Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Decade!

It's 2010! Crazy. I remember ringing in the New Millennium like it was yesterday. Insane that it was 10 years ago and I was 16. If someone would have told me 10 years ago that in 2010 I'd be married for almost 7 years, living in America with a 4 year old and baby on the way, I would have been terrified!!!! It's good that we don't hold our future in our own hands. I wonder what 'terrifying' yet amazing things lie ahead for this coming decade?
I guess I'll just have to hang on and enjoy the ride :)
I suppose it isn't good to think in terms of decades. We are, after all suppose to take it one day at a time...but I'll go ahead and do my annual ritual of resolution making followed by my annual resolution breaking :) Just kidding.

Last years resolutions were as follows:

- Loose weight, get fit
- Read more, particularly the bible
- Be a better wife, mother, friend and all around person
- Write, finish and actively submit a book for publishing
- Spend more time in prayer

Well, I'm happy to say that I successfully completed a lot of the things on this list! I reached a weight loss goal I've been aiming for my entire adult life...then I got pregnant and it all went out the window, but that's besides the point :)
22 days after I wrote my resolutions, I was offered a book contract and worked on it from January-September of last year. The tentative date for it's release is April, 2010. Insane. God is good.
I read a lot more than I did last year...but I definitely need to crack the holy scriptures more. I started a year long bible reading regimen last year that lasted about 2 weeks. I've read it throughout the year but not with the structure or consistency that I intended to on January 1, 2009. I'm going to start it again this year and see how far I get. It's very hard to be consistent in this area, at least for me. But it's a goal worth repeating.
Prayer has been a roller coaster this year because I believe 2009 is the year that God began to reveal Himself to me in a different way...a way I've never a light I've never seen Him. Sometimes this made prayer extremely difficult because I wondered if I even knew Him at all. Other times, I had never felt more connected.
I can't really determine whether I was a better wife, mother and friend...I guess you'll have to ask Jay, Caden and yourselves that question :) but I tried.

So this year I have the following resolutions (not in the order of importance):

- I will have a baby (I guess that's inevitable at this point :)
- As soon as I'm dr. approved, I will get back into shape. I have more specific numbers with regards to poundage but they don't have to be posted on the internet :)
- I will market my first book and make it as successful as possible.
- I will chose to see people as God sees them regardless of whether I enjoy them or not.
- I will read my bible more (like I said, this will be a recurring goal throughout my life so I apologize for the monotony)
- I will love, respect and serve my family with a joyful heart and whatever we endure, we'll grow closer through it.

A lot of people give resolutions a bad rap, but I'm a fan of them. They are goals, aspirations, structured plans for a positive and successful future. Whether you are discouraged by how many you've broken or stumped as to what to promise yourself, I encouraged you to sit down, make a plan and try again. You only live once and the new year reminds us how quickly time flies.

Happy New Year, everyone!

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