One day this past October he just started saying, 'Micka Mouse' out of the blue and now he exclaims his name regularly with perfect pronunciation.
We are fairly behind technologically and still don't own a DVR so when we watch Mickey Mouse we have to do it the old fashion way...either live on Playhouse Disney in the morning or by using one of the 3 DVD's we own. The problem is that the DVD's are holiday specific.
In Caden's words, we have 'Mickey Mouse Pumpkin' (Halloween), 'Mickey Mouse Snow' (Christmas), and 'Mickey Mouse Eggs' (Easter).
Thankfully, the Christmas and Halloween phase he was going through a few short weeks ago has past, and we are now appropriately watching the Easter movie at least twice a day. Keep in mind, these episodes are about 30 minutes long so he's not a total couch potato...just a tator tot.
I am forever thankful to the mouse for the joy he has given my child and the mental relief he has given me by entertaining him from time to time...and I'm somewhat sad for the day when Caden will loose interest in his tiny, rodent friend.
Until that day, he is 100% a Mickey Mouse kid...and that is fine by me.
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