Our family was missing eachother pretty badly yesterday so we decided to have an impromptu family night. Tuesdays are Jay's day with Caden so at 5, they picked me up at work and we headed to Chick-fil-a. Caden had a super great time in the play area with new 'dends' (friends) and we considered the 4 minutes he took to sit and eat one french fry and a chicken nugget, a victory.
Then we asked him if he wanted to go see some animals to which he replied, "YA!" so we headed to the Tallahassee Mall pet store. Next to the pet store are the ever popular mechanical child rides...there were four, a couple of trucks, a train and a giant dragon. Caden ran immediately for them and we looked at eachother, bracing ourselves for the tantrum that was about to happen, because we didn't have any quarters.
Caden climbed up into the Bob the Builder truck and Jay leaned up against it, discovering that with maunal force, it rocks back and forth. So while being on the look out for mall police, Jay began shaking the truck back and forth while I hummed an annoying tune, similar to what would happen if we had spent the $0.50. It worked! Our ghetto-ness saved us 2 bucks, so we decided to go across the street to TCBY and get some icecream before heading back to C-ville.
We were going to feed the ducks at Lake Ella, but due to Tropical Storm Fay, Lake Ella's waters ate up the walking trail and the ducks were no where to be seen...freaked out by how close the lake now is to the street no doubt, but I think we had a good night just the same.
I heart my family.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I preface this by saying, I'm fine. Just getting somethings off my chest....
To be honest, I've never been a fan of daycare. I've seen some positive things come from it in Caden's life but aside from 1 day or a few hours a week, I really wish he didn't have to go. I'm starting to see some small but bothersome behaviors rising up in him....including his new phrase, "Leave me alone!" while boils my blood every time it comes out of his mouth...I know kids are kids, and they are going to say things they shouldn't and use their parents as their punching bags, but after 6 months of 'shall remain nameless' daycare, I think it's time for a change.
I'm currently trying to get Caden into a new school that I feel would be really good for him. It's a little bit more expensive and a little bit out of the way but I think the peace of mind I'll receive from knowing he's there, in a Christ-centered atmosphere with a loving, caring staff, will make the extra money and driving worth it.
The only problem is that there is a waiting list, and I'm really not interested in pursuing another option...I don't want to move him from one school to another to another to another...I've decided to keep him where he is until a spot opens up at the new school.
I've been kind of feeling like my life is speeding along and I am watching it go by with little control over it...It's moving so quickly and I find I'm frazzled and out of breath a lot of the time. I think I've finally come to the realization that I've lost my peace...which comes from the fact that I've stopped trusting God with my life. This is VERY out of character for me...I've always been known as ridiculously easy going, to a fault. I've never wondered whether we'd be ok or whether things would work themselves out because I've always rested in the fact that God loves me and He'll take care of it.
Somewhere in the hectic craziness of the last few months, I have begun over-thinking, stressing, and worrying about everything because I've switched my thinking from "God's got it" to "I have to take care of this" panic mode. I think it comes from the painful realization that Caden is growing up really fast, and I have a very short time to raise him, teach him, influence him, and I literally feel like I don't have time to raise him anymore, which terrifies me. It terrifies me because I somehow made being Caden's mom more important than being a child of God....scary. Coming to this awareness over the past couple of days has been startling, but healthy. It's time to start nipping this.
I've reached out and spoken with several people about what's going on with me. I've been concerned with leading worship on Sunday with my heart in a mess because the last thing I want to do is lead people in song about trusting, loving and worshipping the Lord when, mentally, I'm not here right now. A good friend reminded me that it's worshipping when we don't feel like it that is a true sacrifice of praise. It's an act of selflessness...to leave your 'feelings' at the door and say, "God, I don't want to be here, but I need to be here. I don't want to talk to You right now, but You're all I need and there's no where else to go. I'm not feeling very passionate about You right now, but I know You are the author of Love, Peace and Joy and that I am your child. I love You, I love You, I love You because I was created to."
I think I have a tendency to view God as an angry principle, waiting for me to mess up, wanting to always teach me a lesson the hard way. Then I remember He is my Father who loves me more than I Love my own son and a tiny fragment of peace comes over me, reminding me that if I ask for bread, He will not give me a stone. That if I seek, I'll find. That if I knock, the door will be opened. God doesn't break his promises...I just forget the promises He's made.
So today, after speaking with the director of the new school and finding out there is a waiting list, I began to panic. I'm still a little panicky, but I was reminded that God loves Caden more than I do, He will go with him and protect his mind, heart and body whether he's at daycare 1 or daycare 2. It will be ok.
In the mean time, I'm trying not to grind my teeth, eat too much chocolate (it's like beer to an alcoholic for me and my pants are already feeling tighter) and I'm trying not to remind God every 15 seconds what I need and when I need it...
I'm very much looking forward to church this Sunday. I need it.
I'm currently trying to get Caden into a new school that I feel would be really good for him. It's a little bit more expensive and a little bit out of the way but I think the peace of mind I'll receive from knowing he's there, in a Christ-centered atmosphere with a loving, caring staff, will make the extra money and driving worth it.
The only problem is that there is a waiting list, and I'm really not interested in pursuing another option...I don't want to move him from one school to another to another to another...I've decided to keep him where he is until a spot opens up at the new school.
I've been kind of feeling like my life is speeding along and I am watching it go by with little control over it...It's moving so quickly and I find I'm frazzled and out of breath a lot of the time. I think I've finally come to the realization that I've lost my peace...which comes from the fact that I've stopped trusting God with my life. This is VERY out of character for me...I've always been known as ridiculously easy going, to a fault. I've never wondered whether we'd be ok or whether things would work themselves out because I've always rested in the fact that God loves me and He'll take care of it.
Somewhere in the hectic craziness of the last few months, I have begun over-thinking, stressing, and worrying about everything because I've switched my thinking from "God's got it" to "I have to take care of this" panic mode. I think it comes from the painful realization that Caden is growing up really fast, and I have a very short time to raise him, teach him, influence him, and I literally feel like I don't have time to raise him anymore, which terrifies me. It terrifies me because I somehow made being Caden's mom more important than being a child of God....scary. Coming to this awareness over the past couple of days has been startling, but healthy. It's time to start nipping this.
I've reached out and spoken with several people about what's going on with me. I've been concerned with leading worship on Sunday with my heart in a mess because the last thing I want to do is lead people in song about trusting, loving and worshipping the Lord when, mentally, I'm not here right now. A good friend reminded me that it's worshipping when we don't feel like it that is a true sacrifice of praise. It's an act of selflessness...to leave your 'feelings' at the door and say, "God, I don't want to be here, but I need to be here. I don't want to talk to You right now, but You're all I need and there's no where else to go. I'm not feeling very passionate about You right now, but I know You are the author of Love, Peace and Joy and that I am your child. I love You, I love You, I love You because I was created to."
I think I have a tendency to view God as an angry principle, waiting for me to mess up, wanting to always teach me a lesson the hard way. Then I remember He is my Father who loves me more than I Love my own son and a tiny fragment of peace comes over me, reminding me that if I ask for bread, He will not give me a stone. That if I seek, I'll find. That if I knock, the door will be opened. God doesn't break his promises...I just forget the promises He's made.
So today, after speaking with the director of the new school and finding out there is a waiting list, I began to panic. I'm still a little panicky, but I was reminded that God loves Caden more than I do, He will go with him and protect his mind, heart and body whether he's at daycare 1 or daycare 2. It will be ok.
In the mean time, I'm trying not to grind my teeth, eat too much chocolate (it's like beer to an alcoholic for me and my pants are already feeling tighter) and I'm trying not to remind God every 15 seconds what I need and when I need it...
I'm very much looking forward to church this Sunday. I need it.
Monday, August 25, 2008
While I was in Canada...
Friday, August 22, 2008
Sleeping Baby
This is Caden at about a month old

This is Evan at about 2 weeks old

My sister and mother have gone out to run errands and I have the grand privilege of staying behind with Baby Evan. He is such a sweet boy, very similar to my boy a couple of years ago. They have a very similar look and demeanor about them...but I guess all newborns look alike to some extent.
Evan is getting bigger and stronger everyday, he sleeps almost all the way through the night already and is as pleasant as a pig in poop...even when he is literally in poop. He's a great kid.
I don't think there is any greater peace than a sleeping baby. There's just a sense of calm about them that makes you feel calm and content. I love the newborn stage. Other than colic and slight sleep deprivation, this stage is by far the calm before the storm that is toddlerhood....speaking of toddlers, I miss mine desperately.
Last night was tough getting to sleep...I was missing my family very much. I've never been away from Caden this long before and I find that I don't know what to do with myself half the time. He is such a loving little man with a giant heart..he adds so much to my life so a piece of me is missing without him around.
Jay has been superman this week...single parenting, taking a nasty fall off of a chair while changing the air filters, working, rushing to find childcare when Caden's school shut down last minute because of hurricane Faye...he's been great...I can't wait to see both of them on Sunday....i hate that i have to work mon-wed when i get back cause all i want to do is play with Caden..but it will be great to wake up and see him Monday morning...he's such a great kid.
I will go back to "babysitting"...A.K.A: Watching a beautiful, sleeping baby.

This is Evan at about 2 weeks old

My sister and mother have gone out to run errands and I have the grand privilege of staying behind with Baby Evan. He is such a sweet boy, very similar to my boy a couple of years ago. They have a very similar look and demeanor about them...but I guess all newborns look alike to some extent.
Evan is getting bigger and stronger everyday, he sleeps almost all the way through the night already and is as pleasant as a pig in poop...even when he is literally in poop. He's a great kid.
I don't think there is any greater peace than a sleeping baby. There's just a sense of calm about them that makes you feel calm and content. I love the newborn stage. Other than colic and slight sleep deprivation, this stage is by far the calm before the storm that is toddlerhood....speaking of toddlers, I miss mine desperately.
Last night was tough getting to sleep...I was missing my family very much. I've never been away from Caden this long before and I find that I don't know what to do with myself half the time. He is such a loving little man with a giant heart..he adds so much to my life so a piece of me is missing without him around.
Jay has been superman this week...single parenting, taking a nasty fall off of a chair while changing the air filters, working, rushing to find childcare when Caden's school shut down last minute because of hurricane Faye...he's been great...I can't wait to see both of them on Sunday....i hate that i have to work mon-wed when i get back cause all i want to do is play with Caden..but it will be great to wake up and see him Monday morning...he's such a great kid.
I will go back to "babysitting"...A.K.A: Watching a beautiful, sleeping baby.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Things I am Currently Really Enjoying about Canada......
- My family
- Tim Hortons
- The way the house smells on a summers day when the windows are left open and a fresh breeze is blowing through.
- Ah Caramels, walnut crunches, flakies and the millions of other fantastic sweets I can't find anywhere else.
- Watching the Olympics from Canada's perspective
- Newfoundland radio hour on Sunday night in Alberta
- KFC's Canadian menu
- Bison Burgers
- Awesome mainlander accents
- Early morning (5:30am)sunrises and late night (9:00pm)sunsets...it makes it so much easier to get out of bed in the morning and get more accomplished after dinner.
- Lack of nasty bugs and oppressive heat
- Loonies, Toonies and colourful money
- Things being spelled with 'our' at the end and 'checks' being spelled 'cheques'.
- 'Zed' instead of 'Zee'
- People who understand all of the words that come out of my mouth, regardless of how fast I say them or whether they are real words or not.
Things I am currently not enjoying about Canada:
- How expensive everything is
- Missing my boys in Tallahassee
...That's pretty much it!
- Tim Hortons
- The way the house smells on a summers day when the windows are left open and a fresh breeze is blowing through.
- Ah Caramels, walnut crunches, flakies and the millions of other fantastic sweets I can't find anywhere else.
- Watching the Olympics from Canada's perspective
- Newfoundland radio hour on Sunday night in Alberta
- KFC's Canadian menu
- Bison Burgers
- Awesome mainlander accents
- Early morning (5:30am)sunrises and late night (9:00pm)sunsets...it makes it so much easier to get out of bed in the morning and get more accomplished after dinner.
- Lack of nasty bugs and oppressive heat
- Loonies, Toonies and colourful money
- Things being spelled with 'our' at the end and 'checks' being spelled 'cheques'.
- 'Zed' instead of 'Zee'
- People who understand all of the words that come out of my mouth, regardless of how fast I say them or whether they are real words or not.
Things I am currently not enjoying about Canada:
- How expensive everything is
- Missing my boys in Tallahassee
...That's pretty much it!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Baby Evan
He's perfect in everyway. It's great to be here...I do however miss my boys. Seeing little Evan makes me miss Caden's baby days....not enough to have another one though ;)
This should be a great week, and the absence from my boys will make my heart grow even fonder for them...if that's even possible.
I Miss you Caden. I Miss you Daddy. Take care of eachother while I'm gone.
This should be a great week, and the absence from my boys will make my heart grow even fonder for them...if that's even possible.
I Miss you Caden. I Miss you Daddy. Take care of eachother while I'm gone.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Today was great. Baby shower with great friends in the morning, 2 hours of spa in the afternoon, Red Lobster cheesy biscuits, Batman and icecream in the evening.
Now I'm packing because 5:30am is going to come quickly. Going to see loved ones in a part of Canada I've never seen tomorrow.
Year 25 has been good to me.
Now I'm packing because 5:30am is going to come quickly. Going to see loved ones in a part of Canada I've never seen tomorrow.
Year 25 has been good to me.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
My Son
Caden and I were sorting the clean clothes in my room this afternoon. I went to the closet to hang up some shirts and when I looked out, he was gone.
When I found him, he was in the living room doing this:
When I found him, he was in the living room doing this:
Sunday, August 10, 2008
the main thing
Although church started this morning at 6am, it was one of the most refreshing church experiences I've had in a long time. Since Leon High School decided to kick us out of the auditorium, we were forced to pull together in the wee hours of the morning and set up church in the gym. This meant cutting back on some of the things we normally do. Instead of an elaborate band and set up, we had an acoustic set with just three of us. 2 guitars and harmonies. I thrive in that setting.
Because of the setting and time/help restrictions, we had to have the congregation sit on the gym bleachers, which I'm sure was not comfortable for them, but it caused us all to be in close proximity to each other which I LOVE. I love being able to hear congregational singing and see the joy on the faces of people worshipping. It was great. Normally we are so far away from everyone I never even know who comes to our church. I think (despite the discomfort of the seating) people responded really well to the setting too. The lights came and went a few times, but I noticed that no one even flinched. With hands held high, they kept singing and worshiping and praying because this week we truly were focused on the main thing and it was awesome.I'm not a high maintenance person so I'm not bothered when things aren't perfect, although I understand and appreciate our church's commitment to creating an atmosphere conducive for worship....but today it was really nice to just sit back, not take ourselves so seriously and just enjoy being together without (as the saying goes) all the 'bells and whistles'. As awkward and uncomfortable as it may have been, I really felt like I went to church today. I really felt like we made the main thing, the main thing.
On Friday I started to feel really sick again and I began praying and asking God to forgive me for complaining about my hectic schedule. I don't participate in church or play music because I'm forced to. I don't do it for recognition or for status. I do it because I love doing it and it draws me close to God while He works through me in a way I could never accomplish on my own. I'm so thankful for the gift of music and song and I never want to take it for granted. I got to rest a bit on Friday and was able to get to the wedding rehearsal where I felt a lot better. Today (since it's been a strenuous day at the end of a very ill week) was difficult, but the fatigue and tummy issues paled in comparison to the joy I found in worshipping Christ with my friends today.
Sometimes it takes a slap in the face to remember how great things are...or in my case, a stomach bug.
Now in less than a week I will be on a plane bound for Canada to see my mother, sister, brother-in-law and brand new nephew, Evan. This year has been filled with travel, all thanks to parental airmiles. This will be the 3rd time I get to see my mom since March and the second time I see my sister since April...which is usually 3 or 4 years worth of visiting in a 5 month span.
'Thanks Mom for flying me around the world because you love me and want to see me...thanks for making it possible for me to take this trip when I know how many strings you have to pull with work and Nan just to get away yourself. When Caden becomes a famous drummer I'll pay you back :)'
Because of the setting and time/help restrictions, we had to have the congregation sit on the gym bleachers, which I'm sure was not comfortable for them, but it caused us all to be in close proximity to each other which I LOVE. I love being able to hear congregational singing and see the joy on the faces of people worshipping. It was great. Normally we are so far away from everyone I never even know who comes to our church. I think (despite the discomfort of the seating) people responded really well to the setting too. The lights came and went a few times, but I noticed that no one even flinched. With hands held high, they kept singing and worshiping and praying because this week we truly were focused on the main thing and it was awesome.I'm not a high maintenance person so I'm not bothered when things aren't perfect, although I understand and appreciate our church's commitment to creating an atmosphere conducive for worship....but today it was really nice to just sit back, not take ourselves so seriously and just enjoy being together without (as the saying goes) all the 'bells and whistles'. As awkward and uncomfortable as it may have been, I really felt like I went to church today. I really felt like we made the main thing, the main thing.
On Friday I started to feel really sick again and I began praying and asking God to forgive me for complaining about my hectic schedule. I don't participate in church or play music because I'm forced to. I don't do it for recognition or for status. I do it because I love doing it and it draws me close to God while He works through me in a way I could never accomplish on my own. I'm so thankful for the gift of music and song and I never want to take it for granted. I got to rest a bit on Friday and was able to get to the wedding rehearsal where I felt a lot better. Today (since it's been a strenuous day at the end of a very ill week) was difficult, but the fatigue and tummy issues paled in comparison to the joy I found in worshipping Christ with my friends today.
Sometimes it takes a slap in the face to remember how great things are...or in my case, a stomach bug.
Now in less than a week I will be on a plane bound for Canada to see my mother, sister, brother-in-law and brand new nephew, Evan. This year has been filled with travel, all thanks to parental airmiles. This will be the 3rd time I get to see my mom since March and the second time I see my sister since April...which is usually 3 or 4 years worth of visiting in a 5 month span.
'Thanks Mom for flying me around the world because you love me and want to see me...thanks for making it possible for me to take this trip when I know how many strings you have to pull with work and Nan just to get away yourself. When Caden becomes a famous drummer I'll pay you back :)'
Thursday, August 07, 2008
He's Here!
This morning Evan Cole Higdon was born and I became an AUNT! Which means my sister became a mother, and a fantastic mother she will be.
After a day and a half of throwing up, this morning began without nausia and with the announcement of this long awaited birth! I think (as you can tell by a previous post) that I had over loaded myself and my family this week and God decided to slow me down with a stomach flu...I actually needed it...strange as that sounds...
Tonight worship team has been cancelled meaning my crazy week schedule has been down graded to a crazy weekend, which is quite doable.
Thanks to everyone who reached out, offering a roof for Saturday night and childcare for Caden. I'm blessed with great friends.
Now it's only 10 days until I fly to western Canada and see my little nephew! Welcome Evan!
After a day and a half of throwing up, this morning began without nausia and with the announcement of this long awaited birth! I think (as you can tell by a previous post) that I had over loaded myself and my family this week and God decided to slow me down with a stomach flu...I actually needed it...strange as that sounds...
Tonight worship team has been cancelled meaning my crazy week schedule has been down graded to a crazy weekend, which is quite doable.
Thanks to everyone who reached out, offering a roof for Saturday night and childcare for Caden. I'm blessed with great friends.
Now it's only 10 days until I fly to western Canada and see my little nephew! Welcome Evan!
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Month of Pure Insanity
If I'm not regularly updating, this is why:
Tomorrow: Bring Caden to school. Working 8-5, driving half way to Crawfordville to get Caden, driving back into Tallahassee, practicing for One Night at 6:15 followed by One Night itself at 7, lasting until whenever the Holy Spirit says it's ok to go. 45 minute drive back home. Late night for Caden. At some point in there, we will eat something but bathtime for Caden probably won't happen.
Thursday: Data entry work from home while entertaining Caden, try and find somewhere for Caden to go until Jay gets off work at 7, practice for Tiffany's wedding at 6, Worship team at 7. 45 minute drive back home. Another late night for Caden. We will also find time to eat at some point but once again, it may be too late for a bath...good thing tomorrow is swim day at school...he'll at least be submersed in water.
Friday: Bring Caden to school with lunch and swim clothes. Working from 10-4, driving half way to Crawfordville to get Caden, driving back into town, hopefully finding someone who can watch him till Jay gets off work (although the chances of this happening 2 nights in a row are slim to none) Wedding Rehearsal at 6 (perhaps with Caden on my back in the hiking back pack), Rehearsal dinner to follow. Another late night for Caden. Luckily eating is included in these plans already...I may have to sponge bathe him while he sleeps...
Saturday: Amber comes to the house at 1:45 to watch a smelly, sleepy Caden. I have to be at the church for 2:30. Wedding starts at 3:30, reception to follow. Somehow meet up with Jay when he's done work. He drops me off at someones house where I will spend the night (person to be determined) and drives home in the car to relieve Amber. Caden WILL get a real bath this night, come hell or high water. I'll spend the night with said friend because Sunday morning comes too early for an already exhausted little boy.
Sunday: Be at Leon High School to set up church at 6am. Pack up the Keyboard and leave church around 1-ish. Bring Jay to wherever he left his bike the night before so he can drive it home behind me and Caden. Lunch? Who knows. We survive on pure will at this point. When we get home we'll tag team clean the house, mow the lawn, do the laundry and get things ready for the coming week of madness.
Next Week: Work, parent/teacher meeting at Caden's school, continue working on the house to have it ready at anytime for potential buyers, alot of work reports and deadlines to meet, my birthday, Dana's baby shower, prep the boys and leave for Canada on a solo trip where I'll be till the 24th.
Then it's back to work, dentist appointments, birthday parties, worship teaming, etc. etc. etc...I really miss my husband...I really miss my kid...as much as I hate preping and dishes, I really miss eating home cooked meals...
I know I'm whining, but I'm exhausted already.
Our best chance thus far of selling the house fell through last night when the potential buyer changed his mind..that was defeating..but at this point, I know God has that...I just wish I had more time to pray about it.
Lord, give me the strength to be all of things you've called me to be. Christian Wife, mother, sister, daughter, soon-to-be Aunt, musician, friend, employee, volunteer, make-shift realtor...I'm burning out. Amen.
Tomorrow: Bring Caden to school. Working 8-5, driving half way to Crawfordville to get Caden, driving back into Tallahassee, practicing for One Night at 6:15 followed by One Night itself at 7, lasting until whenever the Holy Spirit says it's ok to go. 45 minute drive back home. Late night for Caden. At some point in there, we will eat something but bathtime for Caden probably won't happen.
Thursday: Data entry work from home while entertaining Caden, try and find somewhere for Caden to go until Jay gets off work at 7, practice for Tiffany's wedding at 6, Worship team at 7. 45 minute drive back home. Another late night for Caden. We will also find time to eat at some point but once again, it may be too late for a bath...good thing tomorrow is swim day at school...he'll at least be submersed in water.
Friday: Bring Caden to school with lunch and swim clothes. Working from 10-4, driving half way to Crawfordville to get Caden, driving back into town, hopefully finding someone who can watch him till Jay gets off work (although the chances of this happening 2 nights in a row are slim to none) Wedding Rehearsal at 6 (perhaps with Caden on my back in the hiking back pack), Rehearsal dinner to follow. Another late night for Caden. Luckily eating is included in these plans already...I may have to sponge bathe him while he sleeps...
Saturday: Amber comes to the house at 1:45 to watch a smelly, sleepy Caden. I have to be at the church for 2:30. Wedding starts at 3:30, reception to follow. Somehow meet up with Jay when he's done work. He drops me off at someones house where I will spend the night (person to be determined) and drives home in the car to relieve Amber. Caden WILL get a real bath this night, come hell or high water. I'll spend the night with said friend because Sunday morning comes too early for an already exhausted little boy.
Sunday: Be at Leon High School to set up church at 6am. Pack up the Keyboard and leave church around 1-ish. Bring Jay to wherever he left his bike the night before so he can drive it home behind me and Caden. Lunch? Who knows. We survive on pure will at this point. When we get home we'll tag team clean the house, mow the lawn, do the laundry and get things ready for the coming week of madness.
Next Week: Work, parent/teacher meeting at Caden's school, continue working on the house to have it ready at anytime for potential buyers, alot of work reports and deadlines to meet, my birthday, Dana's baby shower, prep the boys and leave for Canada on a solo trip where I'll be till the 24th.
Then it's back to work, dentist appointments, birthday parties, worship teaming, etc. etc. etc...I really miss my husband...I really miss my kid...as much as I hate preping and dishes, I really miss eating home cooked meals...
I know I'm whining, but I'm exhausted already.
Our best chance thus far of selling the house fell through last night when the potential buyer changed his mind..that was defeating..but at this point, I know God has that...I just wish I had more time to pray about it.
Lord, give me the strength to be all of things you've called me to be. Christian Wife, mother, sister, daughter, soon-to-be Aunt, musician, friend, employee, volunteer, make-shift realtor...I'm burning out. Amen.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Tomorrow is Monday
Today on the way home from church, Caden began puking in the car. He seemed fine up until he started spewing his lunch. We pulled over, cleaned him up as best we could and then let him ride the last 4 miles in the front seat with mommy...we figured if a cop stopped us he would have understood our plight after sticking his head in our car and taking a whiff of the nasty.
Since then Caden has been throwing up/dry heaving every 15-20 minutes. Miserable and smelly, I put him in the bath and got him ready for bed. After the bath, he seemed to feel better, dry heaving only a few times before asking for a banana. He ate the banana and drank some 'bawter' (water) and after keeping him up for another hour to monitor him, he seemed to be feeling much, much better. We've had a couple of late nights and early mornings so I don't know if he was just so over tired he didn't know what else to do but toss his cookies...who knows.
Hopefully he will sleep it off and wake refreshed in the morning, puke free. Today we also cleaned the house, re-cleaned the puke spots several times, Jay mowed the grass and I took apart and reassembled the car seat after washing the barf out of it. Now, we are pooped and going to bed.
Tomorrow is Monday.
Since then Caden has been throwing up/dry heaving every 15-20 minutes. Miserable and smelly, I put him in the bath and got him ready for bed. After the bath, he seemed to feel better, dry heaving only a few times before asking for a banana. He ate the banana and drank some 'bawter' (water) and after keeping him up for another hour to monitor him, he seemed to be feeling much, much better. We've had a couple of late nights and early mornings so I don't know if he was just so over tired he didn't know what else to do but toss his cookies...who knows.
Hopefully he will sleep it off and wake refreshed in the morning, puke free. Today we also cleaned the house, re-cleaned the puke spots several times, Jay mowed the grass and I took apart and reassembled the car seat after washing the barf out of it. Now, we are pooped and going to bed.
Tomorrow is Monday.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
as promised
Ok, so I know Sammy isn't the one you normally tune in to see, but he's just so darn cute...especially when he attempts to stuff his 24 pound kitty body into a tiny apricot box.

Me taking a picture of Caden after he had eaten beans...Caden taking a picture of me after I had served beans...you can see the beans all over his face, shirt and hair...He sure did love those beans.

I was making the bed yesterday and Caden decided to run and jump in the blankets on the floor. He didn't seem to take notice of how close he was to the outside corner of the wall and WHAM! He went forehead first into the wall.

The head split up close

Kisses, an ice pack, some fruit snacks and an episode of 'The Wonder Pets' made it all better.
Me taking a picture of Caden after he had eaten beans...Caden taking a picture of me after I had served beans...you can see the beans all over his face, shirt and hair...He sure did love those beans.
I was making the bed yesterday and Caden decided to run and jump in the blankets on the floor. He didn't seem to take notice of how close he was to the outside corner of the wall and WHAM! He went forehead first into the wall.
The head split up close
Kisses, an ice pack, some fruit snacks and an episode of 'The Wonder Pets' made it all better.
I am cleaning up my house, throwing out trash, donating things to goodwill like crazy, selling whatever valuables we don't use and organizing everything in hopes of moving sometime soon.
Selling the house in this market for what we need to sell it for is seeming to be an impossible task...but I've been reading alot in God's word about hope lately and am no longer afraid to do so for fear of being let down.
My new perspective: The house will sell at the perfect time in the perfect scenerio whether that is today, tomorrow or in 2037...(although I may be a little deflated by that time) because we've given it to God and His will is perfect.
God's timing is perfect and he sees the whole picture. Our potential buyers from last month confirmed yesterday that they are going with another house to avoid the commute...but I am not discouraged...when we trust God with our problems and compare them to His vastness and greatness, they pale in comparison and we can all breathe a little bit easier.
I think I've got a better grasp on my insane schedule. I unfortunatly do not have as much time to take and upload videos and photos like before...but I am going to try and post something for those of you jonesin for Caden pics by the end of the night.
Until then, I must take advantage of what's left of nap time to shower and continue the purge.
Selling the house in this market for what we need to sell it for is seeming to be an impossible task...but I've been reading alot in God's word about hope lately and am no longer afraid to do so for fear of being let down.
My new perspective: The house will sell at the perfect time in the perfect scenerio whether that is today, tomorrow or in 2037...(although I may be a little deflated by that time) because we've given it to God and His will is perfect.
God's timing is perfect and he sees the whole picture. Our potential buyers from last month confirmed yesterday that they are going with another house to avoid the commute...but I am not discouraged...when we trust God with our problems and compare them to His vastness and greatness, they pale in comparison and we can all breathe a little bit easier.
I think I've got a better grasp on my insane schedule. I unfortunatly do not have as much time to take and upload videos and photos like before...but I am going to try and post something for those of you jonesin for Caden pics by the end of the night.
Until then, I must take advantage of what's left of nap time to shower and continue the purge.
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