Thursday, May 31, 2007

Mongo the Chimp

Sometimes living with Caden is like having my very own monkey. A wild and crazy animal that likes to yell, run and throw things. While he is getting his molars he is like a monkey with rabies. An angry, vicious, fit throwing monkey that foams at the mouth and bites. I don't know if this is a Newfoundland saying or if everyone will understand this but 'Me nerves is rubbed raw!'
Translation: 'I'M GOING CRAZY!'
Generally he's a great baby, and I honestly can't blame him for being ticked...after all he has a mouth full of teeth that are breaking through his gums causing him to be congested, feverish, and the bum rash he has is nasty....but it still can be quite aggrevating...especially since I'm alone with him from 9:00 in the morning till 8:00 at night.
Imagine being trapped in a cage with a wild monkey for 11 hours a day....This was my yesterday....
I love my life, even on days when I don't necessary like it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy,
I finally got the chance to check out Cadens Corner....and I know how you feel about the teething dilemma. Just remember this too shall pass. Keep the blog going...not only your Mom gets to watch that precious boy grow up. What a blessing for us all!!!

The Secret of Happiness said...

Even the great Kathy's of the world get tired...
I wish I could give you a break!

Cathy said...

I remember days, and some very long nights with Jason and Chris with the teething thing. Every mother knows what you are going through. There are some over the counter teething jels that you can rub on their gums for some temporary relief. Maybe that would help both of you! Remember you are a fantastic Mom, and you are doing a great job. Kiss the boys for me!