Sunday, April 01, 2007

Fasting is encouraging its members to fast this week. Either entirely or partially (you can see the Daniel fast menu at Pastor Hunter's Blog).
I start some hardcore training for my back this week, where I need to eat 50 grams of protien a day, so I am not going to be able to take part in the eating part of this fast, however I've decided that something that takes up more of my time than food is I'm going to fast from computer from Monday-Saturday and I will spend the time I would normally spend sitting infront of my PC, praying and focusing on God. Believe it or not this is going to be quite hard for me...but I want to deny myself something and spend more time focusing on God's voice so this should be a good way to do it.
If you need me, you'll have to call me or drop in.
So faithful readers, do not worry...I will be back on Saturday.

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