Saturday, February 09, 2008

Waiting for a Futon

We found a great futon on and I am waiting for it to be delivered. The people were nice enough to drive it all the way from the north side of Tallahassee to Crawfordville! I'm trying to keep Caden awake so that all the commotion doesn't disturb his nap, but he is more than ready for some shut eye. He slept for a long time yesterday afternoon so at 6:20 this morning he was ready and rearin to start the day. I think they'll be here soon so hopefully he can keep his eyelids open until after they've left. I found a toy that he had forgotten about so he is very interested in his 'new' singing dog. I love how kids have the memory of goldfish.
Caden has been picking up on alot more words lately. He still has no real interest in verbal communication but he is doing much better. I know his lack of words is not due to his lack of brain power because he is one smart cookie. He is very aware of everything and everyone. He suprises me daily with what he knows and understands. I also know there's nothing wrong with his hearing because he can hum anything you sing to him in near perfect pitch and responds to the slightest whisper of his name. So with no cogintive problems and no hearing problems the only thing left is this: He just doesn't care to talk yet.
A friend told me that some kids who are slow talkers are actually so intellegent and have so much going on in their brains that talking gets put on the back burner. Sounds like far fetched child psychology, but I'll take it! :) Baby Einstein!
He loves to dance, he loves to socialize, he loves to drum, he loves Mickey Mouse (whom he calls 'Eye Eye Ice'), he loves animals (especially dogs, cats, ducks, cows and monkeys), He loves his daddy and can point to his store from a mile away and say 'Dada' in his french accent. He loves to play ball, he loves balloons.
He hates getting his diaper changed, he hates having his nose wiped, he hates it when big people commercials come in the middle of little people shows.
He loves the phone, he loves his friends and family, he loves grapes, apples, goldfish, turkey bacon, french fries and LOTS of milk. He still drinks 4 times the ammount a child his age should, but the doctor assures me there's nothing wrong with him. He just likes beverages!
Well, There are some updates for those of you who are missing some Caden...and I'm still waiting on a futon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm missin' some major Caden and can't wait to check out all those things for myself in another 6 weeks :)
