Wednesday, November 05, 2008


He won. After all of the vicious attacks from both sides, the constant misrepresentation of two men, the twisting of their words, the accusations of what is 'christian' and 'non-christian' voting...the praying, the waiting, the CRAZINESS, and (most obnoxious of all) the signs ruining the esthetics of our streets, we finally have a new leader.
I think the majority of people are excited about that...regardless of who that person ended up least it's not the same guy it has been!
I, personally, am quite pleased with the outcome.
What I'm seeing today is a national sigh of relief mixed with disappointment, mixed with fear, mixed with excitement. There is some outlandish talk about our freedoms being revoked, how America will never be the same, we're all bound for disaster...etc. Then there is a sense of national pride from people who weren't sure for a while whether they were proud to be Americans, but now are...a refreshing of their faith in government doing what government is suppose to do (not to be confused with our faith in Christ...just a confidence that government will finally start doing what it was designed for and that things will get better)
Regardless of what side you find yourself on, Barack Obama has been elected leader of the United States of America and he will be the President of both the red and the blue. A man with a very unAmerican name, a very unconventional story and some fresh ideas is our new face in Washington. Don't be afraid of him. Pray for him. Don't focus all of your energy and attention on his faults, but be glad for his positive stances. America isn't set up in a way that any one man can single handedly destroy it anyay...if he gets too crazy, you guys will just revolt and impeach him :) so don't be so concerned with the doom and gloom messages of communism (which people are calling socialism without truly knowing the definition of either) and death. This mass production of fear is not biblical. It will be ok.
Now, I know that I've written a few of these notes which have sparked debate, ruffled some feathers, challenged thinking and sparked Christianity has been challenged, my morality has been challenged, my sanity has been challenged.
But here's the reality: I did my research. I prayed for direction. I listened with an open mind and a guarded heart to all view points and opinions and I am confident that the best man, out of the two, won...not that I had anything to do with it because I can't vote anyway..but being a non-American, I believe it was easier for me to form an opinion based on the facts...not based on the mindset passed down to me from generation to generation...because my generations aren't from here...and don't really care what happens here. No offense, but let's be honest, you (America) don't really care what happens up there either :)
I was able to form an unbiased opinion from scratch and I can confidently say that I am glad about who won.
Barack Obama supporter + Canadian citizen + sold out Christian = Kathy Stock. What a conglomeration! Some think it isn't possible, but I'm living proof.
I urge those who call themselves Christ followers to refrain from being vicious, ignorant, hateful and impatient even though you are angry and scared about what happened last night...regardless of whether you are standing for Christian ethics and ideals, we need to speak ALL things in love...otherwise, you have missed the point, you've added to the negative stereotype and you have embarrassed Christ. Repent of it and spend time in prayer asking God to ease your spirit and protect our new leader....all of this buzz is stirring up craziness and we don't want fear and hatred to drive dangerous people to do stupid things and hurt this man. Don't contribute to that.
For those of you happily rubbing the results of last nights election in the faces of the opposing side, please stop. People are legitimately concerned whether they should be or not, and I'm seeing a massive lack of respect. I'm happy right along with you, and by all means, express your excitement and personal victories, but don't be ugly. Remember: They had just as much hope for their candidate as you did for yours and they are greatly disappointed today. Pray for them.
Most importantly, my son is potty trained and I am going to get back to blogging about subjects like that, which really matter. :)

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