Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bad Day

I'm having a bad day. Everyone has one every now and then, and there's no reason why we shouldn't be allowed to talk about it...pretending is far more exhausting than just being honest.
I did something brutal to my neck while holding Caden at the you read yesterday...but today, it is SO much worse. No rubbing, heating or medicating is seeming to do the trick. I wish I lived in Canada so I could buy muscle relaxers over the counter...but I know that's not the answer...I'm hoping to research a cheap massage therapist who can fit me in today.
My morning was miserable, trying to get Caden dressed, in the car and out the door...all the while running late because I spent about 30 minutes trying to figure out how I was even going to get out of bed. I used that 30 minutes to pray. I'm happy to say I prayed for everyone and everything. I prayed prayers of thanksgiving and love....I asked God to go before me and make me a woman after his own heart...that I would face the day in the name of the Lord..I felt quite good about my prayer, then I proceeded to fail every test God placed in front of me, miserably.
Being in pain makes me super crabby. I won't lie...because lying is a sin and I've used all mine up for the day.
My playful little boy tests me sometimes..especially when he plays his new game of, "You can't put pants on me if you can't catch me!" and "My legs don't work all of a sudden." Not cool, especially when I can't move my head down or from side to side.
As much as I love record-breaking cold mornings in Florida, this was not the best of days to have to scrape frost from my windshield...I did however take a second to breathe the air deeply which made me feel a little better.
Caden has another game called, "Random high pitched squealing in the car" which scares the poo out of me, causing me to almost drive off the road when he decides to play. I couldn't turn my head today to check my blind spots so I was in no mood to play Caden's 'super fun' game. After the first surprise squeal I said, threateningly, "If you scream like that again, I am going to pull this car over and spank your bottom!"
3 seconds later he let out a short, high pitched scream with a big smile on his face, taunting me. I hit the brake, pulled off the road and introduced Caden's bottom to Mrs. Wooden Spoon (we never leave home without her:)
Needless to say, the screaming ended and we made it to school/work safely. We talked about everything and Caden agreed that screaming in the car is 'bad news.'
Where I was running late, I grabbed a microwave dinner from the freezer but I am currently very sad about my meatloaf lean cuisine...when I'm this crabby, I need to medicate myself with food...starches and sugar and chocolate tend to be the right prescription.
I doubt I'll be able to go to parenting class tonight, again...last week it was the flu, this week it's paralysis of the head and chronic crabby pants.
Jesus and I have already talked about it and I've, once again, asked him to clean up my heart even though I so quickly dirtied up before 11 am...Time to start over...I can't promise that I'm not going to find joy in starches today but I will at least try and be a nicer me :)
Hope I was able to use my misfortunes to bring a chuckle to your day...after all, some good should come out of a bad day, right?


Anonymous said...

I suppose this wouldn't be the time to tell you that lean cuisines were recalled :)

Kathy said...

It was a 'healthy choice'...which apparantly, was indeed the healthier choice! haha. Thanks for the info though!