Monday, October 27, 2008

I Know

Once again, the house showing was a bust.
I trust God. I know His will needs to be done in this...I also know I am to be very thankful that we have a roof over our heads, food to eat and good jobs to pay for it all...I know I am suppose to remain positive...I know God has already taken care of 2 out of the 3 biggest things we had happening...he got Caden into a better school which has completely changed the quality of his and our lives...Jay got a better job which was a prayer many years in the me when I say, I am super thankful for those things coming to pass...
I know that everything happens for a reason and that I can't see the bigger picture...I know the house will sell when it's suppose to and that there's more to this than meets the eye...I know there are more people involved in this scenario than just me...I know that I need to be patient and faithful regardless of whether I feel like it
...I know, I know, I know...
It's still tough....and right now I just need to have the right to be disappointed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we love you and God does and He also knows you are disappointed and that's ok. I saw a man in South Africa with 2 children living under a tree, with 1 cooking pot,3 clay bowls and a blanket to share. It made me put things in the right light (about my children being so far away)We all have so much