Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Long Overdue

In 5 days, Jay and I will be going on vacation. We won't be visiting anyone. We won't have any obligations. We won't have a child to tend to (this part makes me a little nervous and sad, but I know it's important to take a break from the little guy). It'll just be us and the open seas...and I can't wait.
We've never done anything like this. When we got married, the ceremony was on a Friday night and we were back to work on Monday morning. The last time Jay and I went on a vacation together, that didn't include travelling to one of our home towns, was when we spent 4 days in Wilmington, NC in March, 2004.
Jay said last night, "I don't have many regrets about our marriage but not taking enough breaks together is definitely something I regret."
But thanks to a generous and early Christmas gift from my parents, we'll be going on a Carnival Cruise to the Bahamas. We leave Sunday for Jacksonville, board the ship on Monday and sail the seas until Saturday morning. Every day we get more and more excited...I have not gone to any public places this week without hand santizer...yesterday, I applied purel to mine and Caden's hands about 13 times each...I refuse to get sick before this trip!
I am aware that Caden will be a tad bit angry when we return. Anytime I've ever left him, he makes me pay for it when I come back...but I've learned that's how he shows me how much he missed me...by torturing me for leaving him :)
But it's so important for Jay and I to take this time, just for us. These days, we don't get a lot of time alone and those quiet moments together are only going to become fewer and farther between once a new baby is thrown into the picture so although this vacation is long overdue, it's also right on time.
I have to give a special thanks to:
My parents for making this possible...I am truly blessed to have you as my parents....and not just because of the tangible things you do for me...the intangible is priceless.
Jay's parents, for fronting us some Christmas love early so we can have a stress-free time.
Amber, for holding down the fort (taking care of Caden, cleaning, cooking, animal maintaining) while we're gone. Knowing Caden is with you makes it less stressful to leave him. He is really looking forward to his special 'Ms. Ambo' time.
Dana, for taking care of Caden for a few days while we're gone. When I asked you to help, you didn't even hesitate.
Sonnie from Little Lambs, who is letting Caden go to school for a day while we're gone.
The dude who bought Jacksonville Jaguars tickets from us...Jay won tickets to a game and sold them on craigslist for lots o' cash. HUGE blessing...we'll be going on a stress-free vacation.
Last but certainly not least, God - for giving me the most amazing husband a woman could ever ask for.
Bring on vacation!!!

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