Sunday, November 23, 2008

Caden's New Brother

No, I'm not pregnant :) but the Stock Family is happy to announce that we adopted a sponsor child today. His name is Chrispine and he is from Zambia. He was born on the exact same day as Caden so they are the same age, to the day.
We introduced Caden to his new brother this morning and he was very excited. He pointed to him and yelled, "NEW DEND!" (which means, 'new friend' in Caden language) and then he asked, "Can Caden kiss dend?"
He leaned in and planted a huge kiss on the computer screen. Caden is usually not touchy feely with his 'dends' fact he gets down right angry when the huggy kid at school tries to embrace him every morning, but it seemed as though he knew that Chrispine was a new and very special part of our family.
Definitely a moment I will remember and treasure forever.
Before finding Chrispine, Jay and I were reviewing our money situation, which is never a fun thing to do. We're faithful givers and although we could definitely find someways to cut down on spending, we live pretty much within our means. Still, the stress of mortgage payments and bills was weighing heavy on us this's funny how instead of freaking out completely and hoarding our pennies, we were drawn to the World Vision website to do something we'd been talking about doing but have never gotten around to doing...sponsoring a little brother for Caden. A financial advisor probably would have slapped us for spending money we don't have, but it just felt right.
After seeing the faces of so many kids who truly know what struggling is, we were incredibly humbled and reminded, once again, of how great we have it.
I tried to copy Chrispine's picture from the World Vision website, but for the protection of the kids, they don't allow you to do that...which, I understand completely, so I copied down his information to share with you all so that you can join us in praying for his little life:

"Chrispine lives with his parents, 3 brothers, and 1 sister. His parents struggle to provide for the family. His father is a farmer. Despite their efforts, it is difficult to meet the family's needs.

Chrispine and his family live in a community severely affected by the HIV/AIDS crisis. In some communities, AIDS affects the entire social structure as a generation of hardworking adults is being wiped out. Frightened children and exhausted grandparents rarely have money for food, school, or medical care.

Chrispine is not in school at this time. He likes to play with toys. He helps at home by being good. He is in satisfactory health."

So, to everyone who keeps asking if we're going to give Caden a brother or sister, the answer is 'yes, we already have.' :)

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