This picture has 3 of out of 5 people who attended our wedding. We got married in a state park in SC, where it cost 1.50 for each of us to get in.
It wasn't much, but I'd trade an amazing wedding for an amazing marriage anyday.
It's funny how that moment seems like a million years ago and yesterday at the same time. We've been through so much in 4 years that it feels like a lifetime of moving and changes, but we've managed to walk through everything as best friends, laughing hysterically along the way.
What will we do to mark this amazing occasion? I'm thinking a cheap dinner at the hot dog place and a dollar movie. Afterall it is 4 years...we might as well splurge :)
Jay, even though your hair isn't as blonde or as curly as it use to be, I still love you.
Happy Anniversary! You have been blessed
Happy Anniversary!!
You are blessed!
(We celebrated 10 years today!)
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