Thursday, October 18, 2007

For the Grandparents

Evil but adorable:

Caden learning how to jump:

Stretching before a drum session.

"Rat-a-tat-tat, I'm not wearing any pants!"

"Why is this ball so big?"

"Now what?"

Daddy tossing Caden around. Those two make me nervous.

"Hey, these are pretty stylish!"

Showing off his baby abs.

Amy and I split a piece of pizza. Since Amy didn't want the crust, I got creative with my cutting. She's holding her slice.

1 comment:

The Secret of Happiness said...

Ha ha ha!

That first video is hilarious! I need him to help me pack - he makes sure EVERYTHING is out of the drawer!

So cute.

I think I want to chew his cheeks off...

But I won't. Just so you know.