Saturday, June 09, 2007


I didn't plan on having children so soon. I never really planned on having children at all. I mean, I never wrote it off, but I'm only 23 years old. In my mind I had a lot of time to think about that and plan it out. I wanted to enjoy being married for a long time before introducing kids into the mix. To be honest, I've never really been a big fan of kids.
Well, I'm just being honest.
I worked at summer camps and was even a youth pastor for a year but was always pretty uncomfortable talking to kids and getting on their level. My husband tells me I'm good with children, but it's totally a front. Inside I am a bundle of nerves, waiting for their parents to come and get them.
Now babies were completely foreign to me. I had never changed a diaper, never prepared a bottle or given a baby a bath. I've always loved babies because they are cute and you can't get caught in awkward conversations with them like you can older kids...but I never had alot of exposure. I was the youngest of all the grandchildren by a mile and there were never any babies around except the scattered one at Christmas or my grandmother's birthday get-togethers. I honestly had no clue how they worked.
Fast forward to Caden. Precious little man who I never exactly planned but am overwhelmingly thankful for. I remember finding out I was pregnant and being terrified and honestly quite upset. As his due date grew closer my mentality changed and I was more than ready to meet him and begin raising him.
I remember the day I had him I wasn't able to walk because of the epidurel so the nurses took care of him. The following day I was confused as to why no one had come in to change his diaper...then it dawned on me....that was MY job.
I panicked.
I began changing him, having no clue what direction the diaper was suppose to face, and he peed, poop and threw up all at the same time. I remember whispering to him, "I can't do this!"
Lucky for him I got the hang of it.
From that moment until this one, I have been completely confident in my abilities to take care of him. I've had a few break downs where I've laid on the kitchen floor weeping but I quickly shake it off and continue on with the grind.
Recently however I am having emotional flashbacks to that moment in my hospital room when I whispered, "I can't do this!"
I love our new house but the lonliness of a small town is not something I've had to deal with in a long time. On top of that, Caden is in a very interesting stage of his life where he cannot talk, but has ALOT to say and gets crazy-postal angry when he can't tell me what he wants. Isolation + 24/7 whining baby = "I can't do this!"
I love being at home with him, and the thought of not being with him 8 hours a day makes me whell up with tears but somedays I think having a job outside of the house would be a nice mental break. Having a reason to dress up, being able to eat lunch without someone pointing to it and yelling, "DAT!"
Being able to run to the post office or make a quick trip to the grocery store on my way from here to there and not have to drag another body out of the car for a 2 minute trip. Having other adults to talk to and having a sense of accomplishment at the end of each task.
I'm not going to do it, not because it's wrong, but because I know myself and in all honestly the laughter with Caden out weighs the tears and the good times always out number and out weigh the bad.
However somedays I do day dream about it and go to
I know all of the things I need to do to make life better for myself. I need to meet people, I need to get out of the house and find activities for us to do, I need to change my attitude and suck it up and I know that inevidibly I will, but right now I have to say I am doubting myself and I am emotionally tired. Very, very tired.
LUCKILY, my mom is coming in August and that'll be a breath of fresh air. As much as having my mom around would be helpful when I need childcare in a pinch or when I need to run some errands, I mostly wish my mom was around just to keep me company. After that I have a few other scheduled visits from close friends so the future looks bright and less lonely.
I often times hesitate writing anything of depth on this blog because I don't want to be asked how I am or viewed a certain way by the people I love..but anyone who knows me knows that I HATE talking about my feelings face to face and this is my venue for doing it, but no worries friends, I'll be fine. Just venting at the ventilation station.


Anonymous said...

Kathy we have all felt this way i worked for 12 years before having you 2 and i still felt the way you do TRAPPED< EXHAUSTED< IRRITATED. This too shall pass

Honeydew said...

Hey There Sis! I SO wish that I was nearer to you so I could help you out. I think about Caden (& you) at least a dozen times every day and bring myself to tears quite often (like now) because I miss you guys so much that it literally hurts. I kinda have the same feeling that you do with regards to being alone. We don't know many people here but I can't even imagine how I would feel if I didn't have my job to keep me job is what keeps me sane here! But you have a very important job and his name is Caden! Gerry and I are definitely looking forward about coming to visit in February...I mention it to everyone I see! Anytime you need someone to talk to (no matter what time) call me...and then I'll call you right back! Ha ya! Sis

Cathy said...

I think that you are beating yourself up too much. You are a fantastic Mom! I couldn't have done what you are doing. Staying at home just wasn't for me. Bill and Jenn, and Johanna and Domonic were just here for a few days. Johanna and Jenn are both stay at home Moms too. They have many of the same problems that you have. If you want I can get you in touch by e-mail.