Friday, June 29, 2007

Under the Weather

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been a little under the weather.
What does that mean anyway??
Who knows.
I'm actually going to break down and go to the doctor today. This is probably the 4th or 5th time this has happened since the begining of April. Every few weeks I get a crazy burning stomach and I get really sick. It's been nice for the weightloss effort...but not so good for the over health. I've lost about 14 pounds since this whole thing started. Usually in the weeks that I am not sick, I gain back 3-4 pounds but it never fails that I will get sick and loose it all again. Vicious cycle.
So it is off to my wierdo dr I go...because getting into a new doctor in America takes 50 years so you pretty much have to stick to the one you've got...mine happens to be a wierdo. I'm not saying that to be hateful...I'm sure he knows it about himself :) And his nurse assistant is really nice so they balance eachother out.
I must get a shower, make a doctors appointment, and then Caden and I are off to the hospital for Baby Music therapy time...very holistic and earthy time where we celebrate sign language and music. It is a free program done by the university to study children and music. He doesn't really have any interested in sign, but he loves music. Caden has a personal assesment today. I hope it goes well! Mostly I hope he is not cranky because that is his nap time.
Better get going!


Anonymous said...

Kathy, I'm sorry you're sick. It sounds like you might be having gall bladder attacks. A lot of my friends have had that happen, especially after the birth of a child. Not sure why we have a gall bladder, since taking it out seems not to be an issue with most doctors.
Let me know how you are doing.

Love ya,

Johnny said...

Hey Kathy,

I'm praying for you.


Johnny said...
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