Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Practice Run

Caden and I had a 13 month old little friend come over to play today. I was interested to see how Caden would react to a baby in his room, touching his toys and toddling towards him...he's not usually a big fan of walking babies...I think they freak him out because he can't figure out if they are a baby or a kid...
Anyway, Baby Friend arrived at 9am and we went into Caden's room where he was playing the keyboard. Immediately, he started pulling musical toys out of his toy box, asking, "Is this OK for babies?"
One at a time he brought them to her, building her a drum set then sitting at his own drum set to 'teach' her how to play. It was quite cute.
Then we got ready and went to the park to meet Dana and her boys for a little duck feeding time. Baby Friend sneezed in the car...Caden said, "O, bless you."
When we got to the park, I unbuckled Caden and he climbed out of the car himself...making me thank my lucky stars that he's already so independent before baby #2 arrives. I got Baby Friend into her stroller and we all had a lovely time at the park. I tried to get everyone back in the car as efficiently as possible. Caden climbed in first and got seated. Then I buckled in the baby and threw her diaper bag in on the car floor. Then I popped the trunk and put the stroller in there. Then I got in the I was about to pull away Caden said while laughing hysterically, "Mama, I'm not safe!"
I forgot to buckle him in. Thank God for a child with a good vocabulary!
We both laughed as I buckled him in. I thanked him for reminding me and he said, "That's ok."
At lunch he ate really well and Baby Friend gnawed on bananas, bread and baby-sized cheez-its. Caden made sure she had everything she needed.
On the way home he looked over at her and said, "I love her."
When we got home, I was holding Baby Friend while trying to manipulate her pac-n-play...Caden followed behind with all the blankets she would need for her nap. He picked up everything I dropped (don't worry, I didn't drop the baby!), asked to help make the bed and 'shushed' me every 5 minutes after she fell asleep.
"Mama, Shhh! The baby is sleeping!"
All of this to say, Caden is going to make an excellent big brother. He is loving and kind, caring and thoughtful, helpful and polite...I'm really excited for him to meet his baby brother or sister and I feel much better about how he'll react to being a sibling...I'm also more confident in my own abilities to handle more than one kid. I was a bit nervous, but I actually think I'll enjoy the challenge...not to mention the cuteness :)

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