Saturday, April 21, 2007

Calm after the storm

Our neighbour is home again now. There is a moving truck outside of his place because he and his wife will be gone before Monday.
Apparantly they suffered the loss of a child last year and understandably he was quite damaged by it. The anniversary of this tragedy happened recently and Wednesday night while his wife was out of town, he took alot of pills, drank alot of beer and began to think that Caden was his baby. That's why he came over.
I am filled with empathy for them. I hate that everything happened the way it did, but sometimes people need to hit rock bottom in order to know they need help. I hope this is their wake up call...that they need to get some help coping with their loss. Pray for them.
Now that we know the man is not vengeful or angry we're begining to find some peace. Jason keeps reminding me to not allow myself to be not let others determine my happiness. I married not only a brave, but a wise man. We're both doing alot better today.
Thursday was difficult. We didn't know anything until Friday so the silence of Thursday was deafening. I was on my way to the court house to get a restraining order and I thought I was going to have a panic attack. Luckily my church was just up the street and I went in and found a haven of love and support. Thanks guys. You'll never know how much it means to have you there.
I am Blessed.
I've raved about it before, but in this month of absolute insanity, God has given me a flashing, neon sign that says, "I love you. I'm here. Quit worrying about stuff you can't control."
I could look at the month of April as being incredibly stressful, and in all honestly, it has been...but in every scenerio, God has shown me how big he is and I am reminded of his presence.
Buying the house was stressful. Will we be able to afford it? Will the commute be too much? What if something goes wrong? I've decided to change my focus to, "YAY! WE FINALLY HAVE A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE TO CALL OUR OWN! I have a hardworking husband who has never allowed us to go without anything and we're going to be fine.
Caden being sick has been stressful. Sleepless nights, loosing weight, not knowing what's wrong. I've changed my focus to, "Thank you Lord that my Son is here and protected and with me, that this illness will pass and it will be nothing but a pebble in the road." For those who are wondering about him, he has gained a pound back and is doing alot better. Praise Jesus.
This whole incident with our neighbour has had me in knots. On the positive end, I've lost 14 pounds. Calorie counting mixed with stomach flu mixed with anxiety is an excellent diet plan :)
In all seriousness this crazy event has shown me beyond the shadow of a doubt how fortunate I am. God willing I will never have to deal with the loss of a child. I don't know what I would do. The only way I would survive it is through Christ. To know that there are people harbouring as much pain as that man and woman is heartbreaking. I am very apprehensive about seeing him again, but if God can somehow use us to show this man Christ I pray that He does. This month has shown me what an amazing husband I have, what a beautiful child I have and what an incredible church family I have.
God is good. He gives and take away, but He is so good.


Kathryn said...

Hey girl! I just caught up on all your blogs....Your "creepy" guy is so much worse than my "creepy" girl....But it's true, sometimes we need to just let go of the things we have no control over(as hard as that is).

I'm glad that everything has turned out for the better....You guys are in my thoughts....

I love you sexy woman!

The Secret of Happiness said...

Kathy, I am so glad you have Jay to protect you. There are a million women in the world who want a husband to protect them. You are a lucky lady!

sarah jewett clarke said...

i love you guys so much and agree that you have a WONDERFUL husband who is strong and courageous.

he has a WONDERFUL wife who is strong and courageous.

man, that caden is a lucky kid.

we're trying to work the may week to florida you!