Amy's ugly dress....A.K.A: Shorty McShort Skirt.
My ugly sequence dress outside of the bowling alley. It weighed about 5 pounds and ripped when I was doing up my bowling shoes.
Two ugly dresses are better than one.
Ugly dress dinner at TGIFridays.
The bride to be.
At the end of a very funny night
This speaks for itself...
Vacuuming with Amy.
Caden tipped over a box of branflakes so he and Dakota decided to clean it up together.
This picture makes me look a little on the pudgy side but I wanted to show mom my new dress that I wore to Micah and Abby's wedding.
Caden loves his kitty.
Some cute videos of Caden and Sampson.
1 comment:
That cat is amazing! I can't believe he's just lying there!!
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