I've decided to write a blog about my sister. I only have one sister. Her name is Melissa. She is 3 years older than me. Melissa and I shared a bedroom for the first 10 years of my life. These were fun and excruciating years. We played hard, we fought hard. There was plenty of hair braiding and hair pulling. We would act silly, and beat eachother silly. Brothers had nothing on us. We were rough.
I wouldn't characterize Melissa and I as 'friends' growing up...and I don't know that she would either. I was the annoying little sister who hated doing chores and was content to live in a dirty, clutter filled room....Melissa was slightly more anal when it came to our living quarters. She purged her things every Spring and had a yard sale. I could never understand why I never got any of the money...not recognizing that I refused to sell any of my stuff and did none of the work.
Whenever we played "Jobs" (a game in which we picked whatever profession we wanted and acted it out) Melissa would always pick a secretary. The girl lived for organization. Funny that she ended up getting a diploma in Business Administration. Melissa and I were polar opposites. Night and day.
It wasn't until Melissa moved out that we became friends...I know that sounds terrible, but it's true. Melissa moved to the big city and suddenly I found myself really wanting to visit her. I'd go in on the bus and stay at her house. We'd watch movies and eat and hang out and have an awesome time with eachother. We changed from being sisters, squatters in eachothers territories, to being friends. When I moved away from home, Melissa moved back in...so the opposite happened. Melissa would come into town to stay with me and I always looked forward to it. Eventually we ended up renting together for a couple of months and it was a really great time. We'd be the best of friends...but funny enough when we'd go home to our parents house for visits we would fight like cats and dogs again...i guess for old times sake.
As we get older, we get closer...physically we couldn't be further away, but we appreciate eachother more with each passing year. Melissa treats me better then I deserve after pestering her within an inch of her life as a child.
Melissa is hysterically funny. She makes me laugh, usually without realizing what she's saying. She always remembers every birthday and anniversary. She loves my Son more than I could ever ask her to. She is always faithful in calling me and checking on me. When Melissa came to visit me after I had Caden, she worked her tail off for me the entire week she was here. She washed and made every bottle, she stayed up with him at night, she changed him, bathed him, dressed him up...all out of love for me. She re-organized all of his drawers, his closet, she cleaned everything twice over...her love language is helping and working to make life easier for the people she cares for.
Why am I writing this? Because I don't like saying this stuff in person...and my life has become so busy that I rarely get a chance to talk to my dear siser. I want Melissa to know that I think about her everyday, I pray for her, I appreciate her and I thank God for her.
I miss you and can't wait to see you. Don't ever think my absence is a lack of caring...it's more like a lack of quiet time to actually make a phone call. When life slows down, we'll chat more. I promise.
Thanks for being you.