Monday, October 15, 2007

First Official Day of Detox

Caden has been going to sleep for the past several days without his paci. We were shocked by how easy his transition was....but it was too good to be true.
For some reason he is jonesin bad for it today.
So here we sit, listening to the protesting while he should be taking a nap.
Every bone in my body wants to grab the paci out of my dresser drawer and stick it in his mouth so he'll stop crying and go to sleep, but I know we've come too far to go back now.
I have a twitch in my eye.
I don't do well with crying...Baby cry is my least favourite sound...I grind my teeth and my stomach is in knots whenever I have to wait out a crying fit. I love this age, I just wish it came with less drama and emotional outbursts.
Shhhh, you hear that?
It's the sound of a sleeping baby. FINALLY!!!

1 comment:

The Secret of Happiness said...

I've heard using the Paci Fairy works well if he's still not doing well with it in a few days.