ;)
My prayer and desire is that when/if people read what I have to say, they will be able to relate and feel encouraged...even when my days are less than cheery and my words less than inspiring...because let's be honest, no one has their game face on 100% of the time. A sad day doesn't mean a depressed girl...it just means I am human and had the courage to be honest about it.
A goal of mine, especially now that I have a very observant toddler, is to be real. I don't want to be one way outside and another way at home. I don't want Caden to see me as a faker. My husband is an incredibly honest person who has always inspired me to have a 'this is me. I'm working on it but it's not perfect. take it or leave it' attitude but it's tough for me to be transparent sometimes...because honesty prompts questioning and the more people try to dig into me, the more I shut down.
Trust me, I want to work on it. The people who love me have every right to ask about me and I know they do so out of the kindness of their hearts and once again, this was not written directly at anyone...I know that the issue is with me and not others...I am hoping to come to a place where I am so comfortable with myself and my friendships that I can be completely transparent and honest without fear of rejection but that will be a long road.
In the mean time, if my writings are sad, don't think I am. I might just be having a rough day. If my writings are infrequent, I apologize. I'm probably building furniture out of blocks with my kid. And try not to read too much into my ups and down. I am after all a woman and it could be due to any number of problems. Hormones, lack of caffeine, chocolate with drawl...the list is endless ;)
More than likely if you read this, it's because we have a connection and I truly do appreciate you doing life with me, even if it is onesided ;)
I'm increasingly more careful about what I say with regards to myself because on more than one occasion my writings have been brought up for discussion outside of this one-sided world of blogging I have come to love, and I don't know how to deal with that. I like telling my thoughts to a computer. It's easy to forget that there are humans on the other side tuning in.
As previously stated, I don't like talking about my feelings...as funny as that sounds, seeing as how I have been an open book on this web page...but that's the thing. I like 'typing' about my feelings or opinions. What I don't like is 'talking' about them. I'm a deeply emotional being, but I am cautiously guarded too. It's a tricky combination.
So here's a window into me:
If I blog about something, it's usually because I don't want to 'talk' about it...silly as that may be. Some people may publically share their opinions as a way of digging for attention or getting their point across to specific individuals passive aggressively, but that's not me. Once I've written it, I don't want to talk about it again. That may not be fair, but that's how I feel.
I love to write. It's therapeutic for me. Talking about my feelings however is not therapeutic for me. It makes me feel stupid, embarrassed and irritated so I shut down and regret ever writing the post that prompted the uncomfortable conversation.
There is so much I have been learning about life lately...but it's hard to blog about them for the fear of having someone ask, "what's going on?!?!?!?!" or "Were you talking about me?"
DISCLAIMER: I have NEVER used my blog as a way of passive aggressively addressing another individual. Rest in knowing, if I have an issue with you, I'll call you about it or I'll get over it but blogging will not be my means of communicating it to you.
We live in an Internet networking saturated world where people air their dirty laundry through their face book status or pass hurtful gossip from wall to wall. In an effot to avoid confrontation, we have our important conversations via text message and email where tone is lost and nothing good can come from it. In an effort to separate myself from that, I issue the following statement:
When I write, it is about me and how I perceive life, God, marriage, motherhood, friendship, and the world around me. Sometimes, I get facts wrong, sometimes I write and after reading it, I don't agree with myself anymore! This website is not unbiased, research based material. It's TOTALLY biased and I don't know how not to be. It is after all the Life and Times of Kathy! ;)
My prayer and desire is that when/if people read what I have to say, they will be able to relate and feel encouraged...even when my days are less than cheery and my words less than inspiring...because let's be honest, no one has their game face on 100% of the time. A sad day doesn't mean a depressed girl...it just means I am human and had the courage to be honest about it.
A goal of mine, especially now that I have a very observant toddler, is to be real. I don't want to be one way outside and another way at home. I don't want Caden to see me as a faker. My husband is an incredibly honest person who has always inspired me to have a 'this is me. I'm working on it but it's not perfect. take it or leave it' attitude but it's tough for me to be transparent sometimes...because honesty prompts questioning and the more people try to dig into me, the more I shut down.
Trust me, I want to work on it. The people who love me have every right to ask about me and I know they do so out of the kindness of their hearts and once again, this was not written directly at anyone...I know that the issue is with me and not others...I am hoping to come to a place where I am so comfortable with myself and my friendships that I can be completely transparent and honest without fear of rejection but that will be a long road.
In the mean time, if my writings are sad, don't think I am. I might just be having a rough day. If my writings are infrequent, I apologize. I'm probably building furniture out of blocks with my kid. And try not to read too much into my ups and down. I am after all a woman and it could be due to any number of problems. Hormones, lack of caffeine, chocolate with drawl...the list is endless ;)
More than likely if you read this, it's because we have a connection and I truly do appreciate you doing life with me, even if it is onesided ;)
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
True Love
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