Friday, January 05, 2007

Mmmmm...Green Tea

Okay, If anyone is looking for a caffeine free alternative for enegry, look no further then Green Tea. Seriously. I have completely turned my apartment upside down, cleaning, organizing, sorting and I have SO much energy! It's crazy. I started drinking Green Tea on Monday. Yesterday was the first day I didn't have any and I felt like poo all day. Green Tea is a magical happy drink that won't complicate your morality or mess up your body. Get some. Put some splenda in it. It's delicious!
Caden woke up yesterday with red spots all over his face and two on his hand. I think something got on him in the night and bit him. I checked all though his crib and room last night and couldn't find anything so I put him down and this morning he woke up with two more on his face. They aren't anywhere that his pajamas cover so I know it's not chicken pox...but the poor little thing looks like a leopard. I've taken everything out of his crib and am washing it all...hopefully whatever it is won't survive the washer and dryer. I was going to go walking with him but I don't want people to run in fear of his bumpiness. We're laying low at home today.
I had three very healthy days. Yesterday was Jay's day off so we split a double doozie cookie from the Great American Cookie place in the mall and had some fried chicken for dinner. I've decided that I am going to relax on the day's Jay is off, but every other day I am going to be very strict. That way I am treating myself once a week and that's more of a lifestyle than a diet. My problem is that I start off strong and say no to everything and then two weeks in I crash and eat a plate of brownies...If I allow myself once weekly treats, I won't be so likely to throw my hands up and say, "I HATE HEALTHY EATTING!" We'll see.
I have rearranged my living room and I love it. It's so much more open and inviting. I love a good rearrange. I've also managed to find three bags and a box of stuff to give to the goodwill. It's crazy. We've moved so much that I thought I had purged through everything we couldn't possibly want or need but everytime I purge there's more to give/throw away. It's insane how much junk you can accumulate.
Well I should go eat lunch while Caden is sleeping and "What not to wear" is on.
By the way, if anyone wants to secretly sign my up for that show I would not be offended. I would be very grateful. Help a sister out.


Anonymous said...

what not to wear is some quality viewing. Good Choice.
love jacqueline

Stephanie said...

Yes! I begged Tilden to set me up... I even told him that I would fill out the form and pretend to act surprised if he did everything else. I wsa completed serious... he did nothing.

Hope Caden's spots are going away and that no more have appeared...