According to the TODAY show this morning, Mom's tend to fall into 2 categories.
1) Alpha Mom: Ultra organized, efficient, appearing flawless and pulled together.
2) Beta Mom or Slacker Mom: Laid back, scatter brain, lives in the moment.
It turns out that these sectors of mommy-ness both appreciate and are sometimes jealous of eachother.
The Alpha mom wishes she could be more laid back and easy going. She wishes she didn't feel so much pressure to get everything done...from immaculate housecleaning to baking cupcakes for the PTA.
The Beta Mom wishes she could be more organized and accomplished. If at all, she shows up 30 minutes late for the PTA meeting, looking like she just escaped a wind storm with a bag of Doritos she snagged at the gas station, wondering how super Alpha mom gets it all done.
It was really interesting.
I am 100% a slacker mom and up until today was frustrated with myself for being one. There are days when I play chase and peek-a-boo for hours while the laundry just sits there...and many times my child has shown up to church with mismatched socks or a hint of breakfast on his face but at the end of the day, he's happy and healthy.
I don't wash the pacifier everytime it falls on the floor, my car is an absolute disaster area with a very interesting odor and try as I may, I am usually 5 minutes late for everything but strangely, the world stays on it's axis regardless.
The truth is that I am with Caden 24/7, and most days it's just the two of us from 9-8 and if I try to operate outside of myself, I'm going to burn out.
So I shall embrace my slacker mom self and relish in the freedom of doing so and
I apologize to anyone who is negatively affected by it :)
you are a lot of things but "slacker" is not a word I would use to describe you. I am often amazed watching you do everything that you do. You are always late but thats another subjuct all together. I love you. Thanks for everything you do to keep this family afloat.
Hmm, I would have thought that you were a laid back Alpha mom. I don't know how you do all you do! And being the official contributor of Diet Pepsi on top of things!
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