Julie, the Mommy to be...who for 7 months thought she was having a little girl and then SUPRISE! Last ultrasound revealed a little something extra if ya know what I mean. So excited that Baby Boy Osteig is coming into the world tomorrow.

I had nothing to do with this picture besides taking it....
Feeding Clifford apples...and telling him to 'Chew, Chew, Chew'
This is why I catch everything my Son brings home from daycare!
"I have Mommy'd money! Now what will I buy?...."
He looks a bit strung out here but he's not...he's watching Mickey Mouse while shaking pre-natal vitamins to the music. Don't worry..they have a child proof cap and he was carefully monitored. haha.
"I'm ready for school!"
He is such as awesome kid...and you guys awesome parents!!
Caden is so cute... so did he do better this time around on the trip?
He actually stayed behind this time...which worked out well because he came down with a stomach bug 30 seconds after i left...so that would have made for a much worse experience than last time!!
He and Daddy still had fun on their boys weekend.
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