Tuesday, January 23, 2007

State of the Union Address

I was going to count how many times G.W. said the word 'terror' to entertain myself while my television was taken hostage by this yearly political event but I actually got slightly wrapped up in what was going on. I'm not a republican. I'm not a democrat. Legally, I'm not even able to vote given my citizenship, but I'm not sure that I would even if I could. Not because I don't have opinions and not because I am complacent in the direction of the nation I live in, but because I really have not yet been moved to follow any of the "leaders" I have ever seen run for office.

Politics is just so laced with lies and broken promises that I have little faith in the whole mess. I really don't know enough to speak strongly on anything the President spoke about tonight, except for health care...and his solution did little to impress me.

I began to drift off into my own world when he began talking about the war and the extra troops they are sending into Bagdhad. I didn't think about the strategy or even the long term goals of congress....I thought about the families who have loved ones in a foreign and scary place. I can't even imagine having my husband gone for months and months on end..let alone if he was gone to fight in a war torn country. I praise God that he has given me the ability to have empathy for people who are in situations I may never experience or fully understand. My heart goes out to them.

On a lighter note, my husband just suggested that Condaleza (spelled completely wrong) Rice resembles a cling-on.

George W. also touched on "The Baby Einstein" series creator which made me very happy. God bless that woman. They recognized her for her contribution to childhood education and her entrepreneurship. I recognize her for creating something that allows me to get a shower in peace.

So G.W. says he's going to balance the federal budget, create more jobs, decrease the need for oil and stop depending on foreign countries for their production of it. He recognized heroes, ran his mouth about health care reform and said the word terror approximately 23 times.

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