That is what is sitting next to me while I type. A little piece of ham sandwich that I found balled up in Caden's fist earlier today. I took it from him so that he wouldn't make a mess, and like most things, I forgot all about now it is sitting on the computer desk, hard and crusty. Mmmmm.
Sarah Jewett Clark spent the night here last night. I love it when I'm away from someone for a long time but when we meet again it's as if time and space never happened. We had fun, even though the time passed quickly. Turns out the amazing aerobed I got isn't so amazing after all, and Sarah woke up this morning sandwiched by the sides of a deflated bed....thankfully that girl can sleep through anything. Good friends of ours lent us their air matress so that Amy would have a place to rest her weary head tomorrow night.
That's right! TOMORROW NIGHT!
I can't believe the time has come. The next 8 weeks are going to be really awesome.
Jay is out tonight with his British friend, Tim. Oh wait, that's him at the door...YAY! He's back!
If anyone is bored tomorrow evening around 6pm EST, give me a call on my cell. I'll be on the road to Jacksonville to pick up Amy.
As the french would say, 'Au Revoir.'
Friday, August 31, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
'Uh-Oh Mama'
Caden's new favourite word is 'Uh-oh'. He says it in any situation, whether the situation calls for an 'uh-oh' or not. He also now associates me with the word 'Mama' and will call out to me when he needs something or he'll tap my leg and say, 'Mama' at which point I melt and smother him with kisses. He also said 'Ball' and 'Banana' the other day. When Jay got up in the morning Caden looked straight at him and said, 'Banana?'
He either wanted one or he thinks Jay is a monkey.
My computer is slowly deteriorating. I am unable to post pictures or video and I can't check my bank account or respond to emails anymore. I also can't delete emails so I have millions of unremovable spam in my inbox. I can't respond to comments or messages on myspace or facebook. I am trapped in a one-way communicative world. HELP ME BEST BUY!
I hope that blessed card shows up today.
If it does Jay and I will be going on a 'Dinner and Best Buy' date tomorrow night. If it doesn't we may still do the dinner part.
Speaking of food, I LOST 7 POUNDS LAST WEEK! Eating the cats will not be necessary. I've been eating the right foods at the right times, taking my multi-vitamin and walking 1-2 times a day and boom! Suddenly I fit into pants I have not since two years ago!
Thank you Lord.
I'm sticking with it and am pretty motivated. It feels good to have something under control. I'm only 11 pounds from my goal so I need to stay focused, stay active and not get pregnant...that's what happened last time I lost weight...but in the end it was worth it. I'd just like to enjoy this weightloss for at least a year before a baby forces me to gain it all back.
Speaking of babies, everyone is having them! Kathryn, Julie, Leksie, Diana, Tabitha, half the women at book babies this morning, half the women at church....must be something in the water! Congrats everyone!
He either wanted one or he thinks Jay is a monkey.
My computer is slowly deteriorating. I am unable to post pictures or video and I can't check my bank account or respond to emails anymore. I also can't delete emails so I have millions of unremovable spam in my inbox. I can't respond to comments or messages on myspace or facebook. I am trapped in a one-way communicative world. HELP ME BEST BUY!
I hope that blessed card shows up today.
If it does Jay and I will be going on a 'Dinner and Best Buy' date tomorrow night. If it doesn't we may still do the dinner part.
Speaking of food, I LOST 7 POUNDS LAST WEEK! Eating the cats will not be necessary. I've been eating the right foods at the right times, taking my multi-vitamin and walking 1-2 times a day and boom! Suddenly I fit into pants I have not since two years ago!
Thank you Lord.
I'm sticking with it and am pretty motivated. It feels good to have something under control. I'm only 11 pounds from my goal so I need to stay focused, stay active and not get pregnant...that's what happened last time I lost weight...but in the end it was worth it. I'd just like to enjoy this weightloss for at least a year before a baby forces me to gain it all back.
Speaking of babies, everyone is having them! Kathryn, Julie, Leksie, Diana, Tabitha, half the women at book babies this morning, half the women at church....must be something in the water! Congrats everyone!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
I think I want another tattoo. I'm thinking a pretty maple leaf to remind myself of the homeland. The problem is where to put it. I already have a tattoo on my foot, which is where I always wanted to have one. Thankfully, I've never regretted the decision to get it and love it as much now as the day I was branded. This time I have no idea where to put it. Forehead maybe? Who knows.
In other news, Caden is about to hit the 3rd hour of his afternoon nap! PRAISE JESUS! I miss him and get quite bored while he sleeps but a good nap usually means a good evening so I'll wait it out.
I bought this awesome shirt with funky beading and forgetting it was in the laundry, I threw it in the dryer and completely wrecked it. Good thing it was only 4.99.
I have lots of funny photos and videos to post but my computer won't allow me to...and since the best buy gift card that Jay won in June as not yet surfaced, you'll have to wait patiently for the visuals.
Tonight my husband is coming home early at 5:30pm. We will be able to eat dinner before 8. This makes me happy.
Speaking of dinner, I'm on a diet and have had non-stop hunger pangs for 5 days. I'm eating constantly but it's stuff like brown rice and white fish....bananas and branflakes...sandwiches with only one slice of bread...why is it that I don't feel satisfied unless I eat a brick of grease and follow it up with a pan of brownies?
I weighed myself Sunday morning and am trying not to weigh myself again until Monday. With all of the healthy eating and daily walking there had better be something to show for it. If there's no drastic difference, I may go crazy and eat the cats.
In other news, Caden is about to hit the 3rd hour of his afternoon nap! PRAISE JESUS! I miss him and get quite bored while he sleeps but a good nap usually means a good evening so I'll wait it out.
I bought this awesome shirt with funky beading and forgetting it was in the laundry, I threw it in the dryer and completely wrecked it. Good thing it was only 4.99.
I have lots of funny photos and videos to post but my computer won't allow me to...and since the best buy gift card that Jay won in June as not yet surfaced, you'll have to wait patiently for the visuals.
Tonight my husband is coming home early at 5:30pm. We will be able to eat dinner before 8. This makes me happy.
Speaking of dinner, I'm on a diet and have had non-stop hunger pangs for 5 days. I'm eating constantly but it's stuff like brown rice and white fish....bananas and branflakes...sandwiches with only one slice of bread...why is it that I don't feel satisfied unless I eat a brick of grease and follow it up with a pan of brownies?
I weighed myself Sunday morning and am trying not to weigh myself again until Monday. With all of the healthy eating and daily walking there had better be something to show for it. If there's no drastic difference, I may go crazy and eat the cats.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
I'm being followed by a moon shadow...
Good song. I took my mini disc player along on our morning walk today and realized all the songs were lullaby's that I use to play in Caden's room. Not very motivating for walking early in the morning. Suprisingly the music helped me relax. Thank you Cat Stevens.
I miss my mother. I had a rough day after I dropped her off at the airport. I don't think I realized how much I need her around until she was here...then just like a vicious tease, she was gone. I know she felt the same way. Hopefully in the future my parents will fly to Florida for the winter. That would be lovely.
Even though it was short, we had a great time. Mom spoiled us all rotten, baked and cooked enough to cause an extra 5 pounds on all of us and loved on Caden enough to last him a few months.
Caden has been kind of off since she left too. He hasn't been sleeping well and because of it he's been a cross between a zombie and a tantrum throwing machine. The day she left he kept whining at the door as if to say, "Can we go pick Nan up wherever we dropped her off?"
Saturday night he was up about 3 or 4 times, then I had to get up at 5am for church. Yes, that's right. With the addition of an extra morning service, my morning routine will be waking up at 4:45 and leaving the house at 5:50am. Insane in the membrane. Sunday he wouldn't take a nap so there was no hope of resting then either. Sunday night he only woke up once, getting up for good at 6am. He fought off his nap yesterday afternoon and last night a sleepy me headed into town to record with the band. After much frustration with equipment, some sweet music and plenty of hysterical laughter, we left the studio at 11. In bed by 12, up at 5 when Caden decided it was time to start the day.
He was doing so well, sleeping 12 hours a night and napping for 3 hours in the he is suddenly anti-sleep, which is hard for a pro-sleep mama to handle. I'm sure I'll catch up when he is a teenager and I can't get him out of bed until 1 in the afternoon.
Did I mention I was dieting? Bad timing, because sugar usually helps me through the long days...but I've put on a few (so much for the worms idea) and I'm nipping it in the butt before 5 pounds becomes 50. Believe me, I'm capable.
Thankfully, Caden is napping right now...afterwards we're heading to walmart for a sound machine which I'm hoping will lull him to sleep in the afternoons for naps and keep him asleep all night from 8pm until after 7am.
Then it's off to the park for a brisk walk with Britt, home to see that guy who lives in my house...what's his name again?....oh ya! Jason! It's been so long since I've seen him I was starting to forget!
Praise Jesus he has tomorrow off.
Well that's my life in a nutshell. Things could be better, but they sure could be worse. Thank you Jesus.
I miss my mother. I had a rough day after I dropped her off at the airport. I don't think I realized how much I need her around until she was here...then just like a vicious tease, she was gone. I know she felt the same way. Hopefully in the future my parents will fly to Florida for the winter. That would be lovely.
Even though it was short, we had a great time. Mom spoiled us all rotten, baked and cooked enough to cause an extra 5 pounds on all of us and loved on Caden enough to last him a few months.
Caden has been kind of off since she left too. He hasn't been sleeping well and because of it he's been a cross between a zombie and a tantrum throwing machine. The day she left he kept whining at the door as if to say, "Can we go pick Nan up wherever we dropped her off?"
Saturday night he was up about 3 or 4 times, then I had to get up at 5am for church. Yes, that's right. With the addition of an extra morning service, my morning routine will be waking up at 4:45 and leaving the house at 5:50am. Insane in the membrane. Sunday he wouldn't take a nap so there was no hope of resting then either. Sunday night he only woke up once, getting up for good at 6am. He fought off his nap yesterday afternoon and last night a sleepy me headed into town to record with the band. After much frustration with equipment, some sweet music and plenty of hysterical laughter, we left the studio at 11. In bed by 12, up at 5 when Caden decided it was time to start the day.
He was doing so well, sleeping 12 hours a night and napping for 3 hours in the he is suddenly anti-sleep, which is hard for a pro-sleep mama to handle. I'm sure I'll catch up when he is a teenager and I can't get him out of bed until 1 in the afternoon.
Did I mention I was dieting? Bad timing, because sugar usually helps me through the long days...but I've put on a few (so much for the worms idea) and I'm nipping it in the butt before 5 pounds becomes 50. Believe me, I'm capable.
Thankfully, Caden is napping right now...afterwards we're heading to walmart for a sound machine which I'm hoping will lull him to sleep in the afternoons for naps and keep him asleep all night from 8pm until after 7am.
Then it's off to the park for a brisk walk with Britt, home to see that guy who lives in my house...what's his name again?....oh ya! Jason! It's been so long since I've seen him I was starting to forget!
Praise Jesus he has tomorrow off.
Well that's my life in a nutshell. Things could be better, but they sure could be worse. Thank you Jesus.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Time flies when you're having fun
Yummy, Happy Birthday to me!

Jason suprised me with a snorkling trip to Port St. Joe. At first I was nervous to swim in the ocean where the sharks and sting rays had access to me, but it ended up being AWESOME.

SCUBA STEVE?!?!?! Nope, just Jason.

This is the blue crab Jason caught

One of the 500 toys Nanny bought Caden during her stay

"Weee! My very own water park!"

Nanny's little man

Since my 24th birthday marked the 30th anniversary of Elvis's passing, Jay and I decided to do a little impression in memory of The King.
Jason suprised me with a snorkling trip to Port St. Joe. At first I was nervous to swim in the ocean where the sharks and sting rays had access to me, but it ended up being AWESOME.
SCUBA STEVE?!?!?! Nope, just Jason.
This is the blue crab Jason caught
One of the 500 toys Nanny bought Caden during her stay
"Weee! My very own water park!"
Nanny's little man
Since my 24th birthday marked the 30th anniversary of Elvis's passing, Jay and I decided to do a little impression in memory of The King.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Count Down!
My mother will be here in one hour. I should probably be on my way to the airport, but I hate being super early...My husband is not a fan of my poor time management but I truly belive in my heart that I will arrive on time.
In this case, I know I will be on time because I am going to give myself 40 minutes to arrive somewhere that is 20 minutes away. Look at me planning ahead!
I probably will not be blogging much this week so try and survive 6 days without my powerful insight. I know it will be hard not knowing what food I ate or what Disney channel shows I watched, but you're strong and you'll push through till Saturday when I am able to blog once more.
In future news, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME ON THURSDAY! Also, Happy Birthday to Kristy on Thursday...we share the same birthday but not the same age...I'm feeling old this week, so Kristy must be feeling ANCIENT! Kidding...I love you and I hope your trip to NL went well.
Peace out homies. I'm off to get the grandmama.
In this case, I know I will be on time because I am going to give myself 40 minutes to arrive somewhere that is 20 minutes away. Look at me planning ahead!
I probably will not be blogging much this week so try and survive 6 days without my powerful insight. I know it will be hard not knowing what food I ate or what Disney channel shows I watched, but you're strong and you'll push through till Saturday when I am able to blog once more.
In future news, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME ON THURSDAY! Also, Happy Birthday to Kristy on Thursday...we share the same birthday but not the same age...I'm feeling old this week, so Kristy must be feeling ANCIENT! Kidding...I love you and I hope your trip to NL went well.
Peace out homies. I'm off to get the grandmama.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Looking Back
I've been looking through old home videos lately...maybe it's because I have a birthday coming up...I'm not sure...but I have been wanting to go through my huge stack of unmarked mini-tapes for a long time.
Last night I was watching video from my first summer at CWJ in 2002. I was watching a young Jason Stock and an even younger Kathy Smith (I was 18!) talking and laughing as good friends, who at the time had NO idea they'd end up married. I was reminded of people I haven't seen or spoken to in 5 years who shaped my life tremendously without ever knowing it. I was reminded of being a camp counselor and how evil some of those kids were. For every 5 evil ones there was 1 precious one who made it all worth it. I would never do it again though. Those kids would stress me sick.
I have footage from our weekend trip to Myrtle Beach where we broke down and had to flag someone down for help...of our Spice Girls routine that we did for the girls camp yet the male counselors seemed to appreciate it more.
Today I've been watching video from University when I lived with Jacqueline, Renee Kristy, Beth and some other chick who's name I completely forget. Good times on Elizabeth Avenue. I was just watching Murray and Cliff demonstrating how to make blue angels...don't ask...and I was laughing hysterically at Kristy and I being ridiculously funny in my old room. I had movie posters all over the place and sheets that had daisy's all over them. I had forgotten all about that room. It's been a long time...
One video is of a Newfoundland party that Tracy threw for Jay his first time in NL. There were about 15 people there, dressed in fishing gear and funny 'out around the bay' type clothing. They decorated the room with sea gulls, fishing nets and a stuffed seal then they made Jay an honorary Newfoundlander by making him drink Purity Syrup and kiss a cod head. They went all out for a guy they didn't even know just to make him feel special and welcome. I miss all of you SO much.
There's video of my 19th birthday, of one of our many fishing trips in Hopeall on Greg's boat
I have video of all the gigs 'Blind Beggars' played and all the road trips we went on together.
More recent video that I found is of Caden from 3 months old til now. I honestly don't remember him being that small. It made me realize that he really isn't a baby anymore and how at every stage of his life I would say, "I wish he would stay this size forever" yet every age brings more joy, laughter and sleep than the one before it.
I still have tons more video to go through so my walk down memory lane probably won't stop here...but I just wanted to pause and reminisce. I've had a good life....all 24 years of it.
Last night I was watching video from my first summer at CWJ in 2002. I was watching a young Jason Stock and an even younger Kathy Smith (I was 18!) talking and laughing as good friends, who at the time had NO idea they'd end up married. I was reminded of people I haven't seen or spoken to in 5 years who shaped my life tremendously without ever knowing it. I was reminded of being a camp counselor and how evil some of those kids were. For every 5 evil ones there was 1 precious one who made it all worth it. I would never do it again though. Those kids would stress me sick.
I have footage from our weekend trip to Myrtle Beach where we broke down and had to flag someone down for help...of our Spice Girls routine that we did for the girls camp yet the male counselors seemed to appreciate it more.
Today I've been watching video from University when I lived with Jacqueline, Renee Kristy, Beth and some other chick who's name I completely forget. Good times on Elizabeth Avenue. I was just watching Murray and Cliff demonstrating how to make blue angels...don't ask...and I was laughing hysterically at Kristy and I being ridiculously funny in my old room. I had movie posters all over the place and sheets that had daisy's all over them. I had forgotten all about that room. It's been a long time...
One video is of a Newfoundland party that Tracy threw for Jay his first time in NL. There were about 15 people there, dressed in fishing gear and funny 'out around the bay' type clothing. They decorated the room with sea gulls, fishing nets and a stuffed seal then they made Jay an honorary Newfoundlander by making him drink Purity Syrup and kiss a cod head. They went all out for a guy they didn't even know just to make him feel special and welcome. I miss all of you SO much.
There's video of my 19th birthday, of one of our many fishing trips in Hopeall on Greg's boat
I have video of all the gigs 'Blind Beggars' played and all the road trips we went on together.
More recent video that I found is of Caden from 3 months old til now. I honestly don't remember him being that small. It made me realize that he really isn't a baby anymore and how at every stage of his life I would say, "I wish he would stay this size forever" yet every age brings more joy, laughter and sleep than the one before it.
I still have tons more video to go through so my walk down memory lane probably won't stop here...but I just wanted to pause and reminisce. I've had a good life....all 24 years of it.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Dear Brownies,
I must confess, I LOVE you. We've been together alot lately and when you're not around, I miss you.
But I've come to a point in my life where I need to find the strength to let you go. It's not you, it's me.
It's just that I've come so far and I feel like you're holding me back from my dreams of single digit clothing.
I know it hurts. It hurts me too.
But you're a very desirable treat and any woman would be lucky to have you.
As for me, I have to say 'Goodbye'.
But I've come to a point in my life where I need to find the strength to let you go. It's not you, it's me.
It's just that I've come so far and I feel like you're holding me back from my dreams of single digit clothing.
I know it hurts. It hurts me too.
But you're a very desirable treat and any woman would be lucky to have you.
As for me, I have to say 'Goodbye'.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
I'm Cold
Brrrr....the A/C is giving me goosebumps.
Last night we had the first official meeting of the 'My wife/girlfriend is out of town and I need a hot meal' club. Dave, Jerad and Kyle joined Jason, Caden and myself for an evening of lasagna, brownies and side splitting laughter. I'm blessed with great friends.
Caden has been an amazing sleeper lately. He's been sleeping 12-13 hours a night and taking a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon. This morning we went to the goodwill and found 5 very cool shirts for $6. We went to the playground but the scorching sun was too unbearable so we came home, coloured for a while, played the drum and watched 'Handy Manny.'
Don't be intimidated by the excitement of my life.
My mother will be here soon. 4 full days till 'Nan' arrives. I'm so excited.
Hopefully Jason will have his Best Buy gift card by this weekend. I'm sure I blogged about this before, but he won a contest at work and the prize is a $1500.00 gift card to Best Buy...which he was supose to received the first week in July but has yet to be seen. I've almost convinced him to get a Macbook :)
We definilty need to get a new DVD player because I accidently left the Wiggles playing for a week straight and broke with a toddler and no ability to play dvds is not good.
I never knew how much I needed the Wiggles until they were gone.
Last night we had the first official meeting of the 'My wife/girlfriend is out of town and I need a hot meal' club. Dave, Jerad and Kyle joined Jason, Caden and myself for an evening of lasagna, brownies and side splitting laughter. I'm blessed with great friends.
Caden has been an amazing sleeper lately. He's been sleeping 12-13 hours a night and taking a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon. This morning we went to the goodwill and found 5 very cool shirts for $6. We went to the playground but the scorching sun was too unbearable so we came home, coloured for a while, played the drum and watched 'Handy Manny.'
Don't be intimidated by the excitement of my life.
My mother will be here soon. 4 full days till 'Nan' arrives. I'm so excited.
Hopefully Jason will have his Best Buy gift card by this weekend. I'm sure I blogged about this before, but he won a contest at work and the prize is a $1500.00 gift card to Best Buy...which he was supose to received the first week in July but has yet to be seen. I've almost convinced him to get a Macbook :)
We definilty need to get a new DVD player because I accidently left the Wiggles playing for a week straight and broke with a toddler and no ability to play dvds is not good.
I never knew how much I needed the Wiggles until they were gone.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
What to say...
I haven't posted in a few days...could I have finally run out of things to say?
Church today was really good. The message struck me right between the eyes. I think that lately I've been looking in all the wrong places for definition and fulfillment. I was reminded today that God is the only one who can make me feel complete, defined and purposeful. Everyone and anything else is eventually going to dissapoint me if I depend on him/her/it for contentment. I was also told flat out by God via Pastor Brian's mouth, to wait.
I needed to hear that.
I tend to panic and act on what I always believe is God's nudging hand but this morning when I actually took the time to listen, I heard Him say, "Wait. Sit still. I'm working on it. I haven't forgotten about you."
This might only make sense to God and I which, at the end of the day, is fine with me.
Jason returned home safetly at 11 o'clock Friday night and proceeded to work at 9am Saturday morning. Thankfully, he was able to make it to church today and Caden and I went to his store to have lunch with him this afternoon. I miss him. We went from sharing an office for 2 years to seeing eachother maybe 3 hours a day. I function much better when I'm with him. As stated in previous posts, he keeps me sane.
I'm hoping he'll get a day off soon...if not this week than next week for my birthday. That man works so hard to make our lives happen. He's my hero.
Caden is humming very loudly and waiting very patiently for some playtime with Mommy so I should run.
Church today was really good. The message struck me right between the eyes. I think that lately I've been looking in all the wrong places for definition and fulfillment. I was reminded today that God is the only one who can make me feel complete, defined and purposeful. Everyone and anything else is eventually going to dissapoint me if I depend on him/her/it for contentment. I was also told flat out by God via Pastor Brian's mouth, to wait.
I needed to hear that.
I tend to panic and act on what I always believe is God's nudging hand but this morning when I actually took the time to listen, I heard Him say, "Wait. Sit still. I'm working on it. I haven't forgotten about you."
This might only make sense to God and I which, at the end of the day, is fine with me.
Jason returned home safetly at 11 o'clock Friday night and proceeded to work at 9am Saturday morning. Thankfully, he was able to make it to church today and Caden and I went to his store to have lunch with him this afternoon. I miss him. We went from sharing an office for 2 years to seeing eachother maybe 3 hours a day. I function much better when I'm with him. As stated in previous posts, he keeps me sane.
I'm hoping he'll get a day off soon...if not this week than next week for my birthday. That man works so hard to make our lives happen. He's my hero.
Caden is humming very loudly and waiting very patiently for some playtime with Mommy so I should run.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
6:00am - Woke up and realizing that I actually slept all through the night, rolled over and went back to sleep.
7:30am - Caden woke up, so I did too. Luckily he woke up humming 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star' instead of screaming 'Bloody Murder'.
7:40am - Had breakfast. Bowl of Branflakes for me, waffle and 1/2 banana for Caden.
7:50am - Got in the shower and got ready while Caden finished his breakfast and watched 'Playhouse Disney'
8:30am - Washed the syrup off of Caden and got him and his diaper bag ready for the day.
9:00am - Piled Caden, his gear, a lasagna, some brownies,a frozen garlic bread and a baby outfit into the car and headed into town.
9:40am - Dropped off dinner and a baby outfit for a family who just had a baby girl...she is absolutly beautiful by the way. Congratulations Boucher Family!
10:20am - Arrived at the GC annex to do some volunteer painting.
11:30am - Left the annex after discovering we didn't have the right supplies for the job...I shall return tomorrow.
12:15pm - Ate turkey sandwiches while watching, 'Handy Manny' and 'The Doodle Bops'.
1:00pm - Caden went down for a nap. I talked to my mom, I pulled weeds in the flower bed, recorded the meter reading online, read a little, talked to Amy and Angela on the phone, browsed around the internet and cleaned up the house.
3:00pm - Caden woke up, had a snack and we headed out to the Goodwill. On the way we blew a tire, flagged down a car occupied by two very sweet gentlemen who replaced the tire with the fake tire from the trunk.
3:30pm - We continued to the Goodwill where Caden threw a fit because he wanted to play with a red, 10 pound bowling ball...I distracted him with animal crackers and we found an adorable little night stand for $2.99, perfect for the spare bedroom! YAY GOODWILL!
4:00pm - We headed home, but made an unscheduled visit to the playground for some swing time.
4:45pm - We headed home for real
5:00pm - We ate left over lasagna, cleaned up, played ball, Caden threw a couple of fits because Dakota wouldn't fetch the ball when he threw it and watched 'Stuart Little'
6:15pm - Britt came over to pick us up and we headed to the park for a walk.
7:00pm - Britt brought us home after a good walk and some fun talk..heehee that rhymes.
7:15pm - Gave Caden a bath and dressed him for bed.
7:40pm - Caden and I shared a banana and listened to, 'Do your ears hang low' (sung by his musical dog) over and over and over.
7:55pm - Gave Caden his medicine and read him two thrilling books, 'Curious George' and 'The Duck Book'.
8:00pm - Tucked Caden in, said prayers and turned out the lights.
8:01pm - Warmed up a brownie in the microwave and watched some mindless tv.
8:30pm - Talked to Julie on the phone.
9:00pm - Sat down at the computer to waste time.
9:27pm - The time it is right now. From this moment on I will probably do some more internet surfing, watch 'The Cosby Show', get ready for bed, miss my husband, say my prayers and dose off to sleep.
Now I have answered the question that was on EVERYBODIES mind..."What was Kathy's schedule like today?"
7:30am - Caden woke up, so I did too. Luckily he woke up humming 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star' instead of screaming 'Bloody Murder'.
7:40am - Had breakfast. Bowl of Branflakes for me, waffle and 1/2 banana for Caden.
7:50am - Got in the shower and got ready while Caden finished his breakfast and watched 'Playhouse Disney'
8:30am - Washed the syrup off of Caden and got him and his diaper bag ready for the day.
9:00am - Piled Caden, his gear, a lasagna, some brownies,a frozen garlic bread and a baby outfit into the car and headed into town.
9:40am - Dropped off dinner and a baby outfit for a family who just had a baby girl...she is absolutly beautiful by the way. Congratulations Boucher Family!
10:20am - Arrived at the GC annex to do some volunteer painting.
11:30am - Left the annex after discovering we didn't have the right supplies for the job...I shall return tomorrow.
12:15pm - Ate turkey sandwiches while watching, 'Handy Manny' and 'The Doodle Bops'.
1:00pm - Caden went down for a nap. I talked to my mom, I pulled weeds in the flower bed, recorded the meter reading online, read a little, talked to Amy and Angela on the phone, browsed around the internet and cleaned up the house.
3:00pm - Caden woke up, had a snack and we headed out to the Goodwill. On the way we blew a tire, flagged down a car occupied by two very sweet gentlemen who replaced the tire with the fake tire from the trunk.
3:30pm - We continued to the Goodwill where Caden threw a fit because he wanted to play with a red, 10 pound bowling ball...I distracted him with animal crackers and we found an adorable little night stand for $2.99, perfect for the spare bedroom! YAY GOODWILL!
4:00pm - We headed home, but made an unscheduled visit to the playground for some swing time.
4:45pm - We headed home for real
5:00pm - We ate left over lasagna, cleaned up, played ball, Caden threw a couple of fits because Dakota wouldn't fetch the ball when he threw it and watched 'Stuart Little'
6:15pm - Britt came over to pick us up and we headed to the park for a walk.
7:00pm - Britt brought us home after a good walk and some fun talk..heehee that rhymes.
7:15pm - Gave Caden a bath and dressed him for bed.
7:40pm - Caden and I shared a banana and listened to, 'Do your ears hang low' (sung by his musical dog) over and over and over.
7:55pm - Gave Caden his medicine and read him two thrilling books, 'Curious George' and 'The Duck Book'.
8:00pm - Tucked Caden in, said prayers and turned out the lights.
8:01pm - Warmed up a brownie in the microwave and watched some mindless tv.
8:30pm - Talked to Julie on the phone.
9:00pm - Sat down at the computer to waste time.
9:27pm - The time it is right now. From this moment on I will probably do some more internet surfing, watch 'The Cosby Show', get ready for bed, miss my husband, say my prayers and dose off to sleep.
Now I have answered the question that was on EVERYBODIES mind..."What was Kathy's schedule like today?"
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