Monday, February 11, 2008

My Current Soap Box

I've been in the States for about 5 years now and am just starting to obtain an understanding of the political system. Canada and America are very different nations in most respects, especially in the area of politics and government. I don't consider myself to be a political person. I honestly believe that when it comes time to vote that the object is to decide the lesser of the evils and go with him/her. All politicians lie, all politicians make empty promises and all politicians spend ridiculous amounts of time, money and resources pushing their own agenda instead of feeding the hungry they speak so passionately about...but aside from all of that, I've actually been following the American political process this year and it's got me a little fired up. Particularly because I have said in several circles that if I were legally able to vote in America, I think I would vote for a democratic candidate.
This is always followed (either in jest or in all seriousness) by:
"So, you are for abortion?"
The answer to that is no. Of course not. As a mother, as a woman and as a Christian, I believe that life begins at conception and that abortion is murder, but I have big problems with politicians using this issue as a platform for votes if they have no intensions of doing anything about it. George Bush is known for being 'pro-life' but guess what? He's been President for 8 years and abortion is still legal, still advertised in the yellow pages, still readily available to women of all ages and still prevalent. If a politician is 'pro-life' and as part of his/her campaign has a plan to illegalize abortion AND set up more funding and support for women who carry unplanned children to term and more effective ways for people who want to adopt to be able to do so without paying out the nose for it, I would be very moved to support that person. Did you know that adoption of an American child in foster care to an American family desperately wanting children can cost up to $20,000.00 or more?
Show me a politician who uses his/her pro-life stance as a means for doing something about it and I would be drawn to that person. But I see no reason in choosing a candidate based on an issue where they passionately share their 'opinion' but in the end plan on doing nothing about.
Some people say that if we illegalize abortion than women will injure themselves trying to do back alley abortions like in the film, "Cider House Rules." I don't think we should maintain a legal way of killing unborn children because otherwise women may make stupid choices. If that was the case we would have to legalize things like assisted suicide and drug use as away of ensuring peoples safety. At the end of the day people have to be responsible for their own decisions so I am absolutly for the illegalization of abortion...but so far no republican candidate has talked about doing that.
Since I am 'pro-life' I am also against euthanasia regardless of the circumstances. This may make me seem cold and ignorant to the pain of terminally ill people but I say this knowing that no matter what happens to me or my family, it is God's right to take our lives. No one else's.
If a democratic politian who is 'pro-choice' was wanting to implement a plan to increase the abortion rate and kill as many embryos as possible, I of course would not vote for that person, but that's not what 'pro-choice' means. I am not defending the 'pro-choice' position because I don't believe in it, but it means that women should be able to choose whether or not they want to carry a conceived child to term...which is exactly the way America works right now under the leadership of a republican, pro-life, 'christian', man. I agree with his opinion on abortion, but am saddened by the way it is used as a tool to obtain the Christian vote instead of means of getting something done. Just because someone is anti-abortion does not mean they have concrete morality in every other area. In being 'pro-life' I am also against capital punishment which is something our current president has no qualms about. Is life only sacred for babies and people who earn the right to live? If we're going to blur religious and political lines anyway than is God not the only one who can take life and isn't all sin the same in his eyes?
So if I was American and if I could vote and if I did vote for a democratic candidate, it would not mean I was 'for' abortion.
It means I am against basing my vote on an issue that isn't going to change regardless of who comes into office and I do not decide a persons morality on one issue in which we differ. It's a big issue, but it's not the only issue...especially if it isn't going to change regardless of who has the power.
I would vote for someone who was going to make a difference. In the same way faith without deeds is dead, so are words without action. Don't bring up abortion if you're not going to change the system.
But no worries. If you completely disagree with me, don't loose sleep over it. I can't vote anyway :)


Anonymous said...

I completely agree the same way that so many vote for a person based on the fact that they are conservative here in Canada...or the candidate is a "Christian"...I really think people need to think, pray and meditate as to who they vote for.

Micah Vandegrift said...

good, honest, brave words. your opinion is valid and respectable. I would love to have this discussion with you in person, as well as the "Liberal/Conservative" one we hinted at the other day. The bottom line is that in America, politics and religion are inextricably tied and that fundamentally makes stuff complicated for us. The emphasis on issues over action is a problem that comes with the American political cycle. Is 4-8 years enough time to make any significant changes at all? I think that morality should remain in the hands of the Church and that the government should be concerned with how best to serve its citizens in a efficient and fair manner. Anyways, kudos for your thoughts and pray for the nation, as we all should.

Kathy said...

True that. I don't know that someone can bring about long and significant change within a 4-8 period...look at a country as though it were a family. How healthy would the family be if the parents kept changing every 4-8 years...and with them changed their vision, their passions, their goals, their direction...that would create one confused kid...
I'd like to continue this discussion with you too. You're good for my brain :)

Stephanie said...

I completely agree with you... and am tired of the Republican party using "safe" "Christian" issues such as abortion and gay rights to get the Christian vote. Neither of those issues are going to change legally any time soon, yet we waste so much energy and money on debating those issues. I'm sick and tired of people saying that the Christian party is the Republican party... I'm pretty convinced that Jesus would want nothing to do with the Republican party...

Anyways, you totally don't want to get me started on politics...