Saturday, October 03, 2009

Water Is Important

I have learned this the hard way at many points in my life because I hate water. I think it tastes like metal and I don't find it refreshing. It turns my stomach. Since becoming pregnant, I have given up the one drink I like. Diet Pepsi. I want to eliminate this beverage, less due to the caffeine and more due to the artificial sweeteners...not good for baby...but finding something that I actually like to drink (that doesn't have 80 pounds of sugar in it) has been very difficult. I think that due to the lack of yummy, liquid choices, I significantly but unintentionally lowered my liquid intake.
For the last week, I have felt weak, faint, winded and overall horrible. Once I realized it was probably a dehydration thing, I was passed the point of no return. No amount of water/Gatorade drinking was making it better.
I went to the ER yesterday, after almost passing out while making a sandwich, and received some IV fluids. Now, I FEEL AMAZING! It's like I had my batteries changed! Yesterday, I had to try three times to get out of bed. This morning, I popped up, made the bed and started folding laundry. I feel energized and healthy...better than I have in a long time.
Long story short, water is important. Lesson learned.


jny said...

I don't really understand why anyone can't be madly in love with water like I am, but Crystal Light has some Hydration fruit packets or something that you might like.

Kathy said...

I'm trying to steer clear of the artificial sweetners but no worries, even though I don't like the taste, I have a new found appreciation for the H20.

Papa Sound said...

Living in the country means: Well Water! We have the best H2O. Can't stand water from town when we eat out. Maybe we need to bring you some? Empty gallon jugs are easily filled....