Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Yuck

Everyone in my house has been dealing with 'the yuck.' Amber started with it and by far suffered the worst of the blow. Jay got it next and his was not much better. Caden and I seem to have adopted it at the same time and although we aren't suffering nearly as bad, we still feel pretty yucky...hence the name.
Sleeping has been difficult. If Jay isn't coughing, then I am...we keep each other up most of the night, hacking and blowing our noses.
Caden and I have on again- off again fevers and an over all yucky feeling. This makes me want to sleep all the time and it makes him terribly cranky. The combination isn't the greatest when we're the only ones home. I have little energy to deal with him and just about anything sets him off. Fabulous.
On a positive note, we are becoming more and more at home in our new place. I drove out to Crawfordville yesterday with Caden to check on some things and I was reminded of what a great decision it was to move into Tallahassee. We've gotten so much more time back and people and play dates are only a short drive away. Lovely.
I went to Charlotte, NC over the weekend for a Newfie Girl's Get Together and baby shower for our friend, Roberta. It was SO much fun. It is always wonderful being around people from home. I forget how great it is to be able to talk freely without having to explain laugh at jokes no one else but a Newfoundlander would speak in my native dialect without having to slow it down and interpret and although these types of trips make me homesick, I had a blast.
It was amazing...I hope to do it again soon. Thanks Kristy, for hosting all the fun.
Right now I'm debating whether I want to go to work tonight. I feel really worn down and I won't be able to will be a piano only night if I do decide to go. Ugh. What to do...
I am sending off my book contract today. I should have sent it last month but with the move and everything, it still remains on my kitchen counter. Today it will be sent off and I guess everything will be officially official. It's still surreal and very exciting.
By the sounds of it, my son as stopped fighting his nap and is finally I must take advantage of this time to fold clothes and collapse afterward.

1 comment:

The Secret of Happiness said...

It was wonderful to have you all here. You know you're in the company of good friends when there is no need to turn on the tv.