Thursday, June 14, 2007

Attitude Change

I always get irritated with myself when I wallow in my own sorrow for too long. After a little while I slap myself across the face and say, "SNAP OUT OF IT!"
I am a huge believer in happiness being a choice more so than an emotion, and once again I have evaluated my pros and cons and have decided that I have alot to be happy about.
I broke down and went to a Mom's group in Tallahassee the other day and in all honesty, it was really nice! The day flew by and I met some nice women. Caden played really well and interacted with everyone. He's less and less afraid of other childen everyday :) I think that being able to walk has alot to do with it. He knows that he can get away from them if they annoy him too much :)
Tuesday we went to the Library for Book Babies and I met some great women and found a Mom's group in my area that welcomed me with open arms.
As an extrovert, I draw my energy from other people. It is amazing what just getting out and meeting people can do.
Yesterday I cashed in on my Mother's Day massage and was awesome. I wish I could do that every few days. I think I want to turn my house into a spa. Get rid of the bed and sleep on a massage table, play soft celtic music all day with trickling water in the background...Awwwww.
Last night I dreamed that I had to have surgery to remove a tumor in my stomach but I was trying to shop for the cheapest surgery at Walmart. I woke up laughing. Not about the tumor, but about the shopping. Some of the surgeries came with nice robes and slippers...
Today is a bit slower paced. It's 11:20 and I'm still in my pjs, but I think Caden and I will go to the beach this afternoon.
I find that having things to look forward to makes everday more positive.
For instance...
Tomorrow I am going to a music therapy program for babies at the hospital.
Sunday is church. I love church.
Next week I am going to visit my good friend Carey and her munchkins in Fort Walton Beach.
In July, Jay's parents are meeting us at Disney World for some fun with Mickey.
In August, my Mom is coming for a week, followed by a friend of mine who is coming for a month! SO EXCITING!
In September, Jay and I will celebrate 4 years of marriage.
In October, we get to dress Caden up in something cute for Halloween.
In November...Hmmm...what happens in November....It'll start to feel comfortable in Florida! Oh ya...and American Thanksgiving.
Ok, Maybe I should take it one day at a time.
Either way, I'm happy...and that's a good choice.


Honeydew said...

What happens in November?! My birthday of course!!

Micah Vandegrift said...

my birthday too!!

Kathy said...

Alright, alright...November is important!